The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Monday, February 24, 2014

THE JESUS PASSION PROJECT & REPORT, SECTION D 70-Disputations on the God-Breathed Plethora of the New Testament Commandments That Impact All of Life In Thought, Word and Deed in the Whole Constitution of Man For All of Every Tribe, Tongue, People and Nation to the Obedience of Rational Christian People In Allegiance to His Majesty as the ultimate King and Judge Who Is Jesus Christ as God Incarnate

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

1.     Let no one speak in the church as regarding tongues because of the unaddable divine revelation of Scripture (the command of St. Paul on tongues and apostles ended with the apostolic completion of the New Testament Scriptures that simply means divine revelation has supernaturally ceased in terms of everything pertaining to everlasting life and Christian godliness in the unmatchable written Word).

2.     Let there be no special revelation of prophet but the divine and written Scriptures alones in the Old & New Testament regarding justification by faith alone and godly Christian living.

3.     Let there be no divine revelation that is addable to the divine Scriptures but the divine things that confirm Scripture that are outside of the Bible do not add to Scripture but back up the written Word that does not mean extra-biblical revelation but a word that confirms the divine Scriptures but each case of God’s providential care in divine matters must be examined in the utmost degree to the honor of the excellence of the discernment of Jesus Christ where we are called to test the spirits, teachers, encounters, preachers, evangelists, apologists, pastors, elders and bishops in light of the all-exclusivity of the divine completion of the Scriptural canon (like what Dr. RC Sproul spoke of in one of his lectures: namely, that an encounter with Jesus Christ is TRULY rare).
4.     Christian women are to learn quietly in the church but be mothers at home with the direction of the father to train up children in the way that they must go (tota Scriptura).

5.     It is not spiritual to not recognize the divine Word.

6.     We are called to recognize the written Scriptures as true spiritual people of God in Christ.

7.     We are called to do things in decent order by His Word.

8.     People should give as God Himself prospers by His Spirit.

9.     Christians are called to do all things in love of the remembrance of mercy in justice or remembrance of justice in light of God’s hot displeasure.

10.                        Christians are called to give cheerfully by His Spirit.

11.                        Those who reject the true gospel are accursed.

12.                        Those who reject the true Jesus are accursed.

13.                        Those who reject the true Spirit are accursed.

14.                        We are called to prove our own work by God’s Word.

15.                        People must be taught to support the teaching pastor.

16.                        We are called to steal no more but provide restitution if we have stolen anything by the honor of a good God.

17.                        Christians must not have something corrupt come from their lives but the Christ-honoring fruit of the Spirit in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control.

18.                        Put away bitterness in everyway.

19.                        Put away wrath in everyway.

20.                        Put away unjust anger in everyway.

21.                        Put away unrighteous clamor in everyway.

22.                        Put away evil speaking unto slander and gossip.

23.                        Put away malice that gives “justice” without cause.

24.                        Christians must not deceive anyone with vain words.

25.                        Husbands are subject to their wives but also wives must be subject to their husbands.

26.                        Husbands reverence their wives and wives reverence their husbands.

27.                        Husbands love their wives and wives love their husbands.

28.                        Have behavior that becomes of the gospel in all.

29.                        Christians have no strife or vain glory because we ought to think honorably of our Christian brethren and seek God’s superlative glory in all things.

30.                        We are called to esteem all people better than ourselves.

31.                        Christians must have double honor for an elder/pastor/bishop because God is good.

32.                        The slaves of God must be slaves of Jesus Christ.

33.                        The inferiors must honor the superiors but all respecting the human dignity of man that is made in the image of God unless it is men over God instead of God over men.

34.                        All Christian people must depart from iniquity.

35.                        People should not let anyone despise you but live at peace with one another if it is possible but God will reward another Alexander the Coppersmith unto justice.

36.                        Christians must let brotherly love continue.

37.                        All behavior must be apart from covetousness.

38.                        Christians must be patient completely and perfectly.

39.                        All who lack wisdom must ask God and He will deliver.

40.                        Christians must ask in true Spirit-born faith.

41.                        Christians must rejoice by the Spirit and Word.

42.                        Hold fast to humility by a surrendering repentance.

43.                        Christians must not blame God for temptation.

44.                        All must be swift to hear but slow to speak in wrath.

45.                        Christians must demonstrate wisdom and knowledge.

46.                        Christians must not regard sin lightly but seriously.

47.                        Though we regard sin seriously we must have equal compassion in declaring the gospel from the Word.

