The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Friday, February 21, 2014

THE JESUS PASSION PROJECT & REPORT: 270-Disputations on over a 1, 000 New Testament Commandments (But In Another Study We Will Focus On How the Ten Commandments Are Applied in All of This As the Best “Code” of Obedience & Society by Sole Precedence of Divine Revelation) But to Obey in Reflecting a Shattered Yet Poor Image of the Sinless Life of Jesus Christ Due to Original Sin and Radical Depravity of Actual Transgressors But A Beforehand Determination by the Triune God Regarding Personal Foredetermined Civil Deeds of Goodness Concerning Ephesians 2:10, the Honor of the Excellence of Pastoral Honor of Jesus Christ in All Things and a Biblical Approach to the Civil Authorities of Romans Chapter 13 That Does Not Add to Christ Alone in Justification by Faith Alone But Establish A Magistrate Togetherness of Church and State Without Imposing State-Religion But Proclaiming the written Word of Life That Brings Life Out of Death and A Pursuit of Obedience to King Jesus in Enslavement to the Freedom of the Shattered Reflection of His Unified Grace of the only, eternal God-man Through a Democratic-Republic That Provides A Non-Meritorious Demonstration of the Gift of God’s One Trinitarian, Invisible Hand (Here Contained in Section B)

By Michael A. Petillo,
Doctor of Theology (DTh), September 2004
Doctor of Ministry (DMin), December 2013

1.     We are called to abstain from idols that may be all kinds of small and great things like fornication, strangled meals, eating blood, meats offered to idols, all appearance of evil and fleshly evils.

2.     Are you an incarnation of an idol?  Would you fall backwards at the words of Jesus Christ that He is the “I AM?”  The idols fell at the immediate presence of a holy Triune God but do you fall on your knees to a holy God or do you journey backwards to a path that is a consuming darkness?

3.     We are called to avoid troublemakers, profane and vain babblings, false science, unlearned questions, genealogies, and arguments about the law.

4.     We are called to ask and receive, ask no return of goods, and ask life for backsliders.

5.     We are called to awake to righteousness and awake to life.

6.     We are called to be exceeding glad.

7.     We are called to be reconciled to a brother.

8.     We are called to be perfect.

9.     We are called be wise as serpents.

10.                        We are called to be harmless as doves.

11.                        We are called to be ready for Christ’s coming.

12.                        We are called to be content with wages.

13.                        We are called to be merciful as God.

14.                        We are called to be faithful servants.

15.                        We are called to be thankful.

16.                        We are called to be at peace among yourselves!

17.                        We are called to be patient toward all people.

18.                        We are called to be no partaker of sin.

19.                        We are called to be sober and pray.

20.                        We are commanded to be sober in doctrine.

21.                        We are commanded to be temperate in patience.

22.                        We are commanded to be sound in faith.

23.                        We are commanded to be people of charity.

24.                        We are commanded to be patient people of God.

25.                        You are called to be of sound mind in light of the Word.

26.                        God calls us to be sober minded by the Spirit.

27.                        A holy God calls us to be of sound conversation in thought with a holy Triune God.

28.                        God calls us to be of sound conversation in our word life before a matchless and holy God.

29.                        God calls us to be of sound conversation in our deed life.

30.                        Married couples are to be biblical soundness in soberness.

31.                        Wives must love their husbands.

32.                        Husbands must love their wives.

33.                        Wives and husbands must love their children.

34.                        All people must be discreet, careful and cautious.

35.                        All people must be pure and chaste.

36.                        All people must be keepers at home.

37.                        All people of God must be civilly good.

38.                        The people of God must be obedient as Jesus.

39.                        Christians must be ready to give an answer.

40.                        The people of God are called to be of good cheer.

41.                        Everyone professed and possessed must be baptized.

42.                        Every corner of the world where people are must be converted.

43.                        The people of God must be transformed in redemptive terms.

44.                        Be kind one to another and love one another.

45.                        We are called to be fervent in the Spirit of God.

46.                        The Christian is to be patient in tribulation.

47.                        We are called to endure suffering by laying our heads at our Cross and commit our souls into the Hands of our Father.

