The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

97-Disputations on the Reformed and Christian Distinctive Difference of Complete Sin-Tainted Civil Goodness for Those Outside of Incarnate Deity, Plain Thoughts, Words and Deeds of Unmistakable Evil and the Imputed Unified Redemptive Righteousness of the Incarnate King Alone in How Someone is Right With a Superlative, Self-Existent Holy Triune Creator by a Spirit-and-Word born Faith Alone

Thy works, not mine, O Christ,
Speak gladness to this heart;
They tell me all is done;
They bid my fear depart.
To whom, save thee,
Who canst alone
For sin atone,
Lord, shall I flee?
Thy pains, not mine, O Christ,
Upon the shameful tree,
Have paid the law's full price
And purchased peace for me.
Thy cross, not mine, O Christ,
Has borne the awful load
Of sins that none in heav'n
Or earth could bear but God.
Thy righteousness, O Christ,
Alone can cover me:
No righteousness avails
Save that which is of thee.  (TH, 441).

By Dr. M.A. Petillo

1.     Those outside of Jesus Christ merely possess a civil goodness.

2.     Those outside of Jesus Christ do not have the Spirit-give gift of imputed unified righteousness of Christ alone by faith alone.

3.     The difference between a civil goodness for those outside of Christ and the imputed righteousness of Christ alone in Christ is authentic redemption.

4.     Civil goodness for those outside of Christ can never spiritually save.

5.     The only goodness that spiritually saves is the person and work of Jesus Christ alone in the place of lost pre-converted elect sinners.

6.     Those outside of Christ should engage in civil goodness than outright commission of sin for the time they spend under condemnation.  This means the sinner outside of Christ engages in a “lesser evil” rather than pursuing a direct sin, but it is true that civil goodness is thoroughly tainted with sin.  

7.     For example, would we recommend to a sinner outside of Christ to engage in stealing from the poor?  By no means!  We would say exercise your civil goodness in giving to the poor, but we know it cannot save but it is a “lesser evil” in light of the fact it is not the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.  The new Balaam thinks that because civil goodness is tainted with sin, that sinners should just commit outright sin.  This is the so-called wicked grace of Satan that is not the true grace of Jesus Christ.  There is a civil grace that is not a true grace but true grace is the very grace of a holy Triune God.

8.     The incomparable righteousness is the sole imputed righteousness of Christ alone in how someone is right with a holy God.

9.     Civil goodness is not the incomparable goodness of Christ alone.

10. Civil goodness is sorely tainted with prideful, self-righteous and rebellious idolatry.  By outward appearance, it seems like it is really authentic because men judge in light of men instead of in light of a holy God in a matchlessness that is truly set apart.

11. It is true that the incomparable goodness of Christ is not civil goodness but the gospel of Christ even affects the unbelieving with a warm heart.  This could be seen in the practice of Christmas.

12. The civil holiness of sinners outside of Christ do not compare to the authentic holiness of Christ alone, because He is superlatively and divinely matchless.

13. There is a civil cry for the things of God that is not an authentic holiness, but it is a cry that exists in hell.

14. There is a civil evangelism among the sons and daughters of Adam that is not from a true heart, but this is evangelism from hell.

15. There is a difference from a civil evangelism and a true evangelism.  A civil evangelism is from outer darkness, but a true evangelism is those who believe and practice the Christian faith.

16. There is a civil belief that is from hell that is not a true belief from God’s Spirit and God’s Word.

17. There is a civil fear of hell that is different from a godly fear that spreads the awesome message of the gospel of Jesus.

18. There is a civil knowledge that is different than a saving knowledge.

19. There is a civil conversation that is different than a holy conversation.

20. There is a civil thinking that is different than conformity to the mind of Jesus Christ.

21. There is a civil search for God that is different than a seeking after a holy God that is the business of the Christian.

