The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

95-Disputations on Sex, Satanism and Sports

Ephesians 5:11 (NASB)  "Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them..."

1.     The student-athlete should be governed by the written Word of God alone and the worship of King Jesus with loyal allegiance to Him alone in all things off and on the court.
2.     There should be no advancement in sports or in life through the submission of wrongdoing in various kinds of sexual immorality (the teaching of Balaam in ancient history of the nation of Israel).  Do not transgress the moral law of God.
3.     There should be no advancement in sports through the submission of Satanism to “get things” though the Evil One, because it is a violation of “Thou shalt have no other gods beside Me.”
4.     The coach has the responsibility to guide every student-athlete to the right way to advance in their particular sport.
5.     The coach that does not guide a student-athlete rightly should no longer be coach or to reform his thinking by the presence of the Spirit of God and the Word of God.
6.     The player of any particular sport that advances through wrongdoing in their careers has sinned a great sin and has made sports an idol.  Sports should be fun not an idol.
7.     Sports should never be an idol above God, family and the local church.
8.     Heterosexuality outside of marriage is forbidden to advance in sports.
9.     Homosexuality is universally forbidden in OT and NT and should never be done to “get things” in sports.
10. Sex between persons should never be used to advance performance in any sport because it is meant for the holy happiness of marriage alone and the furthering of society between man and woman alone.
11. Bestiality should never be done to advance careers because some think all is permissible to further their sports career or something in life.
12. Many people would not have advanced their careers in general when I played if it hadn’t been for secret promiscuity.
13. To do wrong to get right is condemned in Romans 3.
14. If you are at a stand-still and cannot advance your sports career, why not pray to God and be patient?
15. Why not wait on God instead of submitting to a cost that is blind and reckless?
16. There are those among us that believe there must be a cost to advance careers.  The only cost should be is to work hard and train and be loyal to God and love thy neighbor.  I suggest to you that if a cost means to have sex to get things, it is something made by man.  I am not saying that Jesus did not have to endure the cost of the Cross.  He certainly had to endure it so His people would be forgiven.  However, it was God who killed His own Son through a foreordained counsel.  I suggest to you that sinners should not have the power of determining a cost to get what a student-athlete wants if it is immoral and repugnant.
17. At an early age, I was exposed to those who would do “evil things in abundance” to get their dreams.  I will not mention them by name, but I see many of them who have advanced through manifold wrongdoing.  If someone has, what should they do?  Jesus calls everyone everywhere to faith and repentance to the Blessed Trinity and godly obedience according to the gospel.
18. To advance through “soul-giving” to Satan is a radical abomination.
19. To advance through a false god is also a radical abomination.
20. Satan is after the interests of men.  He strives after the sinner’s design of things.   To advance through Satan is something that should never be done.  He is willing to advance people in society in whatever they want.  He does not have the interests of God.  In granting prosperity, he comes to destroy man’s lives to blind them from God.
21. There was an occultic wizard that I fought in basketball.  His evil philosophy was to get “good” through a reckless cost.  In the end, if you were not careful, he would allow you to destroy yourself.  I have seen many destroy themselves (without mentioning names).
22. To advance in sports through sexual immorality or various kinds of fornication is forbidden in the Ten Commandments in a board understanding of “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
23. To destroy men’s lives is foreign from the Jesus who came to save men’s lives.
24. To endure a reckless cost to get a grand-good thing is wrong.  If Satan gives it for "free" watch out!  Your soul is secretly at stake!  What happened to the kings in Lord of the Rings?  They took the magical rings without question and they lost their souls. 
25. There should only be the cost of sweat and tears in training for the particular sport.  There shouldn’t be a cost of “soul-giving” to Satan to get something good.  You may train your heart out; the coach may bench you.  Do not give up!
26. To do evil that good may come is damned in Scripture.  It is still possible to repent and believe the gospel by God and His Word.
27. To escape suffering because of religious persecution through the devil is satanic and wrong.
28. To suffer for what is bad is no reward but only correction by God’s providential and invisible hand.
29. To advance in high school through wrongdoing is something that should never be done, including illegal drugs.
30. To advance in college or university level sports through wrongdoing is something that student-athletes should repent about.
31. To advance in sports through wrongdoing at the pro-level must be discouraged.
32. There is only one God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  You should go to Him alone to advance your cause in sports and education.
33. Man is a not a god nor Satan.  You are not the god or master of your own destiny.  You certainly have the power to mess up your life.  You do not have the power for good unless God providential permits it.  There is a good that everyone does and it is civil goodness.  There is a divine standard of goodness that only comes through Jesus by faith.  God should be the master of your destiny not man or Satan or a false man-made religion.
