The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Treatise of Disputations on Predestinarian & Foredetermined Freedom of the Triune Godhead A 143 Reformed Baptist Points in Defense of the Sound & Biblical Rationality of RC Sproul’s “Chosen By God” in Apologetical Answer to Dave Hunt’s “What Love Is This?” Part 1 & 2

By M.A. Petillo

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dedicated to Angel/Mentor/Pastor Theodore Murphy

Part 1 of 100 Disputations:

Does the Bible support God’s predestinarian choice before time began for every son and daughter of Adam either for God’s chosen saints unto election or damned sinners unto reprobation according to His good, holy and pure pleasure?  (Answer to pg. 40-44 in Hunt’s “What Love Is This?” in biblical support of Sproul’s “Chosen By God.”).

1.    The Holy Triune God predestines His chosen elect of the fallen sons and daughters of Adam before earthly time began without the foreseen events of any kind for redemption in election unto holiness that completely depends on the free choice of God alone.

2.    The Holy Triune God foredetermined according to His all-wise choice for the damnation unto reprobation for those chosen sons and daughters of Adam that He has designed for the object of ultimate justice for the exaltation of the eternal Son of Man unto supreme justice according to His holy pleasure.

3.    Redemption involves a choice by the Father through the Son by the Spirit among the sons and daughters of Adam in time and space before it began for the ultimate glory of God unto eternal mercy because of the good pleasure of God alone.

4.    Damnation involves a choice by the Triune Majesty in time and space among the sons and daughters of Adam before it began for the ultimate glory of God unto eternal wrath because of the good pleasure of God alone.

5.    The choice of the Triune God concerning damnation involves sin at every degree as the instrument of damnation and the eternal residence of the place of hell before a holy God.

6.    The choice of the Triune God concerning redemption does not depend on works of satisfaction, sacraments, sacerdotalism (salvation through the Roman priesthood), cooperative faith and repentance or libertarian free will but spiritual rebirth by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that depends on God alone that gives the gift of the order of salvation in all its fullness instantaneously: that is, a new faith, a new image, a new creation, a new obedience, a new heart and a new covering in the unified merit of Jesus’ righteousness alone imputed by faith alone through the spiritual application of the Father’s design through His Son by the work of His Spirit.

7.    God ordains whatsoever comes to pass according to His all-wise good pleasure for the design of the Father by the work of the Spirit in the exaltation of the glory of the Incarnate I AM.

8.    The Father’s design of meticulous foredetermination of all things is according to His all-wisdom in holy pleasure to exalt the Cross of Jesus Christ that is actually a picture of His foredetermined fingerprints in the entire outcome of the display of His divine providence in six-thousand years of history that provides a work of the God-man that provides meaning to all things by reflection of the Father’s design of the events that brought redemption to elect sons and daughters of Adam through the propitiation and expiation of the eternal Son of Man at Mt. Calvary in the offering of Himself as the subject and object of particular redemption in the very Cross itself for His chosen lambs throughout time.

9.    The Father’s plan was the Son to die with the intent to die for His chosen people without regard to any good or bad that they would do but merely to exalt His eternal Son by the work of the Spirit who brings the gift of Jesus to His chosen people from every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

10.                       Every rain drop is shaped by the Hand of the Triune God.

11.                       Every snow flake is designed by the Father.

12.                       Every sand particle is molded by the Son.

13.                       Every molecule is especially made by the Triune God.

14.                       God foredetermined the dirt on the streets but perhaps its best in the face of Satan and his enemies.

15.                       Everything in all the things has meaning because of God.

16.                       Everything has meaning because God foredetermined all.

17.                       If God did not foredetermine all things, how could it be?

18.                       If God foredetermined all things, it defers the God of deism.

19.                       If God foredetermined all things, it defers libertarian free will, but establishes compatibilistic freedom.

20.                       The Triune God is the First Cause in that He remains always holy but never sinful because He cannot go against His holy nature.

