The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Friday, June 15, 2012

God’s Awesome Grace, Pt 1

The grace of God is all-sufficient for the Christian.  I have no idea what you are going through, but I know the grace of God is sufficient for you.  The Lord does know what you are going through.  The Lord’s grace is indeed sufficient for you no matter what you are enduring.  No one can take you out of God’s hand, because He is all-powerful.  Satan and human beings are not all-powerful.  But God is able to help you because His grace is sufficient for you.  We ought to have unshakeable faith in Christ and be faithful to Him.  The Lord responded to Paul that His grace was sufficient for him.  The Lord’s power reigns in us because of our weaknesses.  The world does not offer us grace.  God’s grace does amazing things in the hearts of His people.  God’s grace causes us to reach out and love a people who once hated us.  We ought to forgive abundantly because He is our great Lord who forgives us. 

God’s gift is free.  It goes against human behavior and human tradition.  We may wander from Him but God offers us grace through His Son.  His love is unconditional and His generosity is awesome and everlasting.  Pride may hinder us in spiritual salvation.  Pride tells us that we do not need to be saved.  Pride tells us that we can live a good life and earn heaven.  The enemy twists what God has said in His Word.  We do God a disservice to think sin is small and we do a disservice to God when we forget who we sinned against.  We ought to never forget that the enemy is a liar.  We all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory.  We are only right in God’s eyes by the redemption we have in Christ.  In Christ, we have the goodness of His love and the mercy of His kindnesses!  The grace of a believer is unmerited.  That is, no one can merit the grace of Christ.  The grace of Christ is inexhaustible because it is found in Christ alone.  The grace of Christ is irresistible because it is His promise.  God’s grace restores us.  He satisfies all our longings.  We ought to rest in the grace of Christ as a Christian.  The grace of Christ saves and empowers us to live for Him alone for His glory alone.  Amen.