The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Prayer for the New Year by John MacDuff, 1885

Almighty and everlasting God, You are the Alpha and the Omega—the First and the Last. Amid all the vicissitudes of a changing world, You change not. All things below must perish—but You remain the same. You have mercifully preserved us to see the commencement of another year. We desire to begin this new period of our existence by consecrating its hours to You. Before we enter on its manifold duties, and its unknown trials—we beseech You to impart to us Your gracious benediction. We would seek to connect its coming blessings with You—to own Your hand and Your wisdom in its coming sorrows. We would seek to feel that it can only be to us a happy year by being a holy one—spent in Your service and devoted to Your praise. It is one of the many new years we have seen; we cannot tell how few we may have yet to see.
Our prayer is, that we may live this year as if it were to be our last. Lord, we desire to begin the year, where we would wish to begin and to end its every day—at the opened Fountain. We desire to take as our motto and superscription throughout its course "God forbid that we should glory, save in the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ." We desire to connect this new year's morning with the great atoning sacrifice, without which no years could have revolved to us. Our every temporal comfort, as well as every spiritual blessing, flow to us entirely from Jesus. Oh, do enkindle in our hearts a flame of more ardent devotedness to Him, whose amazing love it is, which crowns every year with goodness, and makes all its paths to drop fatness.
Gracious Lord, we desire, this morning, to make a fresh consecration of ourselves and our household unto You. Sprinkle our lintels with the blood of the everlasting covenant. Set Your own seal and mark on our foreheads. If in past years there has been forgetfulness of You—if Your kindness has been abused, and Your mercies slighted, and Your name dishonored—enable each and all of us to make this year one of more undivided surrender to Your service. May it be a new year of love, and meekness, and forgiveness, and close walking with God. May sin be more dreaded, and holiness more loved. May the lessons of eternity come more powerfully and impressively home to us. Let us live as immortal beings. Let us live a dying life. Let it not be the impression of a solemn anniversary like the present, but a habitual conviction, that "The fashion of this world is passing away." 

O Lord, accept of this our united new year's sacrifice. We would light our flickering lamps at Your holy altar—do replenish them day by day with the oil of Your grace; that should any of us be summoned in the course of the year to meet our Lord, we may not have to make the mournful confession, "Our lamps have gone out." 

Good Lord, bless all our dear friends; we would remember them, as we trust they are remembering us, this day, at Your footstool. Hear our mutual prayers: may the cloud of mercy descend on all our heads. Though absent from one another on earth, may faith bring us near, by having our tents pitched by the gate of heaven. Bless our native land; may it ever remain a center of holy influences, distinguished by that righteousness which exalts a nation. Bless our rulers, our senators, our magistrates. Bless the ministers of the everlasting Gospel; may they be wise to win souls; and may every religious privilege we now enjoy, be handed down unimpaired to the last posterity. God of all grace, undertake for us. Let the pillar of Your presence go before us. Direct, control, suggest throughout this year, all that we design or do—so that every power of our bodies, and every faculty of our souls, may unite for the showing forth of Your praise and glory. And all that we ask is for the sake of Jesus—Your only Son and our Savior. Amen.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

"Practical Predestination?" by Octavius Winslow

There are no guesses, conjectures, or contingencies with God as to the future. Not only does He know all, but He has fixed, appointed, and ordered "all things after the counsel of his own will."

It would seem impossible to form any correct idea of God, disassociated from the idea of predestination. The sole basis of predestination is the 'practical' belief that God is eternal and infinite in and over all.

Predestination is God's pre determined appointment and fore arrangement of all things beforehand, according to His divine and supreme will.

God prearranges, predetermines, and supremely rules in all the concerns of our world. He fixes a constellation in the heavens, guides the gyrations of a bird in the air, directs the falling of an autumn leaf in the pathless desert, and conveys the seed, borne upon the wind, to the spot where it should fall.

In predestination we see the everlasting love of God to, and His most free choice of, His people, to be His special and peculiar treasure. What doctrine is more emptying, humbling, and therefore sanctifying, than predestination? It lays the axe at the root of all human boasting. In the light of this truth, the most holy believer sees that there is no difference between him and the vilest sinner that crawls the earth, but what the mere grace of God has made.

One blessing accruing from the doctrine of predestination is the sweet and holy submission into which it brings the mind under all afflictive dispensations. Each step of his pilgrimage, and each incident of his history, the believer sees appointed in the everlasting covenant of grace. He recognizes the 'discipline' of the covenant to be as much a part of the original plan as any positive mercy that it contains. That all the hairs of his head are numbered; that affliction springs not out of the earth, and therefore is not the result of accident or chance, but is in harmony with God's purposes of love; and, thus ordained and permitted, must work together for good.

The radiance which predestination reflects upon the entire history of the child of God, and the calm repose which it diffuses over the mind in all the perplexing, painful, and mysterious events of that history, can only be understood by those whose hearts have fully received this doctrine. Whatever betides him; inexplicable in its character, enshrouded in the deepest gloom, as may be the circumstance; the believer in this truth can 'stand still', and, calmly surveying the scene, exclaim: "This also comes forth from the Lord of Hosts, who is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working. He who works all things after the counsel of His own will has done it, and I am satisfied that it is well done!"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ruth Bryan's Prayers for the New Year

Be pleased, dear Lord, to grant me during the present year—more of Your gracious presence, more tenderness of conscience and fear of offending You; more humility, stronger faith, and more entire devotedness to Your cause. Enable me to leave my temporal concerns entirely with You, to walk by faith, to have my treasure in heaven, and to manifest by my conduct—that I am Your disciple. Let me not grow cold or lukewarm—but may "I lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset me, and may I run with patience the race set before me, looking unto Jesus. Amen."

"Here I raise my Ebenezer." Thus far the Lord has brought me. Though the past has been a year of multiplied transgressions and backslidings, I trust, through His abundant mercy, my face is still Zionward, and that my prevailing desire is to be devoted entirely to His service. Take me, dearest Lord, and form me for Your own glory. I feel much bodily weakness. Oh, that through the crevices of this frail tabernacle, I may see some of the glories of the eternal world!

Most dear and precious Christ, I had not thought to see another new-year's day—but hoped before now—to have beheld You face to face! Like him of old, who was possessed of a legion of demons, I besought that I might be with You. But for a season, You have seen good to withhold the full answer to my request. "May Your will be done!" Glorify Yourself in me, and be much, very much with me, until You shall say, "Arise, my love, and come away," to be with Me forever! I desire most humbly and unreservedly, in Your own strength, to yield to Your Divine disposal—all I have and am, and to continually lose my wish and will, in Yours. I would lay at Your feet all creatures and created good, with every seeming evil—and embrace Yourself, my Jesus, as my joy, portion, happiness, wisdom, strength, peace—yes, my all in all—for the coming year, or so much of it as I tarry upon earth; and then, as my joyful, blissful portion through eternity! Oh, lead me, Holy Comforter, more into Christ—and out of SELF! I have had much of blessing—but I long and pray for more; in Jesus' name. Enlarge my expectations more, I beg You—and more I shall receive. "Lord, increase my faith."

Precious Christ, I come with a large request for 1842: it is that You would be the "Alpha and Omega" of it. Do You not say, "Ask what I shall give you?" Yourself, Lord! You have most blessedly given Yourself to me. But I find sweet liberty to entreat more unfolding, revealing, and opening of Your glorious person, amazing work, and matchless love, than I have yet had; and more losing and treading down of SELF, too—that I may be lost in Your fullness, and forgotten and forsaken in Your soul-absorbing glories. Oh! raise me higher, draw me nearer, that I may daily die, and You live in me more manifestly. I just give myself to You, to live on You, to live in You, to live for You, more and more than heretofore, and that by the power of the Spirit resting on me. I humbly ask that mine may be a large and still-increasing portion; that, under fresh anointings, You, most lovely Jesus, may be more fully known, more loved, more served; for it is to You the Holy Spirit leads, of You He testifies.

Oh, do make this a large, rich, full year! You being increasingly honored in me, and I increasingly lost in You, and made an increasing blessing to Your dear people. An Ebenezer for past mercies befits me; large and magnificent have been Your bestowments; bountiful and constant Your favors to me—a poor worthless nothing! "Bless the Lord, O my soul—and all that is within me, bless His holy name!"

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Gospel Song, "Where Could I Go But To The Lord?"

 Here is a great Gospel song.  Hope you enjoy it during this time of Christmas.  Let the Holy Trinity be honored by this wonderful song. 

Living below in this old sinful world
Hardly a comfort can afford
Striving alone to face temptations sore
Where could I go but to the Lord

Where could I go oh where could I go
Seeking a refuge for my soul
Needing a friend to save me in the end
Where could I go but to the Lord

Neighbors are kind, I love them everyone.
We get along in sweet accord.
But when my soul needs manna from above,
Where could I go but to the lord

Where could I go oh where could I go
Seeking a refuge for my soul
Needing a friend to save me in the end
Where could I go but to the Lord

Life here is grand with friends I love so dear
Comfort I get from God's own Word
Yet when I face the chilling hand of death
Where could I go but to the Lord

Where could I go oh where could I go
Seeking a refuge for my soul
Needing a friend to save me in the end
Where could I go but to the Lord

More on the Catholic Catechism, Paragraphs 26-30

26 We begin our profession of faith by saying: "I believe" or "We believe". Before expounding the Church's faith, as confessed in the Creed, celebrated in the liturgy and lived in observance of God's commandments and in prayer, we must first ask what "to believe" means. Faith is man's response to God, who reveals himself and gives himself to man, at the same time bringing man a superabundant light as he searches for the ultimate meaning of his life. Thus we shall consider first that search (Chapter One), then the divine Revelation by which God comes to meet man (Chapter Two), and finally the response of faith (Chapter Three).

The problem is, Rome has given precedence to myths of the Virgin Mary.  She has added to the Creed she espouses.  She has added to the work of Christ alone.  To pray to Mary is contrary to the law of God of having no god besides him.  We must honor God the Trinity over Marian veneration. 

27 The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for:
The dignity of man rests above all on the fact that he is called to communion with God. This invitation to converse with God is addressed to man as soon as he comes into being. For if man exists it is because God has created him through love, and through love continues to hold him in existence. He cannot live fully according to truth unless he freely acknowledges that love and entrusts himself to his creator.

The God of the Bible does not allow image worship.  The God of the Bible does not understand the truth to be the so-called plus religion.  That is, I mean the following: Mary plus Jesus, faith plus works, grace plus merit, and Scripture plus tradition.  This is an unsafe balance that will lead to eternal ruin. 

28 In many ways, throughout history down to the present day, men have given expression to their quest for God in their religious beliefs and behavior: in their prayers, sacrifices, rituals, meditations, and so forth. These forms of religious expression, despite the ambiguities they often bring with them, are so universal that one may well call man a religious being:
From one ancestor [God] made all nations to inhabit the whole earth, and he allotted the times of their existence and the boundaries of the places where they would live, so that they would search for God and perhaps grope for him and find him - though indeed he is not far from each one of us. For "in him we live and move and have our being."