21.                       Fallen Lucifer, angels and man are the Second Cause.

22.                       The Second Cause is where all sin remains under the culpability, responsibility and accountability of themselves devoid of the blame of a Holy Triune where any sinner could justly accuse God, “You did this evil!” 

23.                       The sin that Satan and fallen angels commits is his own fault but never the sin of the Holy Triune God.

24.                        The sin that fallen man commits resides with him but never with a Holy Triune God.

25.                       There is never a just accusation of sin against a holy Triune God, because He is by nature holy, good, and pure.

26.                       The only just accusation of sin is Satan, fallen angels and fallen humanity: that is, by nature Satan and fallen angels are the darkness of sin itself but fallen man is in original sin, total depravity and radical corruption.

27.                       God foredetermined the Fall of Lucifer and humanity without being blamed in a sinful sense of sin but to establish the Son’s justice against Satan, fallen angels and reprobates: that is, God desires to shape some of His creatures as objects of justice.

28.                       What is the purpose of the Fall of Lucifer?  The purpose of God in foredetermination of his fall is because God in His all-wise according to His holy pleasure reserved the right to turn Lucifer over to himself for God’s precedence of making him an object of justice by the sheer power of His being.

29.                       Does a Holy God do what is always right?  Most definitely! 

30.                       If God makes an object of His creation an object of justice, is God unjust?  By no means! 

31.                       Yet what is the cause of God’s justice?  The cause of God’s justice is that the One who has the power of Being by nature unto absolute holiness in all-wisdom through His good pleasure decides to accomplish a purpose that transcends sin but always maintains sinless, holy and pure impeccability.

32.                       Does Satan have a right to sin against God if God has turned him over like all never-converted reprobates?  By no means!  God’s foredetermination holds them guilty by the nature of themselves but also by the nature of God’s all-wise self-existence.

33.                       Was there meaning for the suffering of ancient Job?  Most definitely!  In what way?  Job’s suffering had meaning because God foredetermined the suffering of Job to exalt divine righteousness of the Redeemer who lives for I shall see Him in my flesh and one day the bones of my bones shall be made new unto the glorified body of the Savior unto eternal mercy!

34.                       What is the motive of fallen creatures to blame a holy Triune God for their sin?  It is like saying God is not God.

35.                       The motive of man for accusing a holy God of sin is not using foredetermination in its right usage to establish radical good for the honor of Jesus Christ but for radical evil because the sin of fallen man is the creature over the Creator.

36.                       No one has the right to respond to God “What are you doing?” in the sense of challenging His divine right to do whatsoever He pleases because if God is God He has the right to do whatsoever He pleasures apart from sin.

37.                       A holy God has allowed sin to exalt the glory of the justice of Himself according to His good pleasure.

38.                       A holy God has caused sin to exalt the glory of the justice of Himself according to His holy pleasure.

39.                       A holy God has determined to turn men over to sin.

40.                       A holy God hides the gospel from reprobates in the presence of miracles.

41.                       A holy God passes over the reprobates while not doing violence to the creature.

42.                       A holy God also blinds them to the gift of the gospel in a spiritual awakening by the Spirit and Word.

43.                       He could use all these things as a retainment for sin as a civil realization of civil humility.

44.                       He could use a greater hatred for God’s gospel while all being God’s pursuit of establishing sinners as the object of His absolute justice.

45.                       The problem with sinners is that if God allowed, caused and determined their sin like Adam’s fall it is used to wrongly accuse a holy Triune God of partaking of sin while a holy God has not partaken of sin but used it to glorify Himself unto justice without using the intent of the Cross for the wise and intelligent but He uses the sin to demonstrate His merciful compassion with His purposeful intent to save elect babes by the removing of sin by His greatest act of obedience in His Cross.

46.                       Why did a holy God if He is holy determine sin in His creatures?  He foredetermined it to exalt the reward of reprobates in the glory of the eternal Son unto justice but he also exalts the gift of His imputed unified merit in the glory of the eternal Son unto everlasting mercy.

47.                       A Trinitarian God in meticulous foredetermination gets glory unto mercy or justice at His approbation of all things because He always does what is right.