48.                        Do you welcome strangers into your home?  Be immersed in hospitality because Jesus was homeless but if you invite a homeless person into your home it might be an angel unawares or the very face of Jesus Christ.

49.                        If you are lawless, be very afraid of the indignation of God.

50.                        Do you credit everything in the idolatrous “I did it?” in the ultimate sense because we are called to credit God with our gifts of any level of civil goodness by the Spirit and the Word.

51.                        Christians are to follow Paul as Paul followed Jesus Christ.

52.                        The people of God are called to be followers of God.

53.                        Not followers of God of any sort but the Triune Aseity.

54.                        We are called to be faithful and patient to holiness.

55.                        The people of God are to be babes in evil.

56.                        We are commanded to learn the philosophies of evil to give an answer but not to partake of its evil.

57.                        Christians are to be sons and daughters of Christ in sound biblical rationalism in our overall understanding.

58.                        The stoning of the Jews in capital punishment against capital offenses is isolated in a democratic-republic to high crimes.

59.                        We are called for the legitimate precedence of the execution of capital punishment through precedence of the truth under the Triune Majesty.

60.                        The imperfect justice of the fallen judicial system is satisfied according to only just laws instituted by fallen man under the guidance of the Spirit of God and the Word of God.

61.                        If the God-breathed Word establishes right and wrong under God Almighty, is there not just precedence in non-unjust terms to execute a high criminal without an agnostic (religious) atheism but a biblical understanding that does not advocate a theocracy but the simplicity of rightdoing and wrongdoing in God’s approbation of the right way to run a civil magistrate under Romans Chapter 13? 

62.                        Where do you suppose civil government came from but from a good God except fallen man’s perversion of the order of society to safeguard society under God not to exalt society above God by laws of idolatry that speak more about man as the measure of all things rather than a holy Triune God as the sum and substance of all justice, life, liberty and happiness?

63.                        The civil authorities are to accomplish a gospel witness of the sword of truth in sharing the gospel with words to high criminals.

64.                        The civil authorities are called to bear the sword of indignation by the malediction of God upon reprobates but also to magnify the mercy of God through Jesus upon those who are His but justified before God but damned before fallen man.

65.                        The God-appointed institution of civil authorities implements capital punishment through the due process of the established truth to exalt justice for the sake of the Son at His Cross and for the sake of the truth in the honor of Incarnate Wisdom to execute high crimes of high criminals by God’s example of justice in the placed of hell that is without correction but also by the justice of the Cross where the chief of sinners are changed forever.

66.                        A high offender may change in a civil way in confinement but is this, the greatest change?  If thought to be the greatest change, it is the plague of atheism without a constitutional basis for true happiness.  True happiness is Jesus Christ because the greatest change is not a false Jesus or a civil change but a redemptive change by the Spirit and Word.  The constitution is violated everyday by a judicial system with a grand jury to consent that honors the religion of agnostic (pagan-reduced) atheism with a prejudice of the indictment of the death of the Innocent Son of God and His apostles including the Apostle Matthias.

67.                        The people of God are called to be steadfast.

68.                        Christians must be unmovable in Jesus Christ.

69.                        We are called to be abounding in the work of Jesus.

70.                        Christians are called to be strong in Him.

71.                        The people of God are of good comfort.

72.                        Christians are called to be of one mind.

73.                        We are to be like Jesus to be separate from sinners.

74.                        Christians are called to be renewed in the Word and Spirit.

75.                        We are called to be revived in the divine Word.

76.                        We are to have the perfect mind of Christ.

77.                        Christians are called to be angry and sin not.

78.                        We are not called to get permission to be angry by the doctor or police but to overthrow tables of injustice and a lawless evil that has spread like a plague.

79.                        Christians are called to be tenderhearted people.

80.                        Christians are called to bear the burden of those of great burdens no matter the size of the burden. 

81.                        The people of God are called to be filled with the Spirit.

82.                        Christians are called to be likeminded people.

83.                        Christians are called to be of one accord in Jesus.

84.                        If a low criminal steals they should repent of their sins, return the item and redeem the time in restitution in giving to the party that they stole from by deeds of kindness, charity and civil goodness that is quite beyond what the court currently prescribes.  When in doubt remember the life of Jesus Christ.