34. If you have fallen into sin, use self-examination in light of the OT and NT.  Have you repented of your sin and renewed your obedience?
35. If a coach tells you to not repent to get something, do not listen to him.  Never give up your repentance.
36. It is good to have the Christian church pray for you in sports and education.  Do not pray to Satan to advance your careers.
37. God created you in the image and likeness of Himself.
38. Satan seeks to destroy you through sin and a felt darkness.
39. No career is worth soul-giving to Satan.
40. No education is worth soul-giving to Satan.
41. No coach should endorse sex and Satanism.  Immorality and the occult go hand-in-hand.  Occultic people are immoral.  You should not be immoral but a godly man or woman of God.
42. Do you know Jesus in a personal relationship?
43. Do you repent of your known sins in a particular way during the day?
44. Do you place sports and education over God?
45. Do you have it as an idol in light of God’s Word?
46. I think concentration on skills and training is better than using the occult to advance your cause in sports.
47. Zen and biblical Christianity are spiritually, doctrinally, scripturally and rationally incompatible.
48. To pray to Allah is spiritual idolatry and a stranger to the Bible.
49. The Bible says that Jesus is the only way to God.  Have you come to Jesus and do you know Him?
50. Jesus will never cast out anyone who comes to Him.  The Spirit of God and God the Son are the two ultimate intercessors.
51. I know the subject of sports, sex and Satanism is not a subject everyone is talking about.  I submit it is a secret way of living. However, I felt it wise to speak about it because I encountered so much of it in a High School basketball camp (which I will also leave unnamed for charity sake).
52. I could have a greater career if I went through sexual immorality and the occult.  I am not saying I regret not doing it.  Rather I chose to not do such thing and honor God through civil goodness.
53. Talent is a God-given attribute.  You ought to train for your sport and live a devotional life to God.
54. Do not let an occultic coach led you astray to Satan and sexual evil.
55. If you resist the world you will be an outsider.
56. It is not wrong to be persecuted for Jesus’ sake.
57. It is wrong to think you can create your own destiny.  Rather God is the One who preordains all things (Ephesians 1:11).   The future of man is already written and ends in victory in Jesus (see the book of Revelation).  It does not mean to not have personal responsibility.  Rather it means you are to know that God is in control and live right before God.
58. There is no blind fatalism.  If you think there is blind fatalism, you will lead a reckless life.
59. It is better to be right than to be wrong.
60. It is better to trust God than to trust man.
61. It is better to rely on God than to rely on Satan.
62. It is better to have Jesus as one mediator than an evil wizard.
63. Jesus is the only God-man (the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity) and there is no one else.
64. No one is spiritually good.  Rather everyone is radically corrupt.
65. Do not forget to share the gospel of Christ wherever you go.
66. Do not forget to take a Bible with you anywhere you go.
67. Live the Word of God by faith and you need not fear any man’s judgment.
68. There is no one who is righteous.  You need the unified righteousness of Jesus Christ alone through faith alone.
69. Do not fornicate with strange women.
70. Do not indulge the works of the flesh.
71. Do not fornicate with strange men.
72. Live worthy of the gospel.
73. There is no peace in life devoid of Jesus Christ.
74. There is no hope in life devoid of Jesus Christ.
75. There is no repentance in life devoid of Jesus Christ.
76. Any sin is forgivable by God through His Son alone.
77. There is no unforgivable sin for God’s elect.
78. Do not betray your Lord and Master Jesus Christ.
79. Jesus has a purpose for your life to live “set apart” and in mortification of the flesh unto repentance.
80. It is good to have self-hatred about sin.  You ought also to love yourself and your neighbor.
81. Do you have enemies in your life in sports?  God calls you to love them!
82. Have you prayed for your enemies? 
83. Confess your sins to God through Jesus Christ; He will surely forgive you and cleanse you.
84. Do not seek “greatness.”  Rather seek excellence.  This is referring to sports and education and training.
85. It is a theological error to say “God helps those who help themselves.”  It is not possible to please God by sinning but He can turn it on its head.  You need to be born again.  Touching sports, it is true that you must have effort.  Touching theology, man is dead in sin and he cannot help himself but sin continually (Genesis 6:5 cf. Ephesians 2ff).
86. Do not be puffed up because of success.  Rather credit everything to God by rejoicing over all things.  Why?  All things have been foreordained by God according to His divine counsel.
87. It is good to put in a hard days work in practice.
88. It is good to play according to excellence.
89. It is good to make a training program to excel in sports.
90. Basketball is much like life; make good decisions.
91. Do not use your remaining corruption for evil.
92. Use your civil goodness to seek the right thing.
93. No one can be right with God touching civil goodness.
94. The only way to be right with God is through Jesus Christ.
95. Train hard with determined excellence.

Interested in Training for Sports?  Check out my new "blog site:"  Making Training Programs, Which Is Best For You? at