No one seeks after God.  There is an unseeking seeking by men.  That is, it will not led to grace but to self-righteousness.  Mankind cannot seek after God because they are dead in transgressions and sins.  Mankind is religious but it’s a form of godliness not conforming to the doctrine of Christ. 

29 But this "intimate and vital bond of man to God" (GS 19 § 1) can be forgotten, overlooked, or even explicitly rejected by man. Such attitudes can have different causes: revolt against evil in the world; religious ignorance or indifference; the cares and riches of this world; the scandal of bad example on the part of believers; currents of thought hostile to religion; finally, that attitude of sinful man which makes him hide from God out of fear and flee his call.

The Bible calls men to the highest standard of living and righteousness.  However, this righteousness cannot be of mere mankind but it is from Christ alone.

30 "Let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice." Although man can forget God or reject him, He never ceases to call every man to seek him, so as to find life and happiness. But this search for God demands of man every effort of intellect, a sound will, "an upright heart", as well as the witness of others who teach him to seek God.
You are great, O Lord, and greatly to be praised: great is your power and your wisdom is without measure. And man, so small a part of your creation, wants to praise you: this man, though clothed with mortality and bearing the evidence of sin and the proof that you withstand the proud. Despite everything, man, though but a small a part of your creation, wants to praise you. You yourself encourage him to delight in your praise, for you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.

The Christian is the one who seeks after God.  It is not the other way around.  That is, it is not the unbeliever who seeks God.  Rather it is the Christian who is called to seek God because he has been born from above by the Spirit and the Word.  Only Christians rejoice at God’s will.  Unbelievers do not rejoice nor seek after God.  The moment someone seeks after God they have become a Christian. 

A Small Study on a 40-Point Proclamation in a Christmas Study on Limited Atonement

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”  (Matthew 1:21 KJV).

  1. The mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is from the Virgin Mary.

  1. We profess the Virgin Birth of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ.

  1. Jesus was the first-born Son of the Virgin Mary.

  1. Jesus means to save and He literally saves His people from their sins.

  1. The people He saves is particular and specific; that is, He saves a particular group of people.

  1. Jesus dies in behalf of His people or His bride.

  1. The work of Jesus on the Cross actually accomplishes redemption.

  1. The power of Jesus is not limited to save.

  1. It is the extent of Jesus’ Cross that is limited to save.

  1. Limited atonement defines an important part of the Gospel.

  1. It means that Jesus died for a limited amount of people.

  1. He did not redeem all peoples but He redeemed some people.

  1. The power of His death could have saved all people if He wanted it to.

  1. He blood has the power to save endless worlds.

  1. The intention of the Cross is meant for the elect only.

  1. The intention of the Cross is not a mere possibility but an actuality to save.

  1. The scope of the intention of the Cross is limited to all the believing ones.

  1. Like the sacrifice of lambs in the Old Testament, Jesus died for some people.

  1. The death of Jesus took away sin but imputed unified righteousness to those who place their trust in Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

  1. Christ accomplished redemption on the Cross but people cannot save themselves.

  1. Jesus died for all kinds of men from every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

  1. Jesus did not die for Judas or Pharaoh but He did die for Peter and James.

  1. Jesus gave His life for those who place their trust in Him by His Spirit.

  1. All the ones who believe He imputes His righteousness unto them.

  1. “All the sins of some men” is the proper position.

  1. Jesus did His saving on the Cross and this was His sacrifice.

  1. The atonement is not a hypothetical atonement but an actual atonement.

  1. Hypothetical atonement is salvation for no one, because no one can save themselves.

  1. John 6:37-40 teach limited atonement because He loses none that are His.

  1. According to Matthew 1:21 He saves a particular people.

  1. According to John 10:15 Jesus knows who His sheep are and He lays down His life for them.

  1. According to John 15:13 He lays down His life for His own friends.

  1. According to Acts 20:28 He purchased His own with His own blood.

  1. Ephesians 5:25 teaches that God the Son gave Himself for His people.

  1. Limited atonement is also known as definite atonement or particular redemption.

  1. The work of the Cross was a substitutionary work of redemption.

  1. The work of the Cross saves a particular people of sinners.  He was born to die and give His life a ransom for many.  The resurrection of Christ is the guarantee that His birth, life, and death are from God. 

  1. The birth of Christ is the guarantee that Christ would die on a Cross for His people.

  1. The hour of Christ was His atonement for His sheep.

  1. Christmas also involves the life and work of Christ, because His birth begins all things of Christ our God and Savior.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Error and Sin of Self-Destruction

      We ought to obey the words of life; that is, the words of life are the very words of God contained in the Holy Bible; however, the Bible warns us of self-destruction. 

(Proverbs 15:11, “Hell and destruction are before the LORD: how much more then the hearts of the children of men?”).  (Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”).  (Isaiah 1:28, “And the destruction of the transgressors and of the sinners shall be together, and they that forsake the LORD shall be consumed”).  (Matthew 7:13, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat”). 

     The error and sin of self-destruction is contrary to godliness and grace; that is, it is contrary to a faithful repentance.  Anyone on the road to self-destruction forsakes repentance and faith.  It is contrary to what is right to make souls cease repentance.  We ought to repent daily of our sins and turn to God.  Scientology teaches that people should not repent.  This is not only contrary to the Bible (Mark 1:15) but it is also contrary to common sense.  We are not perfect people.  We need to ask for forgiveness to God for what we have done in this body of death.  Never let anyone take away your repentance.  Stand on Christ the Rock of Ages! 
     Christ purchased His own from every tribe, tongue, people and nation.  We ought to understand that His atonement has intention to save whomsoever it is intended for.  Everyone that Christ has died has been delivered from self-destruction.  However, it may be a constant conflict in our Christian life.  We are to stand for what is right and good.  We are to live for Jesus our Lord and Redeemer! 
     Sin is the essence of self-destruction.  It was seen in Judas and King Saul.  There are lessons to be learned from this.  Suicide after the manner of Judas is contrary to dignity and righteous living.  Attending the presence of a medium as King Saul did is contrary to the law of God and the mind of God. 
     We are to live apart from self-destruction and personal madness.  Let us go onto purer things and focus on Jesus.  Amen. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Small Study on the Roman Catechism, Paragraphs 16-25

16 The third part of the Catechism deals with the final end of man created in the image of God: beatitude, and the ways of reaching it - through right conduct freely chosen, with the help of God's law and grace (Section One), and through conduct that fulfills the twofold commandment of charity, specified in God's Ten Commandments (Section Two).

The law points us to Christ but we cannot earn salvation with it with faith.  The right way to salvation is through Christ alone by faith alone.  The Ten Commandments are different then the Reformed Ten Commandments.  I believe we shall see that the Protestant Ten Commandments honor Scripture above Rome.  We ought to be conformed to the image of God through Jesus Christ.  The image of God does not mean we are good but that we have dignity. 

17 The last part of the Catechism deals with the meaning and importance of prayer in the life of believers (Section One). It concludes with a brief commentary on the seven petitions of the Lord's Prayer (Section Two), for indeed we find in these the sum of all the good things which we must hope for, and which our heavenly Father wants to grant us.

A Christian always prays.  We ought to pray all the time.  Certainly someone who does not pray is not a Christian.  The Lord’s Prayer is a good tool to use to form our prayer requests.  However, saying it in a repetitious way is meaningless and cannot earn for us anything.

18 This catechism is conceived as an organic presentation of the Catholic faith in its entirety. It should be seen therefore as a unified whole. Numerous cross-references in the margin of the text (numbers found at the end of a sentence referring to other paragraphs that deal with the same theme), as well as the analytical index at the end of the volume, allow the reader to view each theme in its relationship with the entirety of the faith.

It is interesting to see the Catholic faith presented; however, it does not correspond to the Word of God alone but to a corrupted tradition. 

19 The texts of Sacred Scripture are often not quoted word for word but are merely indicated by a reference (cf.). For a deeper understanding of such passages, the reader should refer to the Scriptural texts themselves. Such Biblical references are a valuable working-tool in catechesis.

The Scriptures in some cases are distorted.  We ought to quote the whole of Scripture and the essence of its meaning. 

20 The use of small print in certain passages indicates observations of an historical or apologetic nature, or supplementary doctrinal explanations.

Apologetics means defending what the Bible alone teaches; however, it could manifest itself in church history among the early fathers.  Its not what tradition teaches that is our ultimate authority.  We must submit to Scripture alone because it is God-breathed. 

21 The quotations, also in small print, from patristic, liturgical, magisterial or hagiographical sources, are intended to enrich the doctrinal presentations. These texts have often been chosen with a view to direct catechetical use.

Often the patristic information does not line up with the sources themselves!  Doctrine should be formed with the fathers of the church as a slave or servant of Scripture alone!  

22 At the end of each thematic unit, a series of brief texts in small italics sums up the essentials of that unit's teaching in condensed formula. These IN BRIEF summaries may suggest to local catechists brief summary formula that could be memorized.

We ought to memorize the Word of God and sources that CONFORM to it. 

23 The Catechism emphasizes the exposition of doctrine. It seeks to help deepen understanding of faith. In this way it is oriented towards the maturing of that faith, its putting down roots in personal life, and its shining forth in personal conduct.

Doctrine impacts life.  We are to live by doctrine and our lives should reflect that. 

24 By design, this Catechism does not set out to provide the adaptation of doctrinal presentations and catechetical methods required by the differences of culture, age, spiritual maturity, and social and ecclesial condition among all those to whom it is addressed. Such indispensable adaptations are the responsibility of particular catechisms and, even more, of those who instruct the faithful:
Whoever teaches must become "all things to all men" (1 Cor 9:22), to win everyone to Christ. . . . Above all, teachers must not imagine that a single kind of soul has been entrusted to them, and that consequently it is lawful to teach and form equally all the faithful in true piety with one and the same method! Let them realize that some are in Christ as newborn babes, others as adolescents, and still others as adults in full command of their powers. . . . Those who are called to the ministry of preaching must suit their words to the maturity and understanding of their hearers, as they hand on the teaching of the mysteries of faith and the rules of moral conduct.

Truth never changes.  To suggest it is limited to culture is false.  I am not sure if John Paul meant that but the sound exposition of the Word of God should be the centrality of worship for the believing Christian.

25 To conclude this Prologue, it is fitting to recall this pastoral principle stated by the Roman Catechism:
The whole concern of doctrine and its teaching must be directed to the love that never ends. Whether something is proposed for belief, for hope or for action, the love of our Lord must always be made accessible, so that anyone can see that all the works of perfect Christian virtue spring from love and have no other objective than to arrive at love.

Love is the greatest; however, why doesn’t the Roman Catechism state the awesomeness of the imputed righteousness of Christ alone?  It is no doubt the greatest gift of a believer in Christ.  There is no greater thing then Jesus’ death and resurrection.   We must focus on the gospel of grace and peace.  