85.                        The people of God are called to be non-anxious people but this does not mean to cease from excitement about radical good but to bring all your worries to God.  The absence of worries is the presence of peace.

86.                        Be example in the Christian faith in gospel-words.

87.                        Be example in the Christian faith in gospel-behavior.

88.                        Do gospel charity.  Wait!  What is your motive?  Is it to be seen?  Is it to gain heaven?  Do it to defy evil and exalt the innocence of Jesus who is the only One who saves!

89.                        Be an example in gospel-spirit.

90.                        Be an example in gospel-faith.

91.                        Be an example of gospel-purity.

92.                        What of partaking of Christ-honoring suffering?  Which way do you run?  Are you running away from the battle or are you running towards the battle?  Take up the sword of the Word and run into battle.  March on! O soldier of the Cross!

93.                        Christians are called to be gentle to all people because gentleness is the crux of power but power should be dictated by wisdom.

94.                        Be apt to teach the ignorant.

95.                        Instruct the worldly wise man to Incarnate Wisdom.

96.                        Be in and out of season all about Jesus Christ.

97.                        Christians are to maintain good works.

98.                        The people of God must be content with what you have.

99.                        Modesty is the key to the absence of idolatry.

100.                   Christians should be doers of the divine Word.

101.                   Be afflicted with God’s correction by His Word.

102.                   Christians are to mourn over the offense of God’s innocence.

103.                   Are patient until Christ comes in His Second Coming?

104.                   Is your behavior holy or unholy?  It must be holy.

105.                   Christians are to be pitiful in the example of Jesus at the Last Day that will pity the elect to heaven through Himself but pity the damned to hell in ultimate justice.

106.                   Christians are to be courteous.

107.                   We are to be examples of the flock of God.

108.                   Christians are to be subject one to another.

109.                   Christians to wear robes of humility.

110.                   Christians are to be sober minded.

111.                   Right thinking is the Word of Righteousness.

112.                   Christians are to be vigilant.

113.                   We are to be mindful of prophecies and commandments.

114.                   Christians are to be diligent to be found in peace.

115.                   We are to be diligent without spot and blameless.

116.                   We must possess the double imputation of Jesus.

117.                   We must be possessed with God’s Holy Spirit.

118.                   Christians are called to be faithful to death.

119.                   We are called to be more than conquerors over death.

120.                   Christians are to be watchful.

121.                   We are called to strengthen ourselves by Jesus.

122.                   Christians are to be zealous and repent.

123.                   We are called not to be hypocrites in prayer.

124.                   A hypocrite is someone who sins habitually.

125.                   A hypocrite has no regard for repentance unto remission or faith unto works.

126.                   A heathen in prayer is the prayer of the wicked: namely, are you praying to a false God or using meaningless language?

127.                   Christians are not to hypocrites in fasting.

128.                   Be not exalted above men as if you did some good that was good but credit all good to God as a gift of His Hand.

129.                   Christians should not be afraid of other men.

130.                   Do not dispute over doubtful things.

131.                   Every Christian should learn the Word of God and share the Gospel but use caution on being a teacher.

