Thursday, August 26, 2010
- There is a type of so-called glory that is evil, because it is sin.
- A self-destructive god as Satan is contrary to the law of God; for it is only the God of the Bible that is perfect and true to His name.
- The greatest desire of Satan is to doom the human race; for it is not inconsistent with what he did to his own demonic followers touching the angelic race.
- Pride is the evil emperor, because it is the essence of sin.
- Arrogance is the evil prince, because it is the essence of sin.
- Idolatry is the foundation of sin, because it is the spring board of every sin.
- Cruel hatred is the weapon of Satan, but God has the weapon of hatred of sin.
- There is a so-called tender evil, because it is contrary to the law of God.
- There is a so-called living violence, for it is submission to evil.
- The vileness magnified of evil is contrary to the law of God.
- Satan’s co-called kindness is not a kindness; for it is a violation of the law of zeal kindness.
- There is a disrespectful respect that is Satan’s so-called respect to God, for it is immersed in sin, wickedness and trickery.
- If there so-called truth glorifies them, it is acceptable.
- If God ordaining all things for the good of His people is meant for our good, the enemy turns it on its head to cause more evil in a unjustification of the end justifies the means.
- There is a wickedness that is a wickedness that is contrary to the law of God.
- There is a sin that is a sin that is contrary to the law of God.
- There is an evil that is an evil that is contrary to the law of God.
- There is a good evil that is not a wicked evil that is consistent with civil righteousness.
- There is a so-called loving malice, because is it all about submission to wickedness.
- There is an unkind kindness, because there is sin in the world.
- There is sin in the world, because of the fall of Adam.
- There is sin in the world, because of the fall of Satan.
- There should be no favor between Christian and sin; for it is contrary to the law of God.
- There is not fellowship between God and Satan, because there is no fellowship with sin in God.
- There is no darkness with God, but there is much darkness in Satan.
- There is no goodness in Satan, but God is goodness.
- There is no holiness in Satan, but God is holiness.
- There is no godliness in Satan, but God is pure.
- There is no friendship with Satan, but God is friends with redeemed sinners.
- There is no fellowship between light and darkness.
- There is no harmony or peace between God and Satan.
- There is no god except the Three in One.
- There is no divine attributes except with God the Holy Trinity alone