48.                       Whatever happens in life a holy Triune God has meaning behind all things for a lesson to be learned to exalt the eternal Son unto His choice of mercy or His choice of justice at His appointed timing because all meaning in existence comes from Him but if it did not come from Him it would not be and yet He always does what is good but He gets blamed for all the bad in this world when fallen creatures do not understand that God is the innocent party in transcendent holiness while He is in a real sense injured and victimized by man’s sin and yet He remains unassailable in His self-existent nature.

49.                       Rebels for evil reprobation love to exalt the sinfulness of sin, because by nature under original sin he stands condemned without the monergistic divine intervention of the Spirit and Word but the abiding fury of a holy God.

50.                       Sinners can be unconverted reprobates in the very presence of the Incarnate Christ like Judas Iscariot who had blown it but as far as a holy Triune God is concerned the Cross of Jesus was not intended for this particular sinner who was the very instrument of redemption and yet God needs no creature to do anything (and also Jesus says He is sovereign because He lays down His life at His own authority and He takes it up in His own authority) but He chooses to involved His creation in this case to exalt the Father’s wrath unto the justice of Judas to go to His own place as a forever object of justice due to His designed purpose.

51.                       Some sinners who are reprobates are created for justice.

52.                       Some sinners who are elect are created for mercy.

53.                       Sinners should not justify sin by a predestinarian God.

54.                       A predestinarian God establishes not neglects the great emphasis of obeying the civil New Testament commandments but it is also never an excuse to engage in the sinfulness of sin.

55.                       A predestinarian God enhances human responsibility for radical good because everything God does is good.

56.                       The Father determined to glorify His eternal Son unto mercy or justice depending upon His eternal choice in all-wisdom.

57.                       Does Satan have a just cause against a predestinarian God?  By no means! 

58.                       There is never a ground to accuse a holy God of sin.

59.                       God has the power of Being to do whatsoever He pleases.

60.                       Who is like the Lord?  Do not the idols fall at His feet and crumble to dust in the retiring of Satan?

61.                       One day all creation will bow before Him in worship of the only true Triune God.

62.                       If responsibility is enhanced to obey a predestinarian God, why has His fallen creatures given this very reason if true to disobey Him?  It is because of idolatry through original sin.

63.                       Is sin meaningless?  By no means!  It is for mercy through the chosen elect by the Cross of Jesus or it is for justice through the chosen reprobates by the dark fires of the very place of hell.

64.                       Is anything meaningless?  By no means! 

65.                       If the Father has a design, is it not to exalt His own dear Son unto mercy or justice? 

66.                       If the Father is all about the Son, why is it so hard to see that the Father exalts the Son by the Spirit who precedes from the Father and the Son unto eternal mercy, but does anyone doubt that reprobates are not thought upon by the Triune Godhead unto object of retribution due to the abhorrence of God about sin?

67.                        Does meaning by the Triune Godhead bring approbation?  By no means! 

68.                       How does the Triune Godhead provide meaning without approbation of sin?  The Father provides meaning without approval of sin by divine satisfaction upon the Cross of Jesus to take it away or the vengeance of eternal hell upon reprobates.

69.                       If God takes away sin by the Cross of His Son does that mean He approves of suffering as the consequence of sin?  Not every suffering is from sin, because some suffering is for God’s glory. 

70.                       Will there not be tears of joy in heaven?  No doubt!  Does this constitute suffering due to sin?  By no means but in spite of it!

71.                       Is there a sense of free will?  There is no doubt a sense of free will, but it is far removed from libertarian freedom.

72.                       What is libertarian freedom?  It means fallen man has the spiritual ability to choose a holy God.  The Bible says fallen man is totally spiritually dead.  If fallen man is spiritually dead, how is there a basis for availing a choice unto God that constitutes spiritual awakening in spiritual rebirth?

73.                       In what sense does fallen man have free will?  Fallen man has compatibilistic freedom where he is the controlled second cause under a holy God who is the first cause.