132.                   Do not be someone of a doubtful mind.

133.                   Christians should not be afraid of terror.

134.                   The people of God should not be troubled but if you are troubled begin to pray to the Father.

135.                   Christians are not to be ignorant with God.

136.                   We are not to be conformed to this world.

137.                   Christians should not be slothful in business.

138.                   Christians should not be conceited.

139.                   The people of God should not be overcome with evil.

140.                   Christians should not be servants of men.

141.                   Renounce enslavement to men but enslavement to God.

142.                   Do not remain as a child in sound theology.

143.                   Watch out for evil companions!  Run like Joseph!

144.                   Have no fellowship with unbelievers outside of Jesus.

145.                   Keeping the law unto justification is not to be entangled.

146.                   Christians will reap what he sows.

147.                   Christians should not be partakers of sin.

148.                   The people of God should not be unwise about God’s will.

149.                   Christians should not be weary in well-doing.

150.                   Be not ashamed at any level of God and the Christian faith.

151.                   The people of God should not be slothful.

152.                   Christians should not be forgetful of strangers.

153.                   Christians should not be carried away with strange doctrines in anyway whatsoever.

154.                   Do not deny the gospel of God.

155.                   Do not deny God’s existence.

156.                   Do not deny Jesus Christ.

157.                   Do not deny that God give gifts to those who seek Him.

158.                   Christians should not believe every spirit.

159.                   Christians should beware of false prophets.

160.                   The people of God should be beware of people.

161.                   Christians must deny the leaven of Pharisees.

162.                   Christians must deny the leaven of Herod.

163.                   The people of God should be beware of hypocrisy.

164.                   Christians must beware covetousness.

165.                   The people of God must beware of scribes.

166.                   Christians must beware of despising God and perishing.

167.                   Be aware of the dogs who Christians should beware.

168.                   Christians should beware of evil workers.

169.                   The Christian must beware of concision.

170.                   Christians should not be spoiled through vain philosophy.

171.                    The people of God should not be spoiled in vain deceit.

172.                   Christians are commanded to bless and not curse.

173.                   Christians are called to persecutors.

174.                   Christians are commanded to remove the beam from their own eye.

175.                   Christians are called to cast away devils.

176.                   Christians are called to cast all their cares on God.

177.                   Christians are commanded to have confidence in God.

178.                   If God establishes the civil authorities, it should be all about mercy, justice and truth, but since it is a subordinate authority to the Triune Majesty, it is a threat to Satan due to his eternal criminal nature, so he wishes to turn the civil authorities on its head, to destroy mercy, justice and truth, but use it as an instrument of a network of criminals who order in a limited yet not less profound society opposed to God and His Word.

179.                   God commands men to be blameless.

180.                   God commands the rich to be humbled.

181.                   God commands us to be rich to trust in God.

182.                   Christians are commanded to be rich in good works.

183.                   The people are called to be rich to lay hold on eternal life.

184.                   Christians are commanded to comfort people.

185.                   Christians are commanded to strengthen people.

186.                   Christians are commanded to be comforting to the feeble-minded.

187.                   Christians are commanded to consider the ravens.

188.                   The people of God are commanded to consider the lilies.

189.                   Christians are commanded to be charged with divine truth.

190.                   Christians are commanded to be capable of falling.

191.                   The people of God are commanded to think upon Christ.

192.                   Christians are commanded to love.

193.                   The people of God are commanded to prayer.

194.                   Christians are called to the truth.

195.                   The people of God are called to covet gifts of God.

196.                   Christians are called to continue in prayer.

197.                   The people of God are called to reflect on prophecy.

198.                   Christians are called to do good to those who hate you.

199.                   Christians are called to do what others expect of them.

200.                   Saints should do no violence any man.

201.                   The people of God are called to hate violence.

202.                   The saints are called to do good.

203.                   The saints put God first and live.

204.                   Be all about God’s glory of justice or mercy.

205.                   We are commanded to proclaim the gospel of mercy.

206.                   We are not called to murmur or dispute.

207.                   We are called to use St. Paul as an example: namely, to do what was seen and heard in him.

208.                   Christians are called to do their own business.

209.                   Christians are commanded to do the work of an evangelist.

210.                   Christians must not do alms before people.

211.                   We are called not to sound the trumpet before people when giving alms.

212.                   Christians are called to not do the work of Pharisees.

213.                   Christians must not love in word only.

214.                   The people of God must not give heed to fables.

215.                   Christians must not give heed to genealogies.

216.                   The people of God must not err.

217.                   Christians are called not to commit adultery.

218.                   We are called to not kill people but it does not mean mortal combat in self-defense is impermissible or unlawful.

219.                   Christians must not fashion according to former lusts.

220.                   Christians must endure the hardness of our day.

221.                   The people of God are called to endure suffering.

222.                   We are called to fear God not unto attrition (fear of punishment) but contrition (offense against a holy God).

