- The greatest of the greatest by inherent merit and nature is the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The greatest mere man is no comparison to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The greatest mere woman is no equal to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- There is was never a battle won by His people then by the Lord Jesus Inherent.
- There was never any redemptive hope but only by the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Joseph Smith was less then a spic as compared to Jesus the Immense.
- The Popes of Rome compared are nothing compared to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The saints of double Romanism are empty as compared to Jesus the King.
- The greatest of sports heroes do not compare to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The leaders of Buddhism never compared with the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The gurus of Hinduism never compared with the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The ways of men are nothing as compared to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The great leaders of human government do not compared King Jesus.
- The Presidents of America never even come close to Jesus the Ruler.
- Job in all his wealth never can touch the great endlessness of Christ.
- Abraham, Isaac and Jacob together do not shine as bright as Jesus Christ.
- Joseph in all his Dreaminess never compared to the Inherent Divine-Man.
- Moses in all his greatest never matched up with Jesus the Divine Mediator.
- King Saul in al his fame never compared to the Ultimate King of kings.
- King David in all his warrior-kingship never touched the limit of Christ.
- Nathan the Prophet never uttered more convicting words the Jesus.
- Samuel in all his strength was not a greater prophet-warrior then Jesus.
- Job and Habakkuk never suffered more then the Lord Jesus Christ.
- John the Baptist in all his prophetic utterances never sounded as good as Jesus.
- Nathanael in all his blamelessness was never as blameless as Jesus Christ.
- The combing twelve apostles never changed the world like Jesus.
- Antipas in all his faithfulness was never greater then Jesus’ faithfulness.
- All the Christian martyrs never compare to the greater Martyrs of Martyrs.
- Paul in all his awesome writings never equaled the awesomeness of awesomeness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Peter in all his majestic leadership never touched or matched Jesus the Leader.
- James in all his messages of good works never did as much good as Jesus.
- Jude in all his divine writing against evil never spoke against evil as the Lord Jesus Christ; that smites evil on the check bone!
- John the apostle in all his devotional writing never was as devotional as the Inherent Lord Jesus Christ.
- Elizabeth and Zacherius never was a greater teacher of religious wisdom then the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Ann, the mother of the Virgin Mary, was never as pure as the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The Virgin Mary was never as awesome, great and beautiful then Jesus the King.
- The writing of Jesus on the ground with his finger is greater then all the human writings in all of human history.
- Michael Andrew Petillo never suffered greater then the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The unlawful pursuit of greatness is idolatry; however, the pursuit that makes Jesus great is His divinity and willingness to take upon flesh.
- The world would be in an indescribable darkness if not for Jesus.
- Heaven is heaven because of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Hell is hell because of the redemptive absence of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Judas the Balaamite never had a spic of wisdom as compared to Jesus.
- Satan compared to Jesus is like a donkey struck dumb times endless years.
- The demonic hosts compared to Jesus are nothing but a passing noise.
- From beginning to end Jesus is the incomparableness of incomparableness.
- From beginning to end Jesus is the unparalleled of unparalleledness.
- Charles Taze Russell was any kind of prophet as compared to Jesus.
- Joseph Rutherford was never any kind of teacher as compared to Jesus.
- All the leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses never touched the untouchableness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- All the Prophets of Mormonism never compare to the greatness of Jesus.
- All the false gods of the world never compare to the greatness of Jesus.
- There is no true glory then the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- All the leaders of Islam never can hold breathe to the Jesus Inherent.
- All the Satanic and homosexual coaches are like chaff before Jesus.
- Mary Baker Eddy was like a dust particle compared to Jesus.
- Michael Jordan’s greatness is like a blast of wind as compared to Jesus.
- Michael Andrew Petillo is nothing, nobody and nil as compared to Jesus.
- All the NBA’s stars a worthless humanity compared to Jesus.
- All the Football stars do not have scintilla of strength as Jesus.
- All the righteous repentance of Christians never touched Jesus’ righteousness in divine and hope and inherent virtue.
- The greatest wrestlers of all time never wrestled better then Jesus against Jacob.
- The greatest of the world-wide flood never matched the endless power of Jesus.
- The greatest of Noah’s Ark symbolizes Jesus; however, the manifold structure never equals the overflowing greatness of Jesus Christ.
- The depths of hell do not compare to the depths of divinity of Jesus.
- The false prophet is like a donkey’s elimination of waste; however, Jesus is greater then a star; greater then all worlds; greater then all lights; greater then all men; greater then all words; greater then all minds of men; greater then all the talent of endless worlds combined.
- All the spiritual hearts of men do not equal the Shining Heart of Jesus.
- There is no one with more righteousness then Jesus Christ.
- No one should ever pursue a presumption of a greater righteousness.
- All the rebels of hell do not compare to the awesomeness of awesomeness, the greatness of greatness, the incredibleness of incredibleness and the magnanimousness of magnanimousness that is Jesus Christ.
- The antichrists combined are less then a blast of wind and they are empty.
- The words of evil are like a judgment unto itself; however, Jesus is a picture of the righteousness of righteousness, the blessedness of blessedness, the belovedness of belovedness, and the purest of the purest.
- The greatness of Jesus is His self-existence which is the essence of power.
- The universe is like a spic compared to the Immense and Great Jesus.
- Jesus is greater then the world: He spins the Basketball World on His finger.
- Jesus is greater then all the fancy moves of the glob traitors; however, when Jesus moves it is greater then every skilled and finesse player that ever lived.
- Jesus is more beautiful then all the flowers that surpass Solomon and his greatness.
- The beauty of a tender melody and all songs of angels do not compare to Jesus.
- The greatest of Lucifer before his fall is like mildew as compared to Jesus.
- The face of Jesus is greater then all the models of men put together.
- The mind of Jesus is greater then all minds of men.
- The body of Jesus is greater then all bodies of sacrifice.
- There was no greater sacrifice then Jesus Christ.
- The emotions of Jesus are greater then all emotions of men.
- Jesus has a higher and greater virginity then all men and women.
- There is no greater warrior then Jesus Christ.
- There is no greater savior then Jesus Christ.
- There is no greater mediator then Jesus Christ.
- There is no greater wrath or grace then Jesus Christ.
- There is no greater damnation then Jesus’ wrath.
- There is no greater election then Jesus’ redemptive love.
- There is no greater Man then Jesus Christ.
- There is no greater compassion then Jesus Christ.
- There is no greater forgiveness then Jesus Christ.
- There is no greater anger then Jesus Christ.
- There is no greater punishment then Jesus Christ.
- There is no Shepherd like Jesus Christ.