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Joy and Comfort to the Greatest Sinner

     The Bible is clear about God's mercy; that is, it is proclaimed to the greatest sinner.  God's mercy and love and lovingkindnesses is through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  All the believing ones will know the mercy of God in and through Christ Jesus our great God and King. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Studying the Catechism from a Reformed Viewpoint

11 This catechism aims at presenting an organic synthesis of the essential and fundamental contents of Catholic doctrine, as regards both faith and morals, in the light of the Second Vatican Council and the whole of the Church's Tradition. Its principal sources are the Sacred Scriptures, the Fathers of the Church, the liturgy, and the Church's Magisterium. It is intended to serve "as a point of reference for the catechisms or compendia that are composed in the various countries".

The Fathers of the Church contradict the two sources of authority in Scripture and Tradition for they believe in sola scriptura. 

12 This work is intended primarily for those responsible for catechesis: first of all the bishops, as teachers of the faith and pastors of the Church. It is offered to them as an instrument in fulfilling their responsibility of teaching the People of God. Through the bishops, it is addressed to redactors of catechisms, to priests, and to catechists. It will also be useful reading for all other Christian faithful.

The training of God’s people is the Word of God and everything is subordinate to that alone because it is the very Voice of God.

13 The plan of this catechism is inspired by the great tradition of catechisms which build catechesis on four pillars: the baptismal profession of faith (the Creed), the sacraments of faith, the life of faith (the Commandments), and the prayer of the believer (the Lord's Prayer).

There shouldn’t be baptismal regeneration or seven sacraments but monergistic regeneration and two sacraments.  I agree that the Lord’s prayer is a prayer for believers. 

14 Those who belong to Christ through faith and Baptism must confess their baptismal faith before men. First therefore the Catechism expounds revelation, by which God addresses and gives himself to man, and the faith by which man responds to God (Section One). The profession of faith summarizes the gifts that God gives man: as the Author of all that is good; as Redeemer; and as Sanctifier. It develops these in the three chapters on our baptismal faith in the one God: the almighty Father, the Creator; his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior; and the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier, in the Holy Church (Section Two).

We do not enter the faith at baptism but the sovereign regeneration by the Holy Spirit that gives us faith and applies the work of Christ alone to us. 

15 The second part of the Catechism explains how God's salvation, accomplished once for all through Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit, is made present in the sacred actions of the Church's liturgy (Section One), especially in the seven sacraments (Section Two).

We ought not to think we are sanctified through the merits of other saints but it is wholly the work of Christ alone in a past tense and in a progressive sense.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

More on the Roman Catholic Catechism

6 While not being formally identified with them, catechesis is built on a certain number of elements of the Church's pastoral mission which have a catechetical aspect, that prepare for catechesis, or spring from it. They are: the initial proclamation of the Gospel or missionary preaching to arouse faith; examination of the reasons for belief; experience of Christian living; celebration of the sacraments; integration into the ecclesial community; and apostolic and missionary witness.

There is no doubt that the Christian faith is about repentance; however, the catechetical training should not include Marian dogma.  It is not apart of the Gospel to include Marian dogma. That is, the Gospel is about the imputed righteousness of Christ alone not infusion of grace.  Rome acknowledges the Gospel in the Apostles Creed, but she denies it when affirming the dogmas of Mary. 

7 "Catechesis is intimately bound up with the whole of the Church's life. Not only her geographical extension and numerical increase, but even more her inner growth and correspondence with God's plan depend essentially on catechesis."

Does this include Marian dogma?  How was that apart of the faith during the apostles?  How was a denial of imputed righteousness as a legal fiction something that was included in the Christian faith?

8 Periods of renewal in the Church are also intense moments of catechesis. In the great era of the Fathers of the Church, saintly bishops devoted an important part of their ministry to catechesis. St. Cyril of Jerusalem and St. John Chrysostom, St. Ambrose and St. Augustine, and many other Fathers wrote catechetical works that remain models for us.

These fathers of the Christian faith taught sola scriptura. They did not support the Roman dogma of Scripture and tradition as the final authority. 

9 "The ministry of catechesis draws ever fresh energy from the councils. The Council of Trent is a noteworthy example of this. It gave catechesis priority in its constitutions and decrees. It lies at the origin of the Roman Catechism, which is also known by the name of that council and which is a work of the first rank as a summary of Christian teaching. . . ." The Council of Trent initiated a remarkable organization of the Church's catechesis. Thanks to the work of holy bishops and theologians such as St. Peter Canisius, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Turibius of Mongrovejo or St. Robert Bellarmine, it occasioned the publication of numerous catechisms

The Council of Trent rejects faith alone through Christ alone, but Vatican II welcomes non-Christians and the Catechism also says that Muslims are apart of the Christian faith. 

10 It is therefore no surprise that catechesis in the Church has again attracted attention in the wake of the Second Vatican Council, which Pope Paul Vl considered the great catechism of modern times. The General Catechetical Directory (1971) the sessions of the Synod of Bishops devoted to evangelization (1974) and catechesis (1977), the apostolic exhortations Evangelii nuntiandi (1975) and Catechesi tradendae (1979), attest to this. The Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in 1985 asked "that a catechism or compendium of all Catholic doctrine regarding both faith and morals be composed" The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, made the Synod's wish his own, acknowledging that "this desire wholly corresponds to a real need of the universal Church and of the particular Churches." He set in motion everything needed to carry out the Synod Fathers' wish.

There is a problem because Rome adheres to things outside and contrary to the Gospel of grace and peace.  That is, she believes the Marian dogmas are apart of the Gospel when they are not.  Why add to the Gospel when the Bible alone offers the true Gospel?  May God help Roman Catholics to see the light of imputed righteousness of Christ alone in His life and death alone as the foundation of what is most important!

Monday, December 12, 2011

An Old Gospel Hymn "I'd Rather Have Jesus"

  1. I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
    I’d rather be His than have riches untold;
    I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands;
    I’d rather be led by His nail-pierced hand
    • Refrain:
      Than to be the king of a vast domain
      And be held in sin’s dread sway;
      I’d rather have Jesus than anything
      This world affords today.
  2. I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause;
    I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause;
    I’d rather have Jesus than worldwide fame;
    I’d rather be true to His holy name
  3. He’s fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;
    He’s sweeter than honey from out the comb;
    He’s all that my hungering spirit needs;
    I’d rather have Jesus and let Him lead

If it came down to Jesus or things in this old world, we must chose Jesus.  However, our Heavenly Father knows that we need a home to live in and other things pertaining to life.  He knows we need these things but it should be about getting them in the right way.  We ought to get things through Christian prayer and His elect angels are watching over us and they surround us.  This song should be our testimony for Jesus. Amen.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

More Study of the Roman Catechism

2 So that this call should resound throughout the world, Christ sent forth the apostles he had chosen, commissioning them to proclaim the gospel: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." Strengthened by this mission, the apostles "went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it."

It is one thing to say this devoid of the Roman context.  Are the Romanists successors of the apostles?  What is the gospel of Rome?  Isn’t works of satisfaction with a faith devoid of deadness?  How can faith and works justify a person?  The fact is we are justified by faith alone in Christ alone.  Grace is all-sufficient.

3 Those who with God's help have welcomed Christ's call and freely responded to it are urged on by love of Christ to proclaim the Good News everywhere in the world. This treasure, received from the apostles, has been faithfully guarded by their successors. All Christ's faithful are called to hand it on from generation to generation, by professing the faith, by living it in fraternal sharing, and by celebrating it in liturgy and prayer.

I agree that the Gospel is what has been passed down.  The Gospel is not apart of the assumption of Mary.  There was no belief in the Assumption of Mary in the early church but only a non-Christian account of the story of Mary and her assumption.  There is one pope in church history who rejected the story.  

4 Quite early on, the name catechesis was given to the totality of the Church's efforts to make disciples, to help men believe that Jesus is the Son of God so that believing they might have life in his name, and to educate and instruct them in this life, thus building up the body of Christ.

What does it mean to believe in Jesus as the living Son of God?  It means that we trust His promises and His death and bodily resurrection.  Jesus is the eternal Son of God.  Rome does not disagree, but to add the immaculate conception as part of the Gospel because it is a dogma is a terrible thing. 

5 "Catechesis is an education in the faith of children, young people and adults which includes especially the teaching of Christian doctrine imparted, generally speaking, in an organic and systematic way, with a view to initiating the hearers into the fullness of Christian life."

The fullness of the Christian life is not apart of papal infallibility.  It is a life centered on the Word of God alone as the sole foundation of our faith.  We ought to educate our children but not with myths but sound doctrine. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Study of Paragraph 1 of the Roman Catechism

1 God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to man. He calls man to seek him, to know him, to love him with all his strength. He calls together all men, scattered and divided by sin, into the unity of his family, the Church. To accomplish this, when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son as Redeemer and Savior. In his Son and through him, he invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit, his adopted children and thus heirs of his blessed life.

I am going to do an apologetical study on each paragraph in the Roman Catechism.  I am not sure what the extent of my studies will take me or how long I will dwell on each paragraph.  I think it is important to study the Catechism.  I would say this paragraph is sort of misleading because one must go through Mary to get to our Redeemer.  It has a lot of good things to say but the Pope’s modified universalism and CCC 841 take away from the apparent exclusivity of Christ as Redeemer and Lord.  To go through Mary is to find our Savior through a different means then going directly to Him alone.  We ought to go to Christ alone and none other.  We are divided by sin but it is sin to ask the Roman Catholic to explicitly believe in Christ but not the Animist in the universalistic sense.  There is no universalism but only explicit belief in Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Peace, Grace and Hope of Imputed Righteousness

     The imputed righteousness of Christ alone gives us peace.  It gives us peace because we trust in His death and resurrection.   His death and resurrection gives us assurance of salvation.
     The imputed righteousness of Christ alone gives us grace.  It gives us grace because of His good pleasure alone.  His good pleasure gives us hope that He will finish what He started. 
     The imputed righteousness of Christ alone gives us hope.  It gives us hope because of His life, death, burial and resurrection.  His work gives us an assured hope that we will get into heaven and be with Him forevermore.
    The imputed righteousness is the essence of grace alone and the essence of the work of Christ alone.  It gives us peace, grace and hope.  We can rest in it as all-sufficient to know God and fellowship with Him. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

     I wish everyone reading my blog a happy thanksgiving.  We are called to give thanks with great gratitude and love the Lord our God with all our hearts, mind, soul and strength.   I hope you have a happy thanksgiving with lots of food and warm Christian love.  May Christ raise up and bless you. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Heaven and the Cooperation of Man

Heaven is a place of bliss, rest, work and holiness.  Does man cooperate with God?  Man does not want to cooperate with God.  The moment we want to cooperate with God it is surely the Holy Spirit’s work in us, because God chooses to give us His Spirit.  The moment we love God, it is the Holy Spirit’s work in us.  Heaven is a place of Christian love and the perfected of the Cross. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What Will You Be Doing In Heaven? A Brief Study of Heaven

     If we fail to do something here on earth, it is always available in heaven.  God gives us all eternity to answer our requests, because He is a gracious God.
     If I am not ordained as a pastor here on earth, I hope to be ordained in heaven and work as a pastor before God there.
     I also hope to play the piano, but also if professional basketball is open in heaven I hope to play in that field.  I did not get a chance to play professional basketball in this life but God will always answer my request to play basketball in heaven.
     God is a God of sure delight and He answers all our requests.  Ask and ye shall receive.  What will you be doing in heaven?  Think upon it because it brings happiness to the soul.

