1. We ought to consider the topic of God's abundant mercy. God saves sinners through the essential mercy of the life and death of Jesus Christ. Jesus never fails to give mercy to His people. At the Cross the redemptive mercy of God was overwhelmingly poured upon God's elect alone. That is, all the believing ones will respond in faith alone because of a changed heart by the Spirit and the Word. Sometimes we fail to show mercy to others. We ought to demonstrate God's mercy in giving it to others. Christ showed mercy to His enemies when He asked His Heavenly Father to forgive those who nailed Him to the Cross. We are hurt when others do not show mercy to us. We are wounded when we are betrayed and insulted. Sometimes we ask for the compassionate pity of another. People fail to show mercy to another and we lose hope that people are not very kind. These times of a lack of mercy are noticeable and memorable. We ought to always remember mercy in times of judgment. God remembers mercy in judgment. If His people turn from their mortal evil by confession and true repentance, He will relent of calamity or judgment. God uses corrective judgment to make us humble under His mighty hand. Corrective judgment is not redemptive suffering because all redemptive suffering was upon Christ at His Cross alone. The Father sends His Son to give mercy to those in spiritual need through His Spirit. There is never a time when God leaves His elect. There is never a time when God forsakes His elect. There is never a time when God abandons His elect. He is always there even in chastisement and chastening to His people. We ought to show mercy to the reprobate and the wicked. If we do not show mercy, God may recompense us with His corrective wrath.
2. We have all been in situations of people not showing mercy. Sometimes we ask for forgiveness but it is not granted. Rather we God we know that every moment we correctly ask for forgiveness He forgives us. God always helps His people by His instruction in the written Word through the illumination of God's Spirit. Sometimes we ask for help but no help is provided. Sometimes we ask for understanding but people fail us. Sometimes we ask for patience but there is none. Sometimes we get judgement instead of kindness and condemnation instead of mercy. This is never the case with God because He never condemns His people. He did not come to condemn or destroy the sons of Adam but He came to save them. He calls all men everywhere to repentance and faith according to the glad tidings of the gospel. To apprehend God's mercy Christ had to die in your place to save you from your own sinful nature! He calls us to repentance and faith in Him alone because He earned salvation for us and redemptively suffered in behalf of God's people alone. If you have not repented this day, get on your knees and confess your sins to God through His Son. He is faithful, true and just to forgive us for our sins and to cleanse us from all filthiness, unrighteousness and dirtiness. He will never cast you out if you come by faith on His terms. Trust the Lord for His mercy.
This blog web site is for the in-depth, sound and basic exegetical study of the Bible in Reformed apologetics; that is, I shall expound upon the inerrant and infallible Word of God, the Holy Scriptures. There shall be biblical studies in world religions and non-Christian cults. I also quote and research reformed writers and I am happy to study from them. May the Lord bless everyone who reads this blog with spiritual riches in Christ which is His imputed merit by faith alone.
The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!