22. There is civil reasoning that is different than a biblical rationality.

23. There is a civil longing for heaven that is different than a Spirit-led and Word-based longing for being with Jesus Christ.

24. There is a worldly pursuit of reprobates that is different than the Christian’s love of valleys, the sight of mountains, beautiful rivers and sunsets.  It is true the reprobate can appreciate these things, but I mean the Christian with his new nature loves the world in a different way in light of the Spirit and Word.  There is a civil love among reprobates that is different than a God-appointed love of what God has made.

25. There is a civil love of sex that is different from a martial relationship between one man and one woman in the marriage bed left undefiled.

26. There is a civil intellectualism that is different than a Christian intellectualism.

27. There is a civil discernment that leads to hell that is different than a Scriptural discernment.

28. There is a civil understanding that is different than an efficacious understanding for the Christian that causes them to spiritually change.

29. There is a civil hearing that is different from the approbation of the Spirit in a biblical hearing.

30. It is possible for a reprobate to understand the biblical Scriptures without a real saving knowledge.

31. There is a false assurance that is different than a true assurance.

32. False assurance is based on experience over the written Scriptures.

33. True assurance is based on the written Scriptures over experience.

34. The Spirit really testifies to a true Christian of his true assurance.

35. False religions pursue a mere mental ascent to the alleged meaning of divine truth, but in reality it is merely a spiritually confounded mess.

36. True religion is a Spirit and Word-born faith that is captive in everyway to the perfect obedience of Jesus Christ.

37. There is a civil love of miracles that is different than a biblical love of miracles.

38. The reprobates view miracles as a way to save, but miracles in themselves cannot save anyone without the regenerating presence of the Spirit.

39. There is a civil appreciation for God’s creation that is different than a Spirit-led love of God’s handiwork in the cosmology of creation.

40. There is a civil love for Jesus Christ that is different than a Spirit-born love of Jesus Christ.  To the one it is designed for hell but to the other it is for God’s glory unto mercy.

41. There is a civil love for family in hell that is different than the Spirit-driven love of family in Christ alone.

42. There is a civil love of the Bible that is different than the love of the Bible among the true people of God in Christ alone.

43. There is a civil baptism that is different than credo-baptism.

44. There are good and bad basketball players like how the local church is a group of saved and unsaved people, but the Reformed aim is to fill the local church with truly born again people for God’s glory unto His mercy through Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Creator.

45. There is a civil preacher that is different than a Reformed preacher.  The difference is the meaning of the written Word.

46. There is a civil recognition of sin that is different than a biblical awakening of sin by God’s free Spirit in light of His written Word.

47.  There is a civil warm heart that is different from a heart born of the Spirit and Word in monergistic regeneration.

48. There is a civil justification that is different than the unbreakable justification by faith alone through Christ alone.

49. There is a civil sanctification that is different than the true sanctification in a positional and progressive sense from the intended meaning of the biblical Word.

50. There is a civil glorification that is not the true past and future glorification of the sole merits of Jesus Christ for His people unto His glory for mercy.  Rather civil glorification is the glory of others that partake of the merits of Christ not Christ alone.

51. There is a civil argument that is different than a true defense for the hope that is within us revealed in the divine Scriptures.

52. There is a civil awakening of God’s existence that is different than the Christian’s awakening of the holy, omnipresence of God.

53. There is a civil awakening of divine Reformed truth through God’s providential illumination among all people outside of Christ that is different from a regenerating awakening for the chosen of God in Christ alone for His glory unto mercy at His appointed time by the free redemptive work of the Spirit of God and the Word of God.

54. There is a civil judgment on religion that is different than a judgment of religion by a real and true Spirit-led Christian in Scriptural discernment.

55. There is a civil suffering unto justice that is different than a suffering of Christians unto mercy.

56. There is a civil corrective judgment unto damnation that is different than a Spirit-led corrective judgment unto election.

