The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Clarity of the Gospel of Grace and Peace

     People are confused about religion.  Some think it comes down to preference.  But what is the God of the Bible all about?  He is about justice and mercy, grace and truth.  Religion should not come down to preference.  Truth should motivate us to choose wisely.  The divine truth of Christ is that He was sent into the world to save sinners through His life and death alone in the trimphantness of His bodily resurrection.  Christ is greater then Buddha, Confucius and Mohammad!  The clarity of the Gospel is about the nature of God and the nature of the Gospel.  The nature of God is that there are three distinct persons in one true being; that is, three persons in one essence.  The nature of the Gospel is contrary to a works of satisfaction gospel; that is, justice was satisfied through the divine Redeemer at the Cross in the most precious transaction of His unified merit and righteousness!  The clarity of the Gospel is about repentance toward a holy God and forgiveness of sin in and through Jesus Christ. 
     The Gospel does not save us partially but wholly.  The thief on the Cross asked for Jesus to remember him.  We all should ask the same thing of Jesus.  He remembers us in the hiding of the Cross.  It covers our shame and unworthiness.  It is the time when we are declared righteous.  In sanctification we are made righteous.  The Gospel of sanctification is about being conformed to His majestic image.  We are glorified in a past tense but also there remains a future glorification.  We are now glorified in the sense that we are the children of God.  We will be glorified in the future of eternity where we will be sinless and unable to sin against God.  The clarity of the Gospel is forgiveness of sin in terms of our past, present and future life.  It is on the basis of Christ alone that we are forgiven and washed with and in His all-atoning blood.  His blood is the unsurpassing riches of all spiritual healing. 
     The Gospel is centered on Christ alone.  Rome says that people who do not know Christ exclusively will go to heaven; however, the Bible says that we must have a personal trust in Christ alone.  She also says that we have some part of goodness in us; however, the Psalms and Romans says that no one is good.  Jehovah’s Witnesses profess a belief in Christ that is contrary to the Bible; that is, they profess that he is Michael the Archangel.  Mormons profess Christ as a created god; however, the Bible says He is eternally self-existent.  Eastern Orthodoxy, according to one bishop, says that Christ cannot keep us finally and fully; however, Romans and Jude teach that He keeps His own forevermore.  Freemasonry says that man is good; however, the Bible says that man is thoroughly wicked and corrupt.  I do not state these things to make an empty quarrel.  I state these things because as a Reformed theologian I am deeply concerned about the clarity of the Gospel; however, Islam says that Mohammad is the last and greatest prophet.  That is, he is greater then Jesus Christ; however, the Bible says that anyone contrary to Christ the Lord is a thief and a robber. 
     May we love the Triune Lord!  Amen.