4. Conservative Arminians and Calvinists agree that sinner's must repent because it is a command of God. However, some say it is an invitation instead of a divine command. The Bible clearly says that "contrite repentance" is not merely an invitation but a divine command that all human beings must do in order to be right with God. However, many "repent" to a false "god." We must repent to the God of the Old and New Testaments! The God of the Bible is the Blessed and Holy Trinity. He alone deserves our worship and service and adorable love. I would like to point out that many people do not understand that it takes the awesome power of the Word and the Spirit to bring someone to spiritually rebirth. How can someone repent? Does a person repent by their own spiritual freedom and the liberty of their wills? I suggest to you that people repent because it is a gift of God and the divine work of God the Spirit and His matchless Word. I remember when I was spiritually dead in sins and transgresses. I tried to lift myself up through my own boot straps but I was spiritually unsuccessful. I could not repent in and of myself though I gave it my best shoot. It means that we cannot spiritually avail ourselves to authentic repentance unless God changes our stoney hearts. We may have the spiritual freedom to choose what work we do for employment or what we eat for dinner or the person we marry, but I suggest to you that we do not have the spiritual freedom to repent unto remission because we were born with a spiritually dead condition before God and man!
5. We ought to concern ourselves with the "recipe" for true and authentic repentance. What is God-honoring repentance? We can see what God-honoring repentance is by taking a look into the life of Samuel of the Old Testament. I suggest to you that true repentance is the Spirit and the Word at work in us to mourn over our sin, misery and guilt. We should not be afraid of God's punishment because all punishment was taken upon Jesus at His bloody Cross. Are you grieved over your sin and guilt? Do you know that if you mourn over sin you are blessed? I would like to point out that the sons and daughters of Adam have different degrees of grieving. We ought to have a sense of grieving over sin and felt need for Jesus Christ in our hearts. This can only come about by God's absolute and divine intervention! I suggest to you that any amount of contrite mourning is spiritually acceptable to God through His dear Son alone. Those who mourn will be comforted. We see that Esau mourned over his sin of selling his birthright to Jacob but could not truly repent. He could not repent because it was something of his flesh. He only could yield a attrition repentance. I suggest to you that this kind of repentance is no repentance at all. Do not grieve over consequences of sin because it is a worldly sorrow. We must grieve over offending God alone. We must be spiritually broken in our hearts before Him. We see that Israel rebel against a holy God but they lamented after God in godly contrition.
6. We see that Samuel speaks of true and authentic repentance. God does not only require a emotional response but a godly sorrow in Christ. True repentance always leads to godly sorrow and fruits of godly repentance. Samuel proclaimed that they must return to the Lord. Repentance is returning to the Lord and turning away from sin and evil. Do you sin? Turn away to the Lord! We ought to turn from sin and return to the Lord. The Lord requires holiness because He is holy. We ought to be like the Lord. However, we are sinners but we need His divine guidance in His written Word alone in order to walk worthy of the gospel in all good works. God desires your ultimate and unqualified allegiance! Does He have it? Does He have your loyalty? Have you forsaken your sin and returned to God? Have you repented with all your heart as best as you know how to the God of the Bible alone? We ought not to rely on our own understanding but on God's written Word alone. We ought to hate what we once loved concerning our detestable iniquity. Do you want the pleasures of sin or the obedience to God? Do you seek the pleasures of God at His right hand? We all must direct our hearts and minds to the good Lord and serve the Lord.
This blog web site is for the in-depth, sound and basic exegetical study of the Bible in Reformed apologetics; that is, I shall expound upon the inerrant and infallible Word of God, the Holy Scriptures. There shall be biblical studies in world religions and non-Christian cults. I also quote and research reformed writers and I am happy to study from them. May the Lord bless everyone who reads this blog with spiritual riches in Christ which is His imputed merit by faith alone.
The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!