Regarding Those Who Pass Away

My brother Stephen passed away last Friday of complications of pneumonia.  He was a good friend and brother.  We went to grammar school together at different grades and the same for high school.  He was a brother in Christ and he repented of his sins.  He goes to join my dad who passed away last year.  Here are some quotes that may help comfort people who have lost love ones. 

Octavius Winslow wrote, “All is shadow here below! The world is a shadow; and it passes away! The creature is a shadow; and the loveliest and the fondest may be the first to die! Health is a shadow; fading, and in a moment gone! Wealth is a shadow; today upon the summit of affluence, tomorrow at its base, plunged into poverty and dependence! Human friendships and creature affections are but shadows; sweet and pleasant while they last, but, with a worm feeding at the root of all created good, the sheltering gourd soon withers, exposing us to the sun's burning heat by day, and to the frost's cold chill by night! Oh, yes! “Passing Away” is indelibly inscribed upon everything here below! Yet how slow are we to realize the solemn lesson: “What shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue!” Unconverted reader, what is your life but a vapor that passes away?and what are its pursuits but shadows; unreal, unsatisfying, evanescent? Your rank, your wealth, your honors, your pleasures, are but phantoms which appear but for a little while, and then are lost in the deeper shadow of the grave, and the still deeper and longer shadow of eternity! Oh, turn from these dreams and hallucinations, and, as a rational, accountable, immortal being, on your way to judgment, fix your mind upon your solemn, endless future! You are going to die! And, oh, when that dread hour comes, so real and appalling, how will your past life appear?”

John Owen author of Meditation on the Glory of Christ wrote, “We cannot enjoy peace in this world unless we are ready to yield to the will of God in respect of death. Our times are in His hand, at His sovereign disposal. We must accept that as best.”
William Mason wrote, “Christian! Death cannot hurt you! Death is your best friend – who is commissioned by Christ to summon you from the world of vanity and woe, and from a body of sin and death – to the blissful regions of glory and immortality, to meet your Lord, and to be forever with Him!”
CH Spurgeon wrote, “The very happiest persons I have ever met with have been departing believers. The only people for whom I have felt any envy have been dying members of this very church, whose hands I have grasped in their passing away.  Almost without exception I have seen in them holy delight and triumph.  And in the exceptions to this exceeding joy I have seen deep peace, exhibited in a calm and deliberate readiness to enter into the presence of their God.”
John Owen wrote, “Some may not fear death but may dread the way they might die. Long illness, great pain, or some form of violence could be the means of bringing our earthly life to an end. We shall be wise if we are always ready for any experience which God may allow us to pass through. Is it not right that He should do what He will with His own? Is not His will infinitely holy, wise, just and good in all things? Does He not know what is best for us and what will bring most glory to Himself? Very many people have found they have been able to endure the things they have dreaded most because much more strength and peace of mind have been given them than they could ever have expected.”
CH Spurgeon, “Never fear dying, beloved. Dying is the last, but the least matter that a Christian has to be anxious about. Fear living – that is a hard battle to fight, a stern discipline to endure, a rough voyage to undergo.”
JC Ryle wrote, “Let all true Christians remember, that their best things are yet to come. Let us count it no strange thing, if we have sufferings in this present time. It is a season of probation. We are yet at school. We are learning patience, gentleness, and meekness, which we could hardly learn if we had our good things now. But there is an eternal holiday yet to begin. For this let us wait quietly. It will make amends for all. “Our light affliction which is for the moment, works for us more and more exceedingly an eternal weight of glory” (2 Cor. 4:17).”
RC Sproul wrote, “There is, however, a crucial difference between a profession of faith and the possession of faith… It is not the mere claim to faith that makes us Christians. We must have what we claim to have to be truly in Christ.  Jesus somberly warned about those who say, “Lord, Lord,” who are not His (Matthew 7:21). He made it clear that people can honor Him with their lips while their hearts are far from Him.”
We are called to "...repent and believe in the gospel."  (Mark 1:15 NASB).

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:18
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John 3:36
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

John 10:28
and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.

John 10:29
My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.

I conclude with Spurgeon who said, “I know of nothing which I would choose to have as the subject of my ambition for life than to be kept faithful to my God till death, still to be a soul winner, still to be a true herald of the cross, and testify the name of Jesus to the last hour. It is only such who in the ministry shall be saved.”

Heaven is the presence of mercy and grace personified, but hell is a place of the absence of God’s mercy and grace but the presence of God’s wrath.  We read in the London Confession of Faith about….

Chapter 31: Of the State of Man after Death and Of the Resurrection of the Dead

1._____ The bodies of men after death return to dust, and see corruption; but their souls, which neither die nor sleep, having an immortal subsistence, immediately return to God who gave them. The souls of the righteous being then made perfect in holiness, are received into paradise, where they are with Christ, and behold the face of God in light and glory, waiting for the full redemption of their bodies;

Friday, November 11, 2011


(Henry Law, "The Song of Solomon" 1879)

"You are all beautiful, My love; there is
 no spot in you." Song of Solomon 4:1

There is no spot in the Church, because the
blood of Jesus entirely obliterates each stain.

Omniscience may look for sins, but no more
can they be found. The absence of defect is
the result of her being adorned with His perfect
righteousness. In this no blemish can exist.
Thus she appears righteous, even as God is

This blessed truth must be held fast without
obliterating the knowledge of our own constant
and innumerable transgressions. It cannot be
too often repeated, that in ourselves we are
deformed and loathsome.

The most saintly of saints will ever breathe
the prayer, "God be merciful to me a sinner."

But Jesus says of His people, "You are all
beautiful, My love; there is no spot in you."

The Sin of Cheating: Taking Someone's Works

     No one should take someone's works, because it is against the Ten Commandments.  We should not bear false witness against our neighbor.  It is contrary to the Law of God.  One could considered these works of mine copyrighted (C) Copyright 2011.   
     C. Matthew McMahon wrote regarding obedience,

"For we do not keep the Law to be saved. But rather, in keeping the Law we show ourselves to already have gained salvation through the cross of Christ. In light of the cross of Christ and the liberation from the (sting) of sin we receive from it, we are now free to keep the Law (Gal. 4:31)."

"We are not Legalists when we keep the Law, because we do not look to the Law for life. Rather the Law shows us we have true life in our hearts. We keep the Law to be obedient to Christ and show Him how much we love Him for rescuing us from the damning influences of trying to keep the Law to gain eternal life. Obedience is a far cry from Legalism."

Augustine wrote,
"The law orders; grace supplies the power of acting."

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Mercy of Christ our Friend and Savior

Here is a quote by Spurgeon on Christ's mercy,

"Let your tears fall because of sin; but, at the same time, let the eye of faith steadily behold the Son of man lifted up, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, that those who are bitten by the old serpent may look unto Jesus and live.  Our sinnership is that emptiness into which the Lord pours his mercy."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Monergism: Do Men Naturally Cooperate With God?

      Do men normally cooperate with God?  Is it in their nature to cooperate with God?  Is it native to their wills to cooperate with God?  I would say that the evidence of cooperation with God is the evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.  C.H. Spurgeon says, 

 "You might as well expect to raise the dead by whispering in their ears, as hope to save souls by preaching to them, if it were not for the agency of the Spirit."

D.A Carson wrote,
"There has not only been an objective, public act of divine self-disclosure in the crucifixion of God’s own Son, but there must be a private work of God by His Spirit, in the mind and heart of the individual.  If we should express unqualified gratitude to God for the gift of His Son, we should express no less gratitude for the gift of the Spirit who enables us to grasp the gospel of His Son…Unless the Spirit enlightens us, God’s thoughts will remain deeply alien to us."

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Divine Authority of God's Word

  Here are a few quotes from Christian leaders on the authority of God's Word:
  John MacArthur wrote,

"When the Word of God is not set up as the supreme authority, division is inevitable. Such happens even in evangelical churches, when pastors and other leaders begin substituting their own ideas for the truths of Scripture. The substitution is seldom intentional, but it will always happen when the Bible is neglected. A Bible that is not studied carefully cannot be followed carefully. And where it is not followed there will be division, because there will be no common ground for beliefs and practices. When the truth of Scripture is not the sole authority, men's varied opinions become the authority."

  John Wycliffe wrote on God's Word,

"The true Christian was intended by Christ to prove all things by the Word of God, all churches, all ministers, all teaching, all preaching, all doctrines, all sermons, all writings, all opinions, all practices.  These are his marching orders.  Prove all by the Word of God; measure all by the measure of the Bible; compare all with the standard of the Bible; weigh all in the balances of the Bible; examine all by the light of the Bible; test all in the crucible of the Bible.  That which cannot abide the fire of the Bible, reject, refuse, repudiate, and cast away.  This is the flag which he nailed to the mast.  May it never be lowered!"

Friday, October 28, 2011

1 Peter 4:17: Obey the Divine Gospel

(1 Peter 4:17, "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?").

Here is a very short list of what the Gospel is:
  1. The Gospel is the IMPUTED righteousness of His unified merit of Christ ALONE.  Someone cannot be more right with God then this.
  2. The Gospel is faith and repentance towards God over against sins, transgressions and iniquities.
  3. The law of God points us to Christ alone where we are delivered. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Simple Study of Different Religions That Name the Name of Christ : An Exegetical, Historical and Apologetical Study on Eclectic Religion

“Corrective learning is the pathway to a God-honoring discipleship.”


Walter Martin, Mormonism, 1984, Bethany House Publishers.

H.  Wayne House, Charts of Cults, Sects & Religious Movements,
2000, Zondervan Publishing House.

Volume I:

A Study of Deterministic Satanism

  1. The way Satanists name the name of Christ is through double lives (i.e., a Muslim who calls Jesus a “Prophet” and then uses Satan to gain martyrdom, or, a Jew that says he loves Christ and then on Christmas celebrates it with gain from Satan, or, a Reformed Christian who preaches and speaks like an angel but then attains his success through secret Satanism, or, a Catholic family man who has his family together and attends church everyday through the determinism of Satanism).

  1. The bullies of Satanism must be stopped by Christians.  I was a victim of Satanism; that is, I never loved Satan but through the love of Satan, bullies, would come after me and take serious advantage of me; however, it is to their shame, but do not argue with them, but let silence be your weapon with prayer; there is a day coming when it will be more then proper to shout on the mountains tops against the criminal Satanists.

