The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Beggar's Reformed Baptist Outreach: Friends of the Grace of Jesus

Here are my "blog sites" for you to view in Christian ministry and one "fun" site on basketball and training.  I have decided to list them all here because you can easily access them if you have time to check them out.  Some of them I just started and am seeking to build a Christian defense of biblical Christianity.  I pray that these basic "online Reformed Baptist resources" would be helpful to you. 

Son of Man Ministries

This ministry is for devotional sermons, short blog presentations, teaching theology or church history, or engaging in apologetical debates on some topic regarding world religions, non-Christian cults or the occult.

Lord of Glory Ministries

To present "blog book" presentations on Reformed theology and apologetics.  That is, I am author of many solid online books.  There are short "blog articles" on theology, church history or apologetics.  Sometimes I post my sermons in lengthy parts on the Bible.

Rock of Offense Ministries

To preach, teach and defend the whole counsel of God verse-by-verse!  A ministry to convict the world of her idolatry concerning disobedience to God in hopes of reformation by divine grace through the hearing of God's written Word.

Theologian of the Cross Ministries

To proclaim the supremacy and centrality of the redemptive value of the Cross of Jesus Christ from the Bible alone in light of man's different traditions of men in regards to how someone becomes right with their holy Creator.  
I also desire to defend the Bible's teaching on "limited atonement" and "substitutionary atonement."

The Reformed Fellowship of "Many Infallible Proofs"
This ministry is to demonstrate Christian truth by the bodily resurrection of Jesus.  Creation, Christian philosophy, theology and early church history in the Book of Acts can be demonstrated to be true by Jesus' biblical and historical resurrection.

Making Training Programs

This site is my basketball experience concerning training programs.  It could be helpful for any sport as well.  It concerns weight training, swimming, plyometrics, long distance running, jumping with weights and endurance sprints.  Its sort of a "fun" web site to help athletes with serious training.

Traditional Bible-Based Views, A Reformed Teaching

To defend pro-life, democracy, traditional marriage, a literal six day creation and other family issues in light of the Bible alone concerning Reformed Baptist theology.

Internet Free Wittenberg

To preach, teach and defend the written Word in light of world religions, non-Christian cults, and the occult.  To also proclaim the written Scriptures through soon-to-be Bible commentaries, prayers and Lord's Day sermons through an audio (hosted by a free uploading service) and written presentations on a particular apologetical subject that is meaningful to convict the world of sin and help people to grow in holiness through edification with the people of God in my "feeble" attempt at a proclamation of a few "fishes and loaves."

Stone of Stumbling, A Predestinarian and Compatibilistic Fellowship

This Reformed Baptist ministry is for the Christian teaching of absolute predestination.  I also want to defend the foreordaination of all things because God has meaning and purpose behind everything that is meant for the good of His people who love Him with a love born from above who are being conformed to the image of God's Son in divine love.  I also hope to defend the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 concerning the Reformed understanding of "free will" and the teaching of "compatiblism."  I also aim to defend the Reformed teaching in light of Scripture alone about 6-Point Calvinism in light of Arminianism's denial of non-cooperation in spiritual rebirth.  Let my errors be proven by Scripture alone!

All of these ministries are under "fair use" and the materials belong to MA Petillo.  I pray God uses these "online materials" for His glory alone to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus to renew minds and be conformed to the image of Jesus.