1. Jesus Christ was despised and rejected of men.
2. The hatred of men was predicted by the messianic predictions.
3. The Almighty Father made known the treatment of His dear Son.
4. Seven hundreds before He was born Isaiah prophesied the mistreatment of His Son.
5. Isaiah was totally accurate in his prophecy.
6. The prophecy of Isaiah demonstrates its inspiration.
7. God worked through Isaiah to state this vital truth.
8. We should have welcomed the Messiah.
9. His vocation and mission was that of mercy and grace.
10. Jesus forgave sins, healed the sick and raised the dead.
11. We see that He was not welcomed with open arms.
12. Jesus is the Holy One of God.
13. He did not appear attractive to unregenerate men.
14. Man is desperately wicked and by nature hates the Messiah.
15. The OT records much against man but the NT also says that the carnal mind is against God.
16. There is no cloke for sin apart from the covering of Christ at the Cross of His imputed unified righteousness.
17. Jesus was sinless but in comparison to man it demonstrates that man by nature because of Adam is wicked.
18. Christ preached the absolute sovereignty of God.
19. The Lord does what He pleases.
20. The fact that God does what He pleases is distasteful to man.
21. God does what He pleases in accord with His will and He does not consult with His creatures.
22. God does what He pleases and does not consult with His creatures.
23. We ought to forgive and pray for people who hate us.
24.Jesus forgave His enemies at the Cross, "Father, forgive them...." Man is spiritually depraved and hates whatGod acts according to His good pleasure.
25. God does what He pleases with His own.
26. His mission was to glorify His Heavenly Father.
27. Jesus has His rights to the crown of glory in absolute sovereignty.
28. Jesus was hated, rejected and despised of men.
29. Jesus upheld His holy and sacred law.
30. Jesus came to fulfill the law and the prophets.
31. He was despised and rejected of men in Isaiah 53:3.
32. Jesus enforced the Ten Commandments,
33. Because He enforced the Ten Commandments, He was despised and rejected of men.
34. Jesus hated unbiblical human tradition.
35. Man is a religious being but He does not know the Living God.
36. The image of God is not entirely destroyed from the fall of Adam.
37. People all the time pay worship to false gods.
38. Man has a religious to him.
39. Jesus charged the Jewish people making the Word of God of none effect through their tradition.
40. Jesus cleansed the temple but the priests were sore displeased in Matthew 21:15.
41. Jesus repudiated empty professions.
42. Jesus confronted the Jewish leadership in being of their father the devil in John 8.
43. Christ exposed and renounced sin.
44. Because Jesus hated sin, this explains why the Jews did not accept Him.
45. Jesus’ holiness caused His advertises question Him.
46. Jesus’ words tested everyone.
47. Jesus was despised because of His inward purity.
48. God looks at the heart but man looks at the outward appearance.
49. Jesus demanded true repentance.
50. Jesus came to save His people from sin and the wrath of the Father.
51. He gave Himself to save His people.
52. Jesus taught the denial of self.
53. The depravity of man killed Jesus Christ.
54. He was hated of men.
55. People were abominable, disobedient and every work reprobate.
56. He was hated because of authoritative teachings.
57. The yoke of Christ is rejected of men.
58. The depraved man wants nothing more then to be “lord” over his life.
59. The gospel of Christ is rejected by men because man is sinful, wretched and wicked.
60. People intellectually reject Christ.
61. People deny that Jesus is God Incarnate.
62. People deny that Jesus came to save sinners.
63. People demonstrate their depravity in rejecting Christ.
64. Christ comes to sinners first and then sinners respond.
65. Jesus saves from sin, God’s wrath and hell.
66. The question is not what you will do with Christ but what He will do with you.
67. No one can be a Christian and deny the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity.
68. It is anti-Christian and unchristian to reject Jesus.
69. Christians suffer because of Jesus.
70. God’s people are objects of hatred by mankind.
71. The object of hatred by people is God.
72. The object of hatred by people is Christ.
73. The object of hatred by people is light.
74. The hatred of men is a sign of a Christian’s discipleship.
75. The hatred of men is a sign of a Christian’s election.
76. The hatred of men is a sign of a Christian’s regeneration.
77. The hatred of Christ in the end is the outcome of hell.
78. The hatred of the Holy Trinity is the outcome of hell.