  1. Satanism is a means to reckless crime.

  1. I learned in school to never argue with the devil; however, it is okay to point out he is a dunghill; therefore, do not fear him but fear God Almighty.  The statements you can use are: 1.) The Lord rebuke you, 2.) The wrath of the Lamb be multiplied to you, and 3.) Simple repentance and resistance with a strong heart to the Holy Trinity will outlast him.

  1. Satanism is a perquisite to mental illnesses and some kind of unclassified, moral and spiritual insanity.

  1. Getting things from Satan is avocation of the height of criminality.

  1. Getting things from Satan is avocation of the height of liarhood.

  1. Getting things from Satan is avocation of the height of injustice.

  1. Getting things from Satan is avocation of the height of doing evil that good comes.

  1. Getting things from Satan is avocation of the height of wickedness.

  1. Getting things from Satan is avocation of the height of lawlessness.

  1. Getting things from Satan is avocation of the height of antichristness.

  1. Different religions that appear authentic by appearance are deeply corrupt when their people and leaders get from Satan whatsoever they desire.

  1. The greatest slime and criminal of the angelic race is Satan himself.

  1. Those of the human race who are submitted to Satan and freely get from him are the ultimate hypocrites of religion.

  1. Those who state the name of Christ and get from Satan demonstrate themselves as the greatest devils earth has ever seen.

  1. Those who force their Satanic Romanism on “innocent” people will pay the ultimate price of hellish flames.

  1. Hatred against Satanic religion is demanded but should never be shunned.

  1. The means of nine-eleven was eclectic Satanism; that is, Muslims yielding to Satan through the false prophet.

  1. The person of Satan is against every leader of government of the civil magistrate.

  1. The person of Satan is against every leader of church government.

  1. The person of Satan is like a sea of a puss-emerging poison to every kind of person especially children.

  1. Satan is the picture of local, state and federal rebellion in criminal terms.

  1. Leaders of countries who have submitted to Satan show they are for lawlessness of the greatest and highest degree imaginable.

  1. Anyone who gets anything from Satan has fallen from the graces of society, religion and mankind in general.

  1. Satan is always against man because of his cosmic self-destruction.

  1. Satan is even against Atheists and Agnostics but he will always fulfill their self-interests because the interests of men are his concern.

  1. The interests of men are contrary to the interests of God and His Holy Word.
  1. The so-called Deep Satanists will have the greatest punishments of hell, and therefore; should have the greatest punishments of society.

  1. Teachers who get from Satan are instruments of a future society of crime, lawlessness and misguided behavior.

  1. Satanists are pictures of devils in white where their brightness is nauseating to the senses.

  1. The power of Satan is super-less then the power of Christ and His Blood.

  1. The power of the Cross of Christ has no equal.

  1. The Holy Spirit is not the spiritual brother of Satan or vice-versa.

  1. The Holy Spirit does not have the false Virgin Mary for His heart, soul and spirit.

  1. The self-righteousness of man-made religion fits perfectly into the wicked scheme of Satan, his demons and his members.

  1. As a young boy, I always had a deep hatred for Satan; however, I was a bad target from the law-offending Satanists; that is, if you were honestly a target from the false prophet and the secret Roman Antichrist, submit to repentance and resistance to the Eternal Three in One; however, I think it right to say that the Spirit from precedes from the Father and the Son will help you from those days in which you were badly oppressed by Satanism.

  1. Getting from Satan is like a country who is a friend to the United States but gets support from Osama Bin Laden; that is, it is much worse to get from Satan and pretend God the Holy Trinity or some kind of God is with them in friendship; however, it is a delusion to pretend someone can get from Satan and be in love with God; that is, in the same way, it is a delusion to be friend with Bin Laden and the United States at the same time.

  1. The distinction between hard and soft Satanists as if it pertains to some truth is alien to the truth of the matter; that is, both are deep in terrible crime under the false prophet and secret Roman Antichrist.

  1. Deception is their greatest motive out of a blind evil in miserable delight; however, God turns it on its head; that is, it becomes their greatest weakness and pathway to eternal hell.

  1. The greatest weapon of the enemy is to claim no knowledge and to hide behind a compassionate sympathy that stinks and shutters the nose and brings tears to the eyes.

  1. The rapes against “innocent” people by the occultic group are the essence of Satanism.

  1. The kidnapping against “innocent” people by the occultic group are the essence of Satanism.

  1. The torment and torture against “innocent” people by the occultic group are the essence of Satanism.

  1. Satanism is the essence of criminality and deeply harsh criminality.

  1. Lawyers and judges involved in Satanism should be prosecuted because the nature of it is a terrorism that stinks with the dead of nine-eleven.

  1. Governors and Senators involved in Satanism should be prosecuted because an oath to Satan without true Spirit-led repentance is a means to the present realization of lawlessness by past actions of deep crime.

  1. Discrimination against a legally criminal religion does not violate the constitutional rights of a religious person or group but establishes the right of law and order.

  1. Non-discrimination against a legally criminal religious group is the means to more nine-elevens and mushrooms that will make the earth a new moon around our old moon (God forbid).

  1. Sexual Satanism is a means of Baal worship and obtaining things from Satan; however, rape and Satanic sacrifice is the worldly weapon against humanity and God; that is, rape is an offense against the body twice like fornication is an offense against our own bodies once.

  1. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was a leader of a group that plagued Oregon; however, now his group has been reinstituted and molded by the false prophet through terrorism, perverse sexuality and crime that fills the universe.

  1. The ultimate goal of Satanism is destruction.

  1. The main goal of Satanism is to legalize crime through fear.

  1. This kind of eclectic Satanism seeks to legalize crime in practice by the outward display of it in secret and public; that is, pornography is the means where a secret yet open instrument can take affect through radio-talk shows of sexual evil.

  1. The Satanic liberals are responsible for the crimes of Satanists and should be henceforth prosecuted.

  1. Worry and fear is the means of Satanism to prevent prosecution and capital punishment.

  1. Guilt is the means of a future manifestation of a troubled mind.

  1. The educated impassable of academia have led to the corruption and crime of nine-eleven with a media sold out to Satanic evil by making their stories in Satanic jealousy.

  1. Atheists would accuse religion as the means of destroying nine-eleven victims; however, nine-eleven happened through atheistic and agnostic means by blind determinism fashion in Satan’s darkness of a night sold out to sin.

Volume 3:

A Study of Mormonism

  1. Let no one turn to a different Gospel then the Gospel of Galatians.

  1. The Mormons have another Jesus, another God, another Spirit, another faith.

  1. Joseph Smith was born on December 23, 1805; he was the third of nine (Walter Martin, Mormonism, p. 6, 1984, Bethany House Publishers).

  1. Smith was not very well trust and his word was received with least confidence.  He would state “exaggerations or marvelous absurdity with the utmost apparent gravity.”  (Pomeroy Tucker, Origin, Rise and Progress of Mormonism, p. 16, 1867, New York; and Walter Martin, Mormonism, p. 6).

  1. According to history, the Smith’s were considered destitute of moral character (Martin, Mormonism, p. 6-7).

  1. According to history, they were imaginative thinkers and spent their time digging for money which was hidden (Martin, Mormonism, p. 6-7).

  1. According to history, three years after the angelic visit Smith found the golden plates that became The Book of Mormon (Martin, Mormonism, p. 7).

  1. According to history, Joseph Smith was not greater then the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. Mormons say that if a Christian regards the Bible as the only authority, they are foolish; however, it is not foolish to do what the Spirit of God breaths.

  1. The Standard Works are a.) The Bible, b.) The Book of Mormon, c.) The Doctrine and Covenants and d.) The Pearl of Great Price; in addition to this, the Mormons also believe the president of their Church also carries authority; however, the Bible speaks of a complete self-sufficiency that is grounded in true inspiration, inerrancy, complete authority and self-authenticity.

  1. The Standard Works are claimed to be directly from God alone.

  1. The Standard Works are claimed to restore various truths that had been taken from the Bible itself; however, the Bible is enough to understand the truths of God alone.

  1. The Mormons of Joseph Smith are not true Christians.

  1. The Mormons of Joseph Smith are not “in Christ.”

  1. The Mormons of Joseph Smith do not have the Spirit of God.

  1. The Mormons of Joseph Smith do not have the true Gospel of God.

  1. The Mormons of Joseph Smith are not the true Church of the Lord Christ.

  1. The Mormons of Joseph Smith should not add to the Bible with other authorities.

  1. There is not special revelation going on now but only the Bible itself.

  1. Prophets should not be instruments of special revelation.

  1. Special revelation is that revelation contained in the Bible alone.

  1. God the Father did not become a man and have relations with the Virgin Mary.

  1. The Virgin Birth of the Lord Christ was miraculously conceived.

  1. The Lord Christ was conceived by the Virgin Mary by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit.

  1. The Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost are not separate persons but the selfsame Spirit-Ghost.

  1. The Holy Ghost is not a third god in the Sacred Trinity.

  1. The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force or influence in the Holy Trinity.

  1. The Gospel is not by works of mere men but by the works of Christ alone.

  1. Lucifer or Satan is not the spirit-brother of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. The King James Versions (KJV) is considered the best of all versions; however, let us not be like the Romanists who would not put the language of the Bible in the language of the people; that is, let us be Another Tyndale in putting the language into the hands of the plow boy; however, the eloquence of the (KJV) is noted as reverential to us and to God; that is, it carries a special place in our hearts like the New American Standard Bible (NASB).

  1. Mormons teach that the Bible is below The Standard Works; that is, the Bible is considered to be full of errors; however, the Bible is not full of errors in anyway; that is, it is free from the stain of sin or error; however, no book is immutability fixed to complete trustworthiness like the Bible alone.

  1. Mormons claim that the Bible is only read and interpreted in light of the Mormon “scriptures.”

  1. The Bible teaches that there is one God (that is, Monotheism).

  1. The Bible teaches that there is one God revealed in three persons (that is, Trinitarianism).

  1. Mormons teach that the Holy Trinity is composed of three separate persons; however, the Bible teaches that the Holy Trinity is three distinct persons in one true being that is God.

  1. God the Father is said to have taken upon flesh and bone; that is, that he is an exalted man that progressed to godhood; however, the Bible teaches that God the Father is not a man that he should repent but He is pure Spirit like the Holy Spirit.

  1. The only person within the Godhead who took upon flesh is God the Son.

  1. Mormonism teaches that the Three in One are not omnipresent; that is, that they are not everywhere; however, the Bible teaches that the Three in One are everywhere in His immensity and presence.

  1. The Eternal Three alone are inherently divine; that is, He has the power of being in and of Himself.

  1. Mormons teach that God the Father also had a father; however, the Bible does not support this but teaches that God the Holy Trinity existed from everlasting to everlasting; that is, no one else existed from everlasting to everlasting.