223.                   We are called not to fear men.

224.                   We are called to not fear persecutors.

225.                   Christians are called not to lack of provision.

226.                   We are called to feed our enemies.

227.                   We are called to feed our lambs.

228.                   Christians are called to feed the flock of God.

229.                   The Christian is called to feed the church.

230.                   Christians are called to flee from fornication.

231.                   We are called to flee from idolatry.

232.                   Christians are commanded to flee hurtful lusts.

233.                   The Christian is commanded to flee youthful lusts.

234.                   We are called to follow Jesus Christ and His Word.

235.                   Christians are called to love neighbor or enemy.

236.                   Christians are not called to love Satan or his fallen angels.

237.                   Christians are called to wage war on just occasions.

238.                   We are called to love the good that is the gift of God’s Hand.

239.                   Christians are called to righteousness.

240.                   The Christian is called after godliness.

241.                   We are called to faith in Christ and hope of His Hand.

242.                   The Christian is called to be patient.

243.                   We are called to the life-long doctrine of meekness.

244.                   The Christian is called to peace with man if possible and a holy Triune God.

245.                   We are called unto superlative holiness by the Spirit and Word.

246.                   We are commanded to give all we are able in a true balance.

247.                   Christians are to ask of Him.

248.                   Christians are called to give to needy saints.

249.                   Christians are called to give to God by using His gifts.

250.                   We are called not to give to rebels.

251.                   Christians are to give no place to Satan.

252.                   God calls us to holy things.

253.                   God calls us to give thanks.

254.                   God calls us to give time to reading, exhortation and doctrine.

255.                   God’s written Word calls us to give self wholly.

256.                   The Bible calls us to give glory to God alone.

257.                   The Bible calls us to give no offense.

258.                   The Bible calls us to give no heed to fables and doctrines of men.

259.                   We are called to give freely.

260.                   We are called to give unto a good measure.

261.                   Christians are called to prosper God in declaring gospel thoughts, gospel words and gospel deeds.

262.                   We are called to be willingly subject to His written Word.

263.                   A holy Triune God gives us purpose in meaning in all things by the Spirit and Word.

264.                   We are called to give cheerfully unto an extra mile but to use caution in human responsibility to give to reliable ministries.

265.                   God will give back to you if you give to Him.

266.                   If the police has wronged someone by cover-ups of injustice, simply undo it by reporting on the truth and indict the high criminals to right what was wrong before God and the civil authorities with approbation of their redeeming the time forgiveness to do good in place of evil.  “Truth will determine your life.”

267.                   If a judge in the judicial system has wronged someone, they should remember judgment in high crimes of themselves to accomplish the method of the civil authorities.  “Remember mercy in judgment.”

268.                   If a doctor has broken his oath and orchestrated patients through a criminal network to treat the patients on planned victimization for the statistical probability of medical treatment later on due to the reality of trauma with other occultisms, they should indict themselves, the criminal network who supplies patients on planned victimization and disbar themselves but provide restitution in every case with the hope of bankruptcy in retirement (do you suppose this is a sarcastic hyperbole?  I think not!).

269.                     If a lawyer has broken his allegiance to law, justice and proper procedure in the judicial system to work on the criminal planned victimization in demonization of innocence, it should result in their disbarment in self-accusations and charges against the criminal network to redeem the time to promote the just destruction of it by good restitution without restitution being from a use of corruption that broods the very stench of corruption but to recall any of the past who are either dead or the are best get dying (from the evil of the criminals point of view but the victim wants to live) or those of the future who use victims as a racket of planned crime in obtaining money.

270.                   Those who have gotten business through wrongdoing in demonism or Satanism, you should prepare to eat dirt if the Lord wills in your submission to renouncing wrongdoing and Satan, but repenting unto remission to the Triune Majesty and redeeming the time unto God’s glory.  If it means you lose everything because you have repented, you have pleased a holy God, but have you forgotten you have lost your soul while you have what you want?  The better is to have your soul in the hands of Jesus and if He grants an endless supply of dirt you may thank Him because He always does what is right because He is always concerned about His glory.  If He abases you, He will exalt you.