74.                       Does compatibilistic freedom mean fallen man has the spiritual ability to choose Him in spiritual rebirth?  By no means! 

75.                       How does fallen man chose a holy God?  Fallen man chooses by the monergistic work of the Spirit and Word.

76.                       What is the monergistic work of the Spirit and Word?  It simply means God’s pre-converted elect who are awakened in time and space do not have freedom to cooperate with God.

77.                       Fallen sinners who are spiritually dead come to faith by a will that remains passive.

78.                       God the Spirit accompanyings the written Word of God that makes the sinner willing unto redemption by the spiritual application of the rebirth of the sinner devoid of baptismal waters through the Spirit that takes the initiative to save a chosen sinner by the Father’s design in the gift of the exaltation of the unified work of the eternal Son in His matchless life and death that is imputed by the gift of faith that is freely given to His chosen ones without a single thing done from them but completely dependent upon the Triune God for His glory of sinners not of man in anyway.

79.                       What is the ultimate glory of the eternal Son?  It is the proliferation and domination of the Reformed doctrine of future glorification that is all about the exaltation of the honor, glory and magnification of the life and death of Jesus Christ imputed to the sinner where it is not the sinner who gets glory but Jesus Christ through the chosen elect sinner only because of the unified imputed meritorious righteousness of Jesus Christ alone by the Spirit’s proliferation and domination due to the Father’s design to glorify His well-beloved Son where in this so-called divine scheme of the Father Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone is glorified in defiance of the ways astray from Christ alone.

80.                       Does fallen man chose a holy Triune God?  By no means!  There is a civil choice that leads to mere head knowledge that is not saving knowledge, but there is a choice that is from the background work of the Hound of Heaven to cause those whom He pleases to choose the eternal Lamb because He first chose us and we did not first chose Him.

81.                       Have you not read that the Son is an example of the choice of the Father and Spirit for His beloved chosen ones to bear much fruit unto the foredetermined glory of the eternal Son that is a shattered, corrupted, depraved image in a fallen state that one day will be completely destined to the conformity of the everlasting Lamb of God in utter perfection through the alien righteousness of the Son?

82.                       Should fallen man sin to exalt God’s goodness because all is ordained for our good?  Does a pig immerse himself in the pig-pen to get clean?  By no means! 

83.                       Should fallen sinners exalt sin because God works out it for their good?  It is true that apart from Jesus Christ all men do is sin, but fallen man should not directly sin in the direct sense.  Why? 

84.                       Because some sinners will be forever judged and other sinners do not use the Cross for reprobate license of the sinfulness of sin but the purpose of godliness, holiness and foredetermined good in reflection of Jesus’ imputed unified merit that requires a limitless reflection that does not add to Jesus but attempts to reflect a meticulous foredetermination that demonstrates God’s goodness everywhere. 

85.                       Where can anyone escape God’s goodness?  You try to show me O you stiff-necked sinners!  Is it not true that God will work the reward for the justice of His enemies?  Is this not good?  And yet it is the greatest day of fury because it is their Day of Evil, but for God’s elect people it for the good of His chosen people for the Name’s sake of the matchless eternal Son Jesus Christ!

86.                       How does God’s transcendent opening of all things in perfection relate to His meticulous foredetermination of all things?  In basic terms, He spoke all into existence by the sheer power of His Word but He never tries in the self-existent perfection of His Being.  Everything is open to Him because He knows all things.  The existence of His creation is not apart of Him in His essence, being or nature, but He has the divine, supernatural and all-powerful ability to sustain all things with His presence without being a pantheistic God, but remains distinct from His creation.

87.                       Is there any meaningful encouragement for a predestinarian God?  The meaningfulness of a predestinarian God is the essence of the approbation of encouragement but the absence of all discouragement.

88.                       Does a predestinarian God encourage God-centered evangelism?  By no means at all! 

89.                       Tell me, was the sinless life of Jesus all about alien righteousness that no fallen man can approach except by the gift of faith?  If this is the case, how could anyone conceive of a predestinarian Savior to establish the meaning of all things contrary to compatibilistic human responsibility in doing good where the Savior viewed God’s foredetermination in pursuing the good of all things whether the good of mercy or the good of justice?