57. There is a civil interpretation of the biblical Scriptures than a self-authenticating interpretation of the biblical Scriptures that seeks without end to arrive at the author’s intended meaning.

58. There is a civil preaching of the biblical gospel among those called outwardly to the ministry of the Word that is different from an authentic preaching of the biblical Word among those who truly have Christ in their hearts and actually live out the written glad tidings of God’s holy Word in light of the holiness of the Cross of Jesus Christ.

59. There are those who are twice dead among reprobates that are different than those who are spiritually alive and conquer death through the bodily resurrection of the victory of the King of kings and Lord of lords in the matchless glory of God the Father.

60. There is a civil theologian that is different than a Spirit-awakened theologian.

61. There is a civil apologist that is different than a Spirit-awakened apologist.

62. There is a civil preacher that is different than a Spirit-awakened preacher.

63. There is a civil historian that only teaches the dogmatic history of papal supremacy without regard to true history that is different than a Spirit-awakened historian about the things of God.

64. There is a civil covering for how someone is right with a holy God among fallen sinners than the true imputed unified covering of Christ alone for true justification by a Spirit-and-Word-born faith alone among true Christians.

65. There is a civil truth among philosophers than a true truth among Christian philosophers.

66. There is a civil cost for a reprobate that is different than a biblical understood cost for the name’s sake of Jesus Christ.

67. There is a civil stealing away by false religions touching spiritually brainwashed people outside of Christ in an elusive “psychological warfare” that is different than the true stealing away by the absolute freedom of God’s Spirit and written Word.

68. There is a civil freedom of fallen man that is different than the absolute, supernatural and superior freedom of a holy Triune God.

69. There is a civil pursuit of good works that is different than a true Christian that is created and ordained to do good works.  The main difference would be the pervasive work of God’s Spirit: namely, there is a civil goodness that comes from a holy God though fallen man is not devoid of absolute responsibility of his sin in the sin-taintedness of civil goodness but there is a good work of God’s ordination and creation for Christians to do good works.  The Christian has a new nature but those outside of Christ do not have a new nature but a fallen nature, but there is a special emphasis for the Christian by the Spirit that does not add to Christ alone in how someone is right with a holy God but demonstrates their faith in a predestinarian sense in the outworking of providential history.   This demonstrates the faith of a true Christian.  The degree of civil goodness is from a holy God outside of Christ but the degree of Spirit-led good works is also from a holy God.  None of it spiritually saves.  To the one it demonstrates that they are sinners outside of Christ in light of His matchless holiness of a holy God, but to the other good works demonstrate the faith of a Christian in light of the matchlessness of a holy God.   God controls everything in those outside of Christ for civil goodness and those in Christ for good works, but the responsibility of their total depravity lies with them.  Is sin outside the purpose of God?  By no means!  It is all in the first cause of God, but the second cause is the author of sin.  That means God is controlling things without committing sin through His good holiness!  For the one it is meant for the glory of Jesus unto justice, but for the other it is meant for the glory of Jesus unto mercy.   Which one are you?

70. There is a civil reading of the Bible that is different than a true meaning of the Bible.  Those who have eyes to see let them see.

71. There is a civil hearing of the Word preached that is different than a true hearing of the Word preached.  Those who have ears to hear let them hear.

72. There is civil proclaimation of the Bible that is different than a true preaching of the Bible.  Those who have mouths to speak justice let them speak justice.

73. There is a civil defiance in the kingdom of Satan among the providentially awakened pre-converted elect than a true rebellion against the kingdom of Satan among the converted elect.

74. There is also a civil hatred against Satan that is different than a Christian who battles against him in spiritual warfare with the armor of Jesus Christ in a spiritual defense for God’s glory alone.

75. There is a civil spiritual warfare against Satan for those who are not born again that is different than the Christian warfare against Satan.

76. There is a civil love of Satan for himself to be turned over to more cosmic sin, because his alleged love is the essence of wicked sin.