48.                        Christians who are afflicted must pray.

49.                        All the merry must sing the Psalm.

50.                        All the sick must call for the elder to hear the promise of the gospel in how it heals the body in some respect but also to pray over the sick for healing as God determines.

51.                        Be faithful to God’s character: namely, the Lord gives and the Lord takes away.

52.                        Be loyal to God and His holiness, but can you say “It is the Lord; let Him do what seems best to Him”?

53.                        The sick are called to be anointed with the oil that is the Spirit but the sickness is regarding sick of divine truth.

54.                        We are called to have our hearts right before God.

55.                        We are called to have our deeds right before God.

56.                        Christians must refrain from evil and lips from guile.

57.                        Shun evil, do good, seek peace and pursue it.

58.                        The minister is called to speak for God in sound theology but ordained under sound theology.

59.                        Christians are not to suffer as a murderer in a literal sense or hating his brother without cause.

60.                        Christians must not suffer as a thief.

61.                        All must not suffer as an evildoer or a busybody.

62.                        All must not be ashamed to suffer as a Christian.

63.                        We must be thankful when suffering.

64.                        A Christian who suffers should commit their souls to a faithful Triune Lord.

65.                        A Christian is commanded to have eternal life abide in us because it is what a Christian is all about.

66.                        All must not deceive about being righteous.

67.                        Those who have an ear let them hear.

68.                        Give to those who cannot repay you with boasting.

69.                        Let no one put asunder those who are married.

70.                        Let Christians not speak evil of good.

THE JESUS PASSION PROJECT & REPORT, SECTION C 101-Disputations For A Biblical Christian And All Peoples of This Dark World By Liberty of A Free-Thinking People in Biblical Rationalism For Over A 1000 New Commandments In Application To Pastors, Christians and a Democratic-Republic Civil Magistrate In Place of A Islamic Theocracy, Atheistic Communism, and Agnostic Eclectic Syncretistic Religious Socialistic Pluralism

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

1.     Christians are commanded to abound in holy grace.

2.     Christians are commanded to eternal righteousness.

3.     The people of God are commanded to increase in fruits.

4.     A Christian must be enriched by Christ in all things.

5.     The people of God are commanded to go the extra mile.

6.     Christians are commanded to teach sound orthodoxy.

7.     Do not present heresy from house to house.

8.     We are commanded to show mercy in light of judgment.

9.     People are commanded to have true, living faith.

10.                        We are called to have no fellowship with darkness.

11.                        People should have no respect of persons with the gospel because it must be proclaimed to all.

12.                        We are called to right wrongs by redeeming the time.

13.                        People are called to have honest conversation.

14.                        We are called to have a good conscience before a holy God and the people of the world.

15.                        We are called to bring sin-like dust in thought God through Christ crucified by His Spirit.

16.                        Every sin in word and deed should be brought to God in confessional repentance through the slain yet risen Lamb.

17.                        We are called to fervent, Christ-honoring love.

18.                        We are called to cling to the Word of life.

19.                        People are called to hold fast to the good.

20.                        Hold to all Christian traditions in a sound context.

21.                        Christians are to hold fast in sound faith.

22.                        We are called to hold fast to Jesus comes in His Second Coming that we not be secret but public.

23.                        People must hold fast what we have in thankfulness.

24.                        Christians are to hold our crown but place it at the feet of Jesus Christ alone.

25.                        People should maintain the reputation of ministers.

26.                        Christians should hold fast eternal life.

27.                        The people of God are commanded to have hope.

28.                        Christians are called to have confidence in Jesus.

29.                        Cling to what is heard and received from the Word.

30.                        We are called to honor our fathers.

31.                        Christians are called to honor our mothers.

32.                        People of God are called to honor others.

33.                        We are called to always respect all peoples who bear the mark of the image of God in human dignity but it does not exclude self-defense in a lawful manner.

34.                        Widows must be honored by all people.

35.                        All people must be honored: namely, we are descendents of St. Noah of the Old Testament Scriptures.

36.                        We are called to honor all kings and rulers but not to honor fallen men over God but God over fallen men.

37.                        Christians are called to keep the commandments.

38.                        Keep no company with an immoral person, covetous, idolater, reviler, drunkard and swindler.

39.                        Keep one superlatively pure.

40.                        Hold fast to Gospel-commandments until Christ returns because the honor of Jesus is all that matters.