90.                       What is fallen man’s out of place sin in the sense of his freedom?  It is simply the abuse of the second cause where he supposes himself sovereign and a set apart shamed pursuit of idolatry.

91.                       Why does a predestinarian God choose to save some and not all?  If He damns the race of Adam by consequences of the fall, do you suppose He will save everyone? 

92.                       The surprise by obvious admission is redemption because of the unanimous damnation of all but a holy Triune God will change it for some. 

93.                       This Reformed truth is seen in reversing the fall by God-breathed revelation in that He damns a multitude of people during Noah’s day, but saves eight people on this good earth.

94.                       Does God owe any mercy?  He owes no mercy, because He voluntarily chooses to bestow mercy in His all-wisdom.

95.                       Is violence offered to the creation in monergism?  We would speak in sarcastic terms when we realize the profound lost state of sinners that God would violate our wills due to our rebellion and we dare not continue in a rebellious will, but in honesty to a holy God He does not violate the will and yet He changes it without violating His creatures but it brings about a redemptive change that is a life-long consistency of faith repentance unto redeeming the time.  I suppose a person who asks God to violate his will without a civil utterance is perhaps already awakened by a holy God.

96.                       Does a predestinarian God mean God is evil?  There is no way to make this case because it is about the good of justice or mercy that is all about the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity that is exalting, honoring and glorifying Himself where no sinner can counsel a holy God but relies on Him even if slain by Him.

97.                       All civil goodness is a foredetermined gift of His hand that could never add to the gift of His imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ for His chosen unto eternal mercy for the remission of sins.

98.                       A predestinarian Savior intercedes for His chosen elect by His throne in prayers to the Father of lights that is all about Himself because it is always right for Him to exalt Himself because it is the essence of what is right because what is right is all about the glory of Jesus in the meticulous craftsmanship of His very prayers even before time began that prevails His elect ones for the destiny of heaven.

99.                       What is a predetermined trophy of God’s grace?  The true evidence of faith and repentance!

100.                 What is a predetermined trophy of God’s wrath?  The way of habitual sins of reprobation.

Part 2 of 43 Disputations:

Does a Triune predestinarian God constitute a violation of the free will of fallen humanity?  (Answer to pg. 42-44 in Hunt’s “What Love Is This?” in support of Sproul’s “Chosen By God.”).

1.    The freedom of God is never about a nature of sin about the nature of God.

2.    The freedom of God does not constitute an impersonal fatalism of a holy God.

3.    The freedom of God is about the glory of the Triune majesty according to His good pleasure.

4.    The sense of the freedom of fallen man is the essence of self-determination.

5.    The sense of the free will of fallen man is dependent on the nature of God.

6.    Fallen humanity is never forced in violation of their free wills to engage in anything by a holy God.

7.    The second cause is all about fallen Lucifer, fallen angels, fallen humanity whether elect, pre-converted elect or never-converted reprobates and elect angels.

8.    The first cause is about the sovereign freedom of a predestinarian foredetermined nature of a Trinitarian Godhead.

9.    A Triune God is all about the glory of Jesus unto mercy and justice.

10.                       A holy Triune God establishes the free will of man by His absolute sense of cosmic freedom that is the very essence of the reason why all things are as they are because He simply willed it by the essence of His self-existent Being.

11.                       The free will of Adam yielded the fall of all humanity.

12.                       The fall of all humanity through Adam as our federal head was foredetermined by a holy Triune God, because He establishes the glory of the Son whether unto justice for reprobates or mercy for elect sinners.

13.                       All humanity is immersed in original sin, total depravity and radical corruption.

14.                       Original sin is the fault of Adam in his mutable will unto sin that is all about the consequences of the actions of the first man.

15.                       Total depravity is the fault of fallen humanity but God is working out everything for the good of justice for the enemies of God or for the good of mercy for the people of God.