77. There is a civil loving for self-destruction among reprobates for hell.

78. There is a civil hatred for Satan about himself that yields spite unto a defeat through pride, but there is no Incarnate Goodness in him.

79. There is an alleged civil goodness by Satan that is a masquerading of light.  That means he is able to deceive on appearances.  That is, a house seems good by outward appearance, right?  He comes to grant that outward appearance for the interests of man, but inwardly it yields a fire so dark that only hell judges the death that never dies in outer darkness and blazing fires of real and experiential agonizing torments in the real presence of God’s outstretched wrath of wrath in the real self-torment in the gnashing of teeth where the worm does not die nor is the fire quenched.

80. Fallen man serves the interests of fallen Lucifer.

81. Fallen Lucifer serves the interests of men.

82. The Christian serves the superlative holy God of the Bible.

83. Fallen Lucifer furthers all kinds of crimes of injustice, but besides the plain love of cosmic rebellion and evil, he takes men to hell with good intentions and a scheme that never avails.

84. Reprobates in the final analysis hate the place of hell.

85. Christians see the reality of hell as a motivation for holiness.

86. Fallen Lucifer and his angels are the essence of attrition.

87. There is a civil repentance that is different than a true repentance.

88. There is a civil fear that is different than a godly fear.

89. There is a civil justice that is different than the justice of the Cross.

90. There is a civil punishment that is different than eternal punishment.

91. There is civil reward that is different than God as our greatest reward.

92.  There is a civil change of hearts that is different than spiritual rebirth.

93. There is a civil mindset that is different than the mind of Jesus.

94. There are civil tears of Esau that are different than the Spirit-awakened tears of St. Peter, but the commonality is both are tainted with sin and it cannot save in anyway.  To Esau tears are meant for his turning over to sin by a holy God for justice and a civil humility that does not lead to true repentance to Christ, but for St. Peter his tears are meant for his humbling through a holy God’s enabling divine grace and a Spirit-led humility unto true confession to a holy Triune God.  The set of tears of Esau is self-piety unto evil, but the set of tears of St. Peter are godly sorrow unto tears that are not an evil: namely, the tears of St. Peter though they need to be washed like his repentant confession to a holy Triune God are meant for his good while the sin-tainted tears of Esau are meant for his self-destruction to the place of hell.  It means God decides who to save and who to damn, and a holy and sovereign God is controlling the evidence in the elect and non-elect’s outward demonstration for either salvation or damnation.

95. There is the betrayal by Judas against Jesus without restoration but the difference is for God’s people there is a threefold restoration of St. Peter by Christ due to his denial of Jesus Christ.  Every sinner that sins is restored by a holy God like St. Peter but not like Judas.  That is, Judas was never restored by a holy God.  Rather he was judged by a holy God and accursed unto a disobedience of faith in the gospel.

96. There is a civil difference among the non-believing or unbelieving.  What do I mean?  The pre-converted elect do not yet believe and spend time under damnation, but the never-converted elect will never believe and always spend under condemnation.  The commonality is under condemnation no one really and truly believes.  How does fallen man find a way to truly believe?  Fallen man only truly believes because He makes men to differ by His sovereign choice for their salvation unto eternal mercy.  Why does a holy God seem to save great sinners like St. Paul?  A holy Triune God seeks to forgive much to gain much glory for mercy so His chosen will love much.  It is self-deception to further a pursuit of great sin to be a great sinner to be saved, but it is not self-deception to understand in self-awareness that you are a great sinner.  Its not that sin saves someone if they are a great sinner, but the only way a great sinner is saved is through God’s choice unto everlasting compassion.  Not every great sinner is saved but God may be more aware that salvation is needed through a great sinner.  God has to decide according to His righteous good pleasure.  You may want to turn to ancient Balaam or King Saul.  None of these men were saved though great sinners.  It means sin cannot save if used for damnation and a civil pursuit of life, but sin can be used by a holy God to humble sinners and test motives in a later Spirit-led turning at His appointed time from those sins to a life of practicing death to sin and life to Jesus Christ in what is legally true already because of a new creation in an outward manifestation of repentance unto life and remission.