  1. God the Father did not become God by learning truth; that is, He always was, and is, and forever shall be God.

  1. God the Father did not become God by uncompromisingly pursuing godhood; that is, He was and is God forevermore.

  1. God the Father did not become God by obedience to the Gospel; that is, the eternalness of God is according to His blessed nature.

  1. God the Father does not have a wife whereby he makes spirit-children.

  1. The Three Eternal never procreated to further spirit-children.

  1. There is no process to eternal Godhood; that is, a non-self-existent being can never be a self-existent being.

  1. There is nothing in the self-existent God that would make Himself stop being God; that is, He is God not by divine grace but by inherent nature.

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ is God by intrinsic nature; however, He is not a God among many gods but He is the One True God; that is, it is proper to think of the Three Most True has the Three who are the One True God.

  1. Elohim is the plural name for God; that is, it may demonstrate the Eternal Three; however, all Three Persons are inherently divine; that is, the Three in One are co-equal, co-eternal and co-essential.

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ is not considered Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity; however, the Lord Christ is indeed the Second Inherent One; that is, He is legitimately divine; however, the Second Inherent One and the Third Inherent One are co-equal in terms of deity.

  1. The Father is not greater then the Son.

  1. The Son is not greater then the Father.

  1. The Father and the Son are not greater then the Spirit.

  1. The Lord Christ never existed as a birthed spirit-child as God the Father.

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ was never the eldest of the spirit-children.

  1. The Old Testaments speaks of encounters with God the Son; however, the Son always existed forevermore; that is, He did not become a non-self-existent person but He remains the Self-Existent and Most High Son.

  1. The Lord Christ and Lucifer cannot be spirit-brothers; that is, Jesus Christ is God by nature but Satan is by nature a creaturely, fallen angel.

  1. It is denied that the Lord Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit.

  1. It is denied that the Lord Jesus Christ was born of a Virgin Mother.

  1. It is said that the Lord Christ was a polygamist; however, such is a lie because He learned His virginity from the Virgin Mary who now in heaven is an Eternal Virgin.

  1. It is said that the Lord Christ had multiple marriages; however, such is also a lie because He was and is an Ever-Virgin.

  1. Through the death and resurrection of the Lord Christ, He conquered and destroyed death and sin; that is, death and sin is destroyed through the death of the Cross, and the resurrection confirms and verifies the Cross as authentic.

  1. Mormons claim that man is an eternal being; however, man in truth is a finite person.

  1. Human beings are made to forget their spirit existence before coming to earth; however, the Lord Jesus Christ spoke of His self-existence by His I AM statements.

  1. The fall of Adam and Eve was indeed sin and death.

  1. Only the elect are blessed with Jesus’ Cross-benefits; however, the non-elect are not blessed with it.

  1. The death of Christ Inherent provides much more then an opportunity; that is, it provides an actuality not a mere opportunity for His elect sheep only.

  1. The gift of God in faith in Mormonism is not really a gift of God but it is something earned.

  1. Human beings do not go through eternal progression to Godhood.

  1. On September 21, 1823 Joseph Smith claimed he had a vision from the angel Moroni who called himself a messenger from God.

  1. Smith gave him that angel the name but he knew it was from Satan.

  1. For centuries the truth of God, according to Mormonism, has been suppressed by Christianity.

  1. Mormonism is seen within as the religion which restores.

  1. Mormons teach that the death of Christ Inherent does not pay for sin because of violation of covenants.  This contradicts the Bible in First John 1:7, 9.

  1. Mormons believe the distortion of murdering someone to atone for their own sins; according to Brigham Young, Volume 3, The Journal of Discourses, pp. 219-220 (Martin, Mormonism, p. 17).  This maybe called “blood atonement.”

  1. The Mormons in the United States Senate did the above to me in accord with their ancient tradition that has no spiritual or redemptive purpose.

  1. The Bible teaches that man is justified by faith alone apart from works of the law, but Young taught keeping the commandments will take away sin (Martin, Mormonism, p. 18).

  1. Mormons consider faith alone evil (Martin, Mormonism, p. 19).

  1. The Bible teaches that men are monergisticly born again; that is, it is free grace.

  1. The Bible teaches that men are justified by the faith of God alone.

  1. The Bible teaches that men are sanctified by the grace of God alone; however, in progressive sanctification men grow in holiness.

  1. The Bible teaches that men are glorified in a past tense; however, final glorification will come at the end after death.

  1. The reorganized Mormons believe the Bible is inspired because people say it is; however, it is inspired whether people say so or not.

  1. The reorganized Mormons believe the Doctrine and Covenants maybe revoked but if that is the case, they should revoke all of it.

  1. The reorganized Mormons believe the Word of God or the Book of Mormon is not infallible or final.

  1. The reorganized Mormons believe Scripture is not unique.

  1. The reorganized Mormons believe Jesus may have wanted to commit sin.

  1. The reorganized Mormons teach that Jesus’ death was not a propitiation to an angry God.

  1. The reorganized Mormons attain justification by human obedience to His will.

  1. As far as we know, no one has a second chance after death.

  1. The reorganized Mormons believe people come to God through Jesus when they do not know Him.

  1. The reorganized Mormons believe universalism in terms of ultimate glorification.

  1. The secrets of old Mormonism is done in temples but it is contrary to Christ.

  1. Baptism for the dead is contrary to the Bible and Christ.

  1. The priesthood of believers is meant for all not merely men.

  1. The black “race” was considered inferior until admission in June 1978 in the temple priesthood; however, the basis of Cain as the curse to account for blackness is absurd, immoral and unethical.

Volume 4:

A Study of Freemasonry

  1. Non-Masons have a greater light then membership Masons.

  1. To arrive at the truth is through the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. The light of the world is the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. Divine religion as a modified Christianity is of divine origin.

  1. The Bible alone is infallible and inerrant alone.

  1. The Bible is not like any other “holy” book of worldly religion.

  1. The Bible’s contents are divine and the literal meaning could be symbolic.

  1. The Bible can be understood under those properly trained and those who have the Holy Spirit of God.

  1. It is okay to refer to God as “Great Architect of the Universe” if they mean a monotheistic God who created like Christianity teaches.

  1. The Eternal Three are not Baalisms or false gods.

  1. The Great Architect of the Universe is referred to in monotheistic religion; however, Masons feel it is hidden in every religion.

  1. The God of the Bible or Christianity is inferior.

  1. Masons are supposed to unite under the Masonic God.

  1. The Mason God is unapproachable and unknowable.

  1. The Mason God is not necessarily Triune.

  1. The dogma of the Trinity is of small importance.

  1. Masonry does not deny or confirm the Trinity; however, in practice by bare acceptance of a melting pot of religion it denies the Trinity.

  1. Masons wish to evade the question of the nature of God.

  1. Respect for someone’s religion is not ignorance or an avoidance of the divine truth of God.

  1. Masonry is incompatible with monotheism.

  1. Jesus was not merely a great moral figure.

  1. Jesus is not similar in His divine uniqueness to religious figures.

  1. The deity of Jesus should not and must not be a mere preference.

  1. Truth is not preference but dogmatic in religion.

  1. The deity of Jesus is called a man-made doctrine.

  1. Masons think of Jesus devoid of the Christ title.

  1. Christ is considered a higher consciousness that is in every man.

  1. Freemasonry accepts all religions except Christian dogma.

  1. Masons are permitted to believe that Jesus was merely a man.

  1. Belief devoid of Jesus as divine is a false belief.

  1. Without the deity of Jesus there is no spiritual salvation.

  1. God the Son did not become man in the Lord Jesus Christ; that is, the divineness of the eternal Son is denied.

  1. The name of Christ is rarely mentioned in ceremonies of the Masons.

  1. The Holy Spirit is more then a type; that is, He is a person and divine.

  1. Masons want to do good works; that is, good works can only be done “in Christ” for those to whom He has afore ordained.

  1. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three distinct Persons in one true being,

  1. Masons teach that man is basically good.

  1. Masons teach man is imperfect.

  1. The Bible teaches a more radical position; that is, man is totally depraved.

  1. Man can do the uncommendable commendable; that is, a civil righteousness that is not the perfect and complete unified righteousness of the Lord Christ.

  1. No salvation can be gained but through the complete work of Christ alone.

  1. Good works outside of Christ will be burned up at the Last Day; that is, they were done in a manner of the complete tainting of sin; however, only the good work of the Lord Christ alone is the starting foundation of our works; that is, nothing can add to His complete work but our works “in Christ” do testify of our union with Him and evidence of a true standing before God the Trinity.

  1. Salvation cannot be obtained through good works or Entered Apprentice Degree.

  1. Masons teach that we are divine; however, in this context it is what the serpent commanded in the Garden of Eden.

  1. Obedience to the Masonic Lodge and outward good deeds will not ensure salvation to eternity.

  1. The problem with salvation by good works is that badness or sin or evil corrupts the whole man and completely affects all.

  1. A sinner’s righteousness is not the means of a eternal righteousness; however, it does not mean we should ever chose the wrong; that is, let us always do right but the level of Christ’s unified work is the sole ground on how we become right with God the Father.

  1. Masons do not write about an afterlife punishment.

  1. There is an afterlife punishment in eternal torment.

  1. Secrecy of vows can lead to religious corruption.

  1. The breaking of particular vows is death; however, it should not be death but the whole network of Masonry must change.

  1. To be acceptable before the one true God of Israel Masons must remake Masonry into an authentic religion of the Christian faith.

  1. Black people are not allowed to join Masonic lodges but Prince Hall Masonry; however, such a strange separation is reason for reform and evidence of a kind of Mormonism in placing the figurative curse of Cain in prohibiting black membership.

Volume 5:

A Study of Greek and Russian Orthodoxy

  1. The Orthodox Church was right to reject the false Virgin Mary as the Soul of the Holy Spirit as the “fourth person.”

  1. The Spirit precedes from the Father and the Son,

  1. It is okay for those who will be born again to wait for it as I did; that is, Keith Green mentioned in a human expression that it is God’s fault that you are not spiritually alive; however, it does not mean God erred; that is, Green is using what is known as anthropomorphic language (i.e., “a human expression”).

Volume 6:

A Study of Association for Research and Enlightenment

  1. Revelation came through Edgar Cayce; however, the new Bible is the sole special revelation.

  1. The divine Scriptures are like any other religious book; however, the Bible is unequaled.

  1. The Bible can be apprehended through Cayce’s psychic reading; however, the understanding of the Bible comes from study and the Spirit of God.

  1. The Trinity symbolizes the threeness in man’s nature: body, soul and spirit; however, the Bible does not mean the Trinity as a symbolism; that is, the immaterial is the spirit and the material is the body.

  1. Jesus was not God in the flesh; however, the Bible teaches otherwise.

  1. The reason Jesus was the Christ; he had the Christ consciousness entered him; the soul returned to God; the person of Jesus lived many lives ago and other teachers.  This is wrong by the fact that God the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

  1. He rose from the dead because power of Cayce’s pantheistic God; however, in my book That Very Foundation it refers to the Trinitarian nature in taking part of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. Man is the extension of God; however, man is really a totally depraved creature.