16.                       Radical corruption is the fault of fallen humanity but God is working everything whether justice or mercy for the honoring of the Incarnate Son of Man Who is the centrality of the Triune Godhead where the Father has decreed to honor the Son unto justice or mercy at His choosing in time and space and yet before it began and where the Spirit brings the gift of the Son to His chosen lost or He brings a civil awareness of their reprobation of the very conviction which He sovereignly denies them on the basis that He owes no sinner mercy but rather justice by due precedence of their cosmic villainy.

17.                       Does the freedom of God produce a just accusation of finding fault with a holy Triune God?  By no means!  By what precedence?  God-breathed revelation supports that a holy Triune predestinarian God does whatsoever He pleases but there is no darkness, sin or wrongdoing by the self-existent precedence of His very nature that is the essence of divine innocence that transcends any sort of fault finding by a fallen race that reasons against reasons and finds comfort in darkness that militates against the very transcendent innocence of a good God.

18.                       Why does a Triune predestinarian God allow His fallen creatures a sense of free will?  He allows a compatibilistic freedom because He is working out His purpose, but He denies the libertarian freedom of man due to His absolute sovereignty on the grounds that a God-controlling all-wisdom knows better than a stench in His nostrils that defies a fragrant aroma to the Father and the essence of divine wisdom because of a wisdom turned backwards into a wisdom of darkness that is not the wisdom of the written Word but the wisdom of alienated good in manifold monstrosities that surpass the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea.

19.                       Why did a Triune predestinarian God allow Adam mutable freedom unto sinlessness to fall into sin?  Tell me, would a good God be a good God without a nature that demands justice by His nature and demands mercy by His nature on His all-wise choice for the glory that is all about His all-righteous Son that is He has made by the foredetermined volition of the Triune Godhead?

20.                       What best describes the God of the Bible?  The sovereign Potter over the clay best describes the Bible’s God, because the Potter has the all-wise power to control, cause, allow and plan the shape, molding, and everything meticulous about the creatures He makes in the clay of His hand, and He allows them to be the instrument of His will unto justice or mercy at His timing, approbation and the dictation of the glory of the Father’s eternal Son.

21.                       Did the Triune Godhead cause the fall of Adam?  Tell me, what meaning is in anything without an all-wise Triune predestinarian God?  A holy Triune God caused the fall of Adam, but in what way do we speak of this? 

22.                       How did a holy God cause the fall of Adam?  That eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is for some mercy and for some justice in Adam’s race, but how specific should we get in the shadows of the sins as overflowing as the stars and the sand? 

23.                       Do you not suppose that particular sin as would seem like a dust particle is larger than all existence and do you suppose that God the Son’s infinite blood is not enough to erase the evils of astray fallen men by the blood of Incarnate Deity? 

24.                       Do you suppose that the sins of original sin and total depravity are not cured by either the mercy of Jesus at His Cross or the justice of the place of hell? 

25.                       What if the shadows of sin are vaster than the sea and stars that are eternally quenched by an eternal blood that only a foredetermined shedding of God’s blood would remit? 

26.                       What if it’s all of existence is about Jesus in mercy or justice at His choosing by the Father’s design through the hovering of the Spirit at work?

27.                       How about the meaning of the Father in His design through His Son by His Spirit in all things is that every dust particle of sin, every sand particle of sin and every star particle of sin that defies its existence that is actually meant for the exaltation of the Son’s glory in the immersion of the blood of Incarnate Deity that defies eternity and yet is contained in eternity in His people to surpass the eternal evils of villainy that is quenched by the divine satisfaction of the limited atonement of the Cross by the intent of Jesus for a particular people that constitutes an innumerable multitude?

28.                       What if the Triune God for never-converted reprobates in His causing plan allowed messes and messes amounts of sin in time and space by an all-wise Father that is meant for the eternal immersion of hell-flames of the place of outer darkness by the Triune Majesty that elect angels partake in the wrath of God for the glory of the innocent Triune Godhead forever to establish the glory of the eternal Son in absolute justice against His enemies that He puts under His feet and a perpetual generation of eternal hell-fire sinners set ablaze forevermore that will never learn of the forgiving and cleaning power of the all-exclusive matchless, efficacious and meritorious suffering of the Cross of Jesus Christ because of the Father’s design? 