41.                        Christians should keep the good entrusted to them.

42.                        The people of God must keep themselves from idols.

43.                        We are called to keep ourselves in God’s love (it is a practical reminder to remember the unchangeable love of Jesus that never fails but it does not refer that we maintain our salvation by pure self-will in the ultimate sense but by the work of the Spirit and the written Word).

44.                        People are commanded to lay aside wickedness.

45.                        Christians are commanded to lay aside all malice.

46.                        We are commanded to put away all guile.

47.                        The people of God are called to lay aside all hypocrisies.

48.                        Christians should law aside all envies.

49.                        We are commanded to lay aside all evil speaking.

50.                        We are commanded to overall thoughts and words of justice against the reprobate and civil punishment to the high criminals within the civil authorities.

51.                        Christians are commanded to have their light shine.

52.                        People must respond yes or no not like Satan.

53.                        We are commanded to let our enemy have our cloak.

54.                        Christians must let the blind leaders alone.

55.                        The people of God should deny themselves.

56.                        Christians must take up their cross daily.

57.                        People must pray before a holy Triune God.

58.                        Christians are called to share with the needy.

59.                        People must have their lions girded.

60.                        Be always ready for the time of need/conflict or prepare in advance for the excellence of the honor of Jesus Christ.

61.                        Prepare for conflict with the sword of the Word but also to be able to defend yourself by mortal combat if necessary.\

62.                        People are called to have their love be genuine.

63.                        We are called to obey the JUST civil laws of men.

64.                        Let everyone honor the day they choose in their own minds but honor the Sabbath Day like it was everyday.

65.                        Build upon Christ alone in good deeds that is the gift of the Father’s Hand by the Spirit but does not add to Christ alone but builds treasure in heaven.

66.                        We are commanded to repent of total depravity.

67.                        We are called to repent of our sinful nature (original sin) and radical corruption.

68.                        We who are godly will suffer for righteousness’ sake.

69.                        We are called to reflect the positional truth of Jesus Christ in the practical truth of the process of holiness.

70.                        We are not called to deceive ourselves.

71.                        A husband is called to have his own wife.

72.                        A wife is called to have their own husband.

73.                        A wife is not called to marry another wife.

74.                        A husband is not called to marry another husband.

75.                        A husband is not called to marry many women.

76.                        Everything that contradicts: namely, one man and one woman in Christ-honoring marriage are unlawful in all ways before a holy Triune God and a rational society (reference: Dr. James R. White of and on one of his dividing line broadcasts).

77.                        Let one man and one woman in marriage ALONE satisfy each other in sexual relations (without all kinds of fornication pre-and-during martial relationships).

78.                        Those who are unable to restrain must marry but desires contrary to a life-long heterosexual marriage as a model of the most ancient account of human civilization must be disobeyed because of allegiance to King Jesus concerning Christian morality.

79.                        All divorce cases must reconcile and be forgiven people because Jesus Christ has forgiven the elect people of God sins as the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea, so how much more, should husband and wife forgive whatsoever it is?

80.                        Unbelieving spouses must depart if refused to remain.

81.                        We are called to abide in His calling.

82.                        Let us not add circumcision to the Cross of Jesus.

83.                        Circumcision should be a medial practice not religious.

84.                        Fathers are called to give their daughters in marriage.

85.                        We are called to take heed to stand unless we fall.

86.                        Christian women are called to wear a covering.

87.                        People are called to examine themselves at the Lord’s Supper or at the Holy Eucharist.

88.                        Christians are called contrary to the love of money and seeking wealth selfishly.

89.                        Women should cut their hair if uncovered.

90.                        Those hungry are to eat at home not at the Lord’s Supper because that is reserved for a special time of remembering Jesus Christ under godly leadership and ordained men in Reformed Orthodoxy.

91.                        We are called to be instruments of edification.

92.                        We are called to have the mind of Jesus Christ.

93.                        People are called to known moderation.

94.                        We are called to let our petitions be made known to a holy Triune God.

95.                        Christians are not called to judge on meats, drinks, holy days, new moons and Sabbath days.

96.                        People must not be engaged in vain religion.

97.                        We are called to have perfect peace in our hearts.

98.                        Christians must have the Word indwell them.

99.                        Carry your speech with grace in strength.

100.                   The Day of Christ is at Hand in His Second Coming: namely, it has not happened yet but it approaches somewhere in the future but this Day is spiritually classified where only the Father, Son and Spirit know the precise timing and no one else from Adam to the last fallen sinner.

101.                   Do not let anyone despise your youth in ministry.