  1. The soul lives as different people in reincarnation; however, in my book That Very Foundation it proves resurrection over reincarnation.

  1. Sin is a lack of attunement; however, the nature of man is total ruinness before God.

  1. Salvation is not through Christ but health and wellness of mind and body; however, spiritual salvation is through the Lord Christ but it does not mean to improperly abuse yourself but it is good to be healthy and well.

  1. One does not have to accept Christ: it is not essential; however, the Bible does not mean us to reject the Inherent Christ but to give up our rights.

  1. To be absorbed into the spirit of God and stopping of reincarnation; however, the ultimate fulfillment is to see the face of God.

  1. The way sin is dealt with is through karma and reincarnation; however, the Bible teaches that sin is to be dwelt with by repentance by the Spirit of God through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. Smoking is healthy in moderation; however, if the body is the temple of God, why should we abuse it with a cancer causing instrument?  Maybe if enough people pray, God will grant smoking that is actually good for you and the environment.

  1. Through telepathic ways one can transfer their thoughts and move objects through telekinesis; however, the Bible speaks of prayer not a force.

  1. People are co-creators with God; however, man procreates but he is not God; that is, only God can create out of nothing; however, like the Queen of Narina (who symbolizes Satan) she can appear to do it but in reality she does not have the power.

Volume 7:

A Study of Atheism and Agnosticism

  1. Some atheists reject the historical existence of our Lord Jesus Christ; however, it is a double malice; that is, in double malice they accept his existence in secret while denying it in public or openly; in this way, they name the name of Christ the Lord.

  1. Atheism and Agnosticism is a religion; because it is as dogmatic as religion is; however, it states with the same passion that God does not exist.

  1. The group of the false prophet and the secret Antichrist is the essence of Malice Atheism and Malice Agnosticism that is grounded in Satanism.

  1. Atheistic and Agnostic Determinism is not a process of lawful determination but through an unlawful self-determination it yields to a hidden Satanism; however, I am convinced that these apostles of blind determinism are “believers” of another sort; that is, they really know that Satan exists and have had personal encounters with him; however, their acceptance of Satan is their denial of God but there denial of God is their recognition of His existence.

  1. Those of the pre-converted elect in Atheism and Agnosticism can keep the name Atheist, because Polycarp was known as an Atheist who believed God; that is, he did not submit to the foreign gods of Caesar; however, let not any of us be persuaded with Agnosticism except by not knowing Satan.

  1. Satanic Atheism through religious eclecticism under Romanism caused the secret and hidden Antichrist who shall be slain by the crushing coming of the Lord Christ Inherent.

  1. All of false religious eclecticism as its basic level is atheism.

Volume 8:

A Study of Counterfeit Reformed and Arminian Theology

  1. A disgrace of our day in an age of disunity is between God’s people in Reformed and Arminian Theology.

  1. Reformed theology should be known as that which adheres to monergism; that is, monergism refers to a complete work of the Spirit in producing faith and applying the work of Christ alone while the sinner remains passive.

  1. Arminian theology should be known as that which adheres to synergism; that is, synergism refers to a cooperative grace by God the Spirit with man and his free will; however, through his cooperation he attains to faith.

  1. Reformed Baptists and Reformed Presbyterians must set the example and unite together to be a type of Another Andrew that is first called to Christ the Inherent Lord.

Volume 9:

A Study of Universalism and Evangelism Universalism

  1. According to universalism, the Lord Jesus Christ died for every human person regardless of acceptance of the Explicit Christ.

  1. According to evangelical universalism, the Lord Jesus Christ died for every human person but can be rejected through their free willism.

  1. According to limited atonement, the Lord Jesus Christ chose few while there will be an innumerable multitude nonetheless.

  1. According to evangelical universalism, the Lord Jesus Christ has the same outcome of limited atonement but denies the approved means of particular redemption.

  1. It can be reconciled through the truth of definite atonement by the verses that speak of the many; however, broad statements should be looked at as “every one of the elect” or “the world of the elect.”  The broad statement begins first and narrows to the particular, while, the opposite is true for the other: the broad is stated while the broad gets broader; however, the former is true over the latter.

  1. The innumerable multitude is a living artifact of God’s sovereign grace.

Volume 10:

A Study of Statism, Law, Victimization and Democracy

  1. The ultimate pursuit of the atheists is a world of statism.

  1. Statism is when the state becomes God and is obeyed as such.

  1. The ultimate pursuit of liberalism is statism.

  1. The friends of statism are Nazism, socialism and communism; that is, it is alien to a freedom-adoring democracy.

  1. Those who hold to democracy are against statism.

  1. Statism is the ultimate governmental-religious-perversion.

  1. Statists name the name of Christ; however, it is though the state has become the ultimate authority; that is, by implicit words they turn Christ on its head with the state.

  1. Statism is the ultimate-antichrist-hypocrisy concerning religion and government.

  1. Lovers of a freedom-guiding democracy hate statism, because the state gains the power of God and the real God is dishonored by a lawless pursuit of atheism.

  1. Those who blow up the twin-towers and those behind them were secret Statists from the high priests of liberalism and a judiciary sold-out to unlawful law.

  1. In the way the judiciary was sold-out to unlawful law is the degradation of religious and family values and striping the dollar bill of God and all landmarks of divine law and gathering of prayer.

  1. The Obama administration has sought to strip all hospitals of religious symbols; however, what will be next? Maybe they will take away the saintly names of hospitals; that is, the idea of the separation of church and state has gone too far.

  1. The Bible is all about doing the right thing before God and man; that is, fear God and obey His commandments in its proper context; the church is a house of learning under the instruction of well-learned and experienced teachers and preachers.

  1. The separation of church and state is proper in executing the law in this: that the church no longer (as in past times) has the right to execute heretics as criminals; however, the basis of law is divine law and without this fundamental foundation there would be no law and order in terms of the civil magistrate.

  1. The separation of church and state is not proper in this way: without God and His commandments society will have a lawless bent in all things, because if it is not God who carries the hearts and minds of people the societal influences will; the problem with this is that there is divine truth that is timeless and changeless but with societal influences truth changes like the change of day into night.

  1. The separation of church and state should be taken as far as a religious democracy will take it apart from a religious theocracy.

  1. A religious theocracy is something like ancient Israel; however, we do not endorse a religious theocracy but only concerning heaven under the Almighty Kings (that is, the Three Divine Kings).

  1. Church impacts the thought life of everyday people.

  1. Church impacts what comes out of the mouth of everyday people.

  1. Church impacts the deeds of everyday people.

  1. A society that does not have a divine corrective in doing what is right will have more overall problems that touches family, moral and relational experiences.

  1. Law enforcement is a civil corrective for human behavior but the judiciary is something that applies and executes the law through a legal procedure.

  1. Victims who testified of the harm against them in court should receive compensation for that additional trauma.

  1. The reasoning of not letting it happen to someone else methodology was turned on its head in a sense; that is, though it is right to state it was used at the expense of the victim to suffer again in their pain in court by rehashing what happened.

  1. At the religious discrimination court case, it was demonstrated that the bad first experience in High School Basketball was defeated by the worseness of the court case.

  1. The pursuit of the serpent-like lawyers for the reasoning of not letting it happen to someone else was the means where the victim would become the victim again (and maybe those who favored that it should be done also) but to his or her harm!

  1. Victims should no longer testify for the crimes done against them because of additional trauma (i.e., the religious discrimination court case where I testified) but the doctors who have them under their care should testify because of their known personal knowledge and expertise in helping their patient.

  1. The people who should testify for the victim are approved nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, pastors and law enforcement with training in trauma.

  1. Approved nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, pastors and law enforcement with training in trauma are the ingredients to helping the victim.

  1. The victim should receive prayer, guidance and those who can help can get them started at what they love to do before the case begins in court; that is, do not wait for it to be over but begin to support them in simply what they love to do (i.e., I love the Reformed Baptist marriage, eldership, Chaplainship, professorship, publishing books, online ministry, home life, and hobbies).

  1. If God is taken out of our worldview, all things are permissible.

  1. If God is kept in our worldview based on the correct understanding of the Bible, all things will fall into place.

Volume 11:

A Study of Jehovah’s Witnesses
  1. Remember Trinitarianism is not Modalism; that is, the distinctions of the Godhead in Modalism are taken away but with Trinitarianism it is established.

  1. The Three Self-Existent are alone worthy of prayer.

  1. The Holy Spirit is a divine person; that is, to study it, read my books, The Holy Spirit Controversy, and O Come Divine Comforter.

  1. At one time in the history of Jehovah’s Witness it was allowed to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ: this has been true and always and with the Spirit Divine also.

Volume 12:

A Study of the Way International

  1. The Bible is not filled with errors because alterations in the text like chapter breaks; however, there is some adjustments on chapter breaks but not errors.

  1. The New Bible will be the original manuscripts and it is agreed they are without error.

  1. The entire Bible is authoritative and it is addressed to the local church.

  1. God the Father is not the only true God; that is, the Son is the one true God and the Spirit is the one true God also.

  1. It is a lie to say that in the initial three centuries of the Christian Church were not Trinitarians; that is, the church was always Trinitarian.

  1. The Triune God always existed and was proclaimed implicitly in the Old Testament, and explicitly in the New Testament; however, it did not come from paganism.

  1. The explicit meaning of the Trinity was always taught in light of the New Testament, and through the New Testament we can understand the Old Testament; that is, Trinitarianism is God-breathed truth as a real concept of the Bible.

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ existed before His birth in Bethlehem by virtue of His pre-incarnate appearances in Old Testament history; however, no one else existed before their birth like the Lord Jesus Inherent.

  1. All human beings existed in God’s foreknowledge; however, the Lord Jesus Christ existed before His birth by virtue of the self-existence of God the Son.

  1. The Bible never had it tampered with concerning the deity of the Eternal Son; that is, there is no true evidence to that affect of the manuscripts we have.

  1. The Book of Hebrews is an awesome example of the self-existent deity of the Lord Jesus Inherent; however, to claim it as merely a formal title is alien to the hermeneutical understanding of the Word of God.

  1. Thomas called Jesus his Lord and God; that is, it is one of the strongest evidences for

  1. The Virgin Mary brought her first born Son; that is, the Holy Spirit overshadowed her but without natural means.

  1. The only one who could have redeemed us is God in human flesh; that is, without the deity of the Lord Jesus redemption would be impossible.

  1. The sinlessness of the Lord Jesus is from His sacred humanity and deity.

  1. The Lord Jesus rose on a Sunday; that is, every Sunday is resurrection Sunday.

  1. The Holy Spirit is not God the Father; that is, the Father and the Spirit are two distinct persons yet co-equal.

  1. The Holy Spirit is not a mere force but He is a divine person.

  1. The Holy Spirit is not a mere influence but a true divine person.

  1. Tongues are not a sign of the Holy Spirit; that is, it is a past cessation.

  1. Man does not have a threefold nature; that is, man has a spirit and a body.

  1. The soul life is not in the blood; however, our lives subsist by the Spirit of God.

  1. The spirit of man is not part of God; however, the spirit is a creature while God has the power of being in and of Himself.