29.                       What if outer darkness in the place of eternal hell is meant by the Father’s design to punish the fault of a fallen humanity that is steeped in the sinfulness of sin?

30.                       The first cause is innocent in all that He causes regarding the sin of fallen man.

31.                       The second cause is at fault for the sin in which he commits.

32.                       No one has the right to blame a holy Triune God for sin when sin happens in the second cause, because though He controls all things in His sovereignty and nothing is out of His control, He is without blame for man’s sin but man alone in a real sense is to blame for his sin, but where the meaning comes in is according to the justice of the Triune God or the Hound of Heaven (the Spirit of God) who seeks the lost at the appointed time through the Father and the Son to make them willing in defiance of the sinfulness of sin, the malice of Satan and a cosmic treachery that accompanies hell forever without salvational justification but the establishment of the very justice of a innocent God that bears the marks of injustice to spare sinners of the very thing they caused the Savior to endure but without cause but the Savior comes to establish through His divine covering the very thing fallen man completely lacks by it seems men’s defiance in His divine, alien and authentic righteousness that alone stands before the Father in that He works all for the good of His purpose!

33.                       Should we sing before our Arminian brethren “You ain’t nothing but a hound dog”?  They deny the Hound of Heaven (the Holy Ghost) complete freedom in spiritual rebirth, but exalt man’s freedom where even in Adam’s mutable sinlessness freedom yielded to spiritual crime of original sin that caused the sons and daughters of Adam to all spiritual ruin in outer darkness.

34.                       Will the freedom of God violate the will of Satan?  There is surely war between Satan and the Triune Majesty without a cosmic dualism (that is, a understanding that both sides are equal when the Triune God is all-powerful and Satan is merely a fallen creature in God’s predestinarian plan), but He does not even commit sin against Satan and his fallen angels but Satan and his fallen angel’s injure an unassailable God in a way to say he commits injustice against the holy majesty of God where he will be held fully accountable at the Last Day of Judgment in his pursuit of idolatry that will be cast into hell forevermore where his power will be no more. 

35.                       Rather He caused the fall of Lucifer to use him precisely as an object of justice in time and space and for all eternity because He was pleased to establish His justice against one of his greatest creatures in His holy freedom to exalt the glory of the Son unto ultimate justice against the father of lies!

36.                       The Father designed the mutable sinless of Lucifer to fall into sin to exalt His justice, but why?  The question is simply answered in His all-wisdom. 

37.                       Is God who is God ever wrong?  No, but does it give Satan culpability to sin to establish His justice?  By no means!  He would make you think so, because after all he is a devil.

38.                       It should teach Satan a lesson where he gives up his defiance and commits himself to a prison of nothingness (even if he did for argument’s sake his betrayal would be his existence), but isn’t God right to punish one who wants to after all establish His justice and is he not at fault as the second cause? 

39.                       Not even Satan can accuse a just predestinarian God but holy God will have all the rights to accuse Satan according to His just pleasure.  

40.                       One day Satan will reply back to the eternal Son in his defense who judges him where there is simply an overwhelming admission of guilt, sin and the established of the precedence of justice in all of it for all eternity due to the holy pleasure of God to forever punish sin because of creaturely rebellion.

41.                       Is there really something to fear of wrongdoing of a holy God?  By no means!  This does not mean He does not establish His justice because of man’s sin.

42.                       If you fear being wronged by a holy God, you O sinner, do not understand the very holiness of God because it is His very nature to be holy and do the elect angels say in vain “Holy, Holy, Holy” to the eternal, self-existent Three that is the very essence of Trinitarian holiness?

43.                       How does God establish His absolute justice?  Through compatibilistic freedom, a holy God establishes His justice for vessels of wrath for their culpability of sin for never-reprobates but to establish justice through His Cross upon Jesus for His people.