97. What does a sinner do when he or she cannot repent and believe the gospel?  Should the sinner sin more to get saved?  No, no!  If you follow some lawless religious people in self-deception to sin more to get saved, it will lead you to hell.  The best of Christians have been tricked by Satan, but they defeat him through Spirit-awakened repentance.  Satan and the new Balaam will not argue with you if you want to sin more: namely, he will personally take you to hell through sinning to belong to Jesus Christ but the deception is that sin will make you belong to Jesus.  It does not have the spiritual power to do that.  Some so-called Christians think they can help unbelievers to be a greater sinner to belong to Christ.  It is a folly of vanity in the evil grace of Satan!  Sin cannot make you belong to Christ, because there is no saving power in it.  It only has the power to destroy if left without a holy God in His supernatural intervention for His choice of mercy.  Christians that sin to get people saved end up on the side of Satan.  May I ask:  What does save?  It is simply the gift of the Spirit of God accompanying the Word of God applying the gift of imputed righteousness to a pre-converted elect sinner: namely, sinners should not pursue a greater sinnerhood even if a holy God saves greater sinners, but sinners without the gift of faith and repentance should hear the Word preached.  There is also no basis to sin against a hidden yet known pre-converted sinner so he learns his lesson!  You know why?  Christians that intentionally sin commit a greater degree of sin by trampling the Son of God underfoot again!   The Christians that commit an “unforced force” are abominations before a holy God, but the reprobate who commit a “forced force” are greater stenches before a holy God.  The outcome is the great pain and agony of the person who everyone sinned against.  Everyone has left.  No one is there but only in secret excusing sin through some justification.  When Christians become like the world Satan gains an edge and what was good and green in this world will be hide in the abyss of injustice.  When the world tries to be like the Christian church, it is able to hide behind a collection of false beliefs that furthers the scheme of Satan.  There is a small unity among God’s chosen people in Noah’s family in his wood constructed Ark that is heard with the laughter of sinful Sarah by the world against Christ, but there is also a unity among the reprobate that is seen in the Tower of Babel where ancient and fallen man seek to take God’s holy throne.  It is true that Satan hates a predestinarian God who works out all of this wicked madness for the good of His chosen alone.  The true Christians will repent and redeem the time through nothing added or taken away from the all-exclusive Cross where also the perfect life of Jesus is how He earned salvation for His chosen people, but the reprobate will excuse their injustice with more injustice until hell rains out of heaven again.  So again, how does someone gain faith?   It is simply the Word preached in the convicting presence of God’s Spirit.  The Word preached is where the presence of Christ abides!  This means fallen man is spiritually saved in the hearing of the written Word, because through hearing the preaching of the biblical Scriptures fallen men comes to true faith.  To replace the biblical Word preached is to bring another authority over the matchless and sole infallible superintendence of the Word of Truth.  Repent and obey the good news.

Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face;
Here would I touch and handle things unseen,
Here grasp with firmer hand th'eternal grace,
And all my weariness upon thee lean.
Here would I feed upon the bread of God,
Here drink with thee the royal wine of heav'n;
Here would I lay aside each earthly load,
Here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiven.
This is the hour of banquet and of song;
This is the heav'nly table spread for me:
Here let me feast, and, feasting, still prolong
The brief, bright hour of fellowship with thee.
I have no help but thine, nor do I need
Another arm save thine to lean upon:
It is enough, my Lord, enough indeed;
My strength is in thy might, thy might alone.
Mine is the sin, but thine the righteousness;
Mine is the guilt, but thine the cleansing blood;
Here is my robe, my refuge, and my peace,
Thy blood, thy righteousness, O Lord my God.   (TH, 310).