Most of us hear the word “will” and instinctively
envision a celestial frown. The phrase “will of God” often conjures up the
mental impression of an inflexible and colorless lawgiver whose sole concern is
for his own reputation. But when I hear Paul speak of God’s “will” for human
sexuality I think of his heart’s desire, his yearning, his fatherly passion for
our maximum enjoyment of one of his most precious gifts. I hear God saying,
“This is what I long for you to experience as a sexual being. I made
you. I put those sexual impulses in your spirit and in your body. I created
hormones. Trust me when I say that I know far better than you what will bring
the greatest joy and optimum pleasure.” The point is simply that God’s “will”
for you and me is always an expression of his love. So what exactly is it that
God “wants” of us when it comes to our sexual behavior?
(Sam Storms, Sexual Morality, November 6, 2006, Used by Permission).
(Sam Storms, Sexual Morality, November 6, 2006, Used by Permission).
Many men
think of the call to give themselves for a woman solely in terms of her
protection. They say, “I would defend her if there was trouble. If someone
attacked her I would step up for her protection.” But they fail to realize that
when a woman enters a dating relationship, she mainly needs to be protected
from the sins of the very man to whom she is offering her heart. The enemy that
men need to stand up to is the one who lives within themselves: the one who is
selfish, insensitive, and uncommitted. It is when that man is put to death that
the woman will be safe and will be blessed in the relationship. (Richard D. Phillips
and Sharon L. Phillips, Holding
Hands and Holding Hearts, P&R, 2006, p. 72. Used by Permission).