  1. The fall of man did not lose his own spirit; however, because of the fall we became servants of sin and Satan.

  1. The Spirit of God is not born with someone; however, we live and move and have our being by His power.

  1. The doctrine of soul sleep is alien to absent from the body is at home with the Lord.

  1. The thief on the Cross was with Jesus in heaven as He said, “Today ye shall be with me in paradise.”

  1. The final reward of a Christian is not only to be with Jesus but to see the face of God and worship Him forever.

  1. There were times Joseph in the Old Testament did not prosper; that is, Joseph is a type of Jesus but the Lord Jesus lived His ministry in poverty.

  1. During suffering Christians should be content with the comforting, strengthening and encouragement of the Holy Spirit.

  1. Abraham and Job were men that prospered, but God used it to have them grow deeper with Him; however, He also sent suffering to Abraham in sacrificing his on; that is, it points us to the greatest offering: the Lord Jesus Christ Inherent.

  1. The forsakenness of Jesus on the Cross is an essential doctrine of the Christian faith.

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ was crucified between two, and He was the center.

  1. The Lord ’s Prayer is meant for Christians.

  1. There is no evidence for the Aramaic New Testament but only a Greek New Testament.

  1. If faith alone is embraced but it is done with the deity of the Eternal Son, it is worthless.

Volume 13:

A Study of the United Pentecostal Church

  1. Modalism denies the distinctions of the Godhead; that is, the Jesus only doctrine is false; however, when Luther spoke of Christ Alone it did not deny the Trinity but it spoke of the unified work of Christ in His life and death.

  1. Trinitarianism does not led to Tritheism; that is, only if it is in the understanding of the biblical Trinity.

  1. The Reformed doctrine in the Westminster and London Confessions about the Trinity is a true expression of Bible dogma.

  1. The Orthodox early fathers taught Trinitarianism.

  1. Oneness Theology does not teach that Jesus is truly God because it is really God the Father, but Jesus is a mere man in their scheme.

  1. God the Son existed before His conception as Almighty God.

  1. There is some question in my mind of the Oneness teaching of the resurrection of Jesus; that is, how could a mere man rise himself in a bodily sense if the Father is divine and not the Son?

  1. Faith and repentance never saved anyone; that is, only Christ saves.

  1. Water baptism never saved anyone; that is, only the spiritual water of monergism by the distinct Spirit of God.

  1. Speaking in tongues is not evidence of spiritual salvation.

  1. How is it possible that the Oneness Jesus attained spiritual redemption when he is not divine in and of himself but of the Father only?

  1. Someone is either saved or lost; that is, there is no neutrality.

  1. Spiritual salvation is the work of the Lord Jesus Christ alone not a self-pursuit of holiness.

  1. It is fine for students to participate in lawful things (apart from UPC standards).

  1. It is fine for women to wear jewelry in modesty.

  1. It is fine for women to wear make up in modesty; that is, I learned from my Grandmother that a face that seems like it has no make-up but is beautiful is acceptable.

Volume 14:

A Study of Urantia Foundation

  1. The Urantia Book (UB) is better replaced with the Holy Bible.

  1. The special revelation of the Holy Bible is infallible and complete for every good work.

  1. The UF denies that Moses wrote the Pentateuch but the UB cites him in their work as an educated man.

  1. The Bible contains no errors whatsoever.

  1. The apostle Paul never misrepresented Jesus’ teachings.

  1. The Bible’s God is not polytheistic.

  1. God the Father is not three more Gods; however, He is one person who is God in the Triune Godhead.

  1. God the Son is not God the Mother.

  1. God the Spirit is not the Paradise Mother.

  1. The biblical Trinity did not have the Mother Spirit but the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as three distinct Members.

  1. God the Son or the Son of God or the Son of Man as our Lord Jesus Christ is the everlasting Almighty: the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity.

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ was not incarnated six different times on different planets.

  1. The Lord Jesus in and of Himself is divine.

  1. Jesus was not conceived through Mary and Joseph.

  1. Jesus fulfilled the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament.

  1. Jesus knew he was the Almighty Messiah.

  1. Jesus was from the seed of David.

  1. Jesus was raised bodily from the tomb.

  1. Jesus after He was bodily raised had the nail prints in His hands and feet.

  1. The corpse of Jesus never disintegrated.

  1. There are not many divine spirits.

  1. The local universe Mother Spirit does not exist and is not equal to the Father or the Son.

  1. The Trinity indwells those of whom He wishes.

  1. Adam and Eve were the first human beings created; that is, Adam from the dust of the earth and Eve from his side.

  1. Adam and Eve committed sin and fell to wickedness.

  1. Sin is man’s major spiritual difficulty.

  1. The ultimate problem with sinners is themselves; however, through the compassion and loving-grace of the Cross sin is dealt with properly.

  1. Human beings are not resurrected after we die.

  1. The intermediate state is those who have died and have a conscious existence in heaven before the last resurrection at the Last Day; however, Elijah and Enoch and Moses and Jesus possess bodies as far as we are told.

  1. The plan of God caused the death of Jesus.

  1. True sacrifice and atonement are instruments of God but never repugnant to God.

  1. No one at birth up to this point was a child of God in redemptive terms; that is, the only way someone becomes a child of God in redemptive terms is by the Spirit of God.

  1. The ultimate reward is not planets or the Thought Adjuster but the face of God.

  1. Heaven is the dwelling place of true Christians.

  1. The statement “true Christians” is a redundancy; that is, what Christian is not a true one, but there are many use wrongfully use the title.

  1. Paradise or Abraham’s bosom is another name for heaven; that is, this is where the thief went to after death by the promise of Jesus.

  1. Spiritual salvation rests on the promises of Jesus.

  1. No one is resurrected on other planets.

  1. No one will be annihilated; that is, the evil will be sent to hell and the good to heaven.

  1. The evil is reprobates.

  1. The good is the elect.

  1. Satan is the devil; Lucifer is the devil; and the Devil is the devil; that is, all are the same person.

  1. Demon possession is around today like the early church.

  1. The Twelve Tribes of Israel is not false.

  1. Jesus founded the Christian church; however, the Reformed churches bound to the Confession are true churches.

  1. No one skin color is inferior to another; that is, all are human.

  1. Mankind should never destroy life of any color or race.

  1. Human beings do not have 48 chromosomes but 46.

  1. The UB plagiarizes others while claiming a divine precedence.

Volume 15:

A Study of the Unification Church

  1. The Bible is infallible and the final authority.

  1. Creation is not part of God.

  1. God by His nature is sexless but chooses a male label for Himself.

  1. Jesus Christ our Lord is equal to God the Father.

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ was God in human flesh.

  1. The Christian Church has not mistakenly said that Jesus is God; that is, Jesus is God by nature.

  1. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary of whom He chose in eternity past.

  1. Zacharias (that is, the father of John the Baptist) is not the father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. If Jesus had a body after His death, wouldn’t a bodily resurrection make the most sense?

  1. The Holy Spirit is not a female spirit; that is, He is described as a He.

  1. Man is totally depraved in and of himself; that is, the only evil force outside him is Satan and his demons and other human beings.

  1. The fall never occurred because of intercourse between Satan and Eve.

  1. The death of our Lord Jesus Christ was the height of His obedience.

  1. Spiritual salvation is not based on works.

  1. Spiritual salvation is not possible through Moon.

  1. Moon does not fulfill the Second Coming.

  1. All death is because of sin.

  1. Not everyone will obtain salvation.

  1. Jesus never failed in His mission.

  1. Moon is not greater then Jesus.

  1. The Third Israel will not be the Koreans.

  1. God does not need to be liberated; that is, He is in perfect and divine harmony with Himself.

  1. No one should use holy salt to sanctify anything.

  1. Trust God alone to match couples together not Moon.

  1. The language of heaven is not the Koreans.

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ does not use channeling.

Volume 16:

A Study of Rosicrucianism

  1. The old saying, all truth is God’s truth; that is, there is truth stated in books besides the Bible but the Bible has no error; however, let us not look to this occult to gain insight into God.
  1. Do not look within for truth but to the Divine Word of God.

  1. How can the Bible not be the Word of God if our Lord Jesus Christ called it unbreakable?

  1. The Bible in its original manuscripts has never been edited or changed.

  1. The Bible is divine; that is, it is holy and scared.

  1. Rosicrucianism is not the answer to comprehend God’s name.

  1. The Spirit of God is not the universal substance.

  1. God alone has the power of being but human beings also exist.

  1. God is not one with everything that is.

  1. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not one “Spirit.”

  1. God cannot be apprehended within man.

  1. How could Jesus not be the Almighty Son of God if He is self-existent?

  1. How could Jesus not be supernaturally born of a virgin if the New Testament states that He was born miraculously?

  1. How could Jesus be incarnated before His birth when He is the only-begotten Son of God?

  1. The ultimate obedience of Jesus is the Cross of Christ.

  1. Jesus’ title was “Christ.”  That is, it was not His last name.

  1. Human beings do not have three bodies.

  1. Jehovah is not a highly evolved angel.

  1. How could everyone exist before birth if they are not self-existent?

  1. Man and God are not from the same nature.

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not teach Rosicrucianism.

  1. Jesus did not rescue rebirth.

  1. In terms of eternity, reward goes to true Christians but punishments goes to true reprobates.

  1. There is election for the elect and reprobation for the damned.

  1. Pain and disease will always exist in lesser or greater terms depending on God’s providence; however, according to the postmillennial hope there will be advances in science.

  1. The unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit is not “sex energy” but it is something that which God will not pardon; however, for the eternal reprobate no sin is pardoned.

Volume 17:

A Study of the New Age Movement

  1. Monism refers to the fact that all is of the same spiritual make-up and the oneness of all; however, God is superlatively holy but man is totally unrighteous.

  1. Pantheism refers to the belief that all is God; that is, it is against the teaching of one God and three distinct persons.

  1. Reincarnation is basically a cycle of rebirth but resurrection is better to believe.

  1. Enlightenment is better understood as the illumination of God the Spirit when reading the Word of God and in diligent study.

  1. Spiritism is false; that is, it speaks of contacting the dead and extraterrestrial life; however, it is better to pray to God alone.

  1. Everything that is, is not divine.

  1. Jesus is not the master of eastern mysticism.

  1. Every human being is not a God-man but only Jesus by nature.

  1. New Agers say that evil does not exist; however, have you not seen murders and rapes in society?

  1. It is better to resist evil then to submit to it.

  1. God and Satan are not the same source; that is, they are opposites.

  1. Would any argue that murder is the same as life?  The Lord rebuke you if you would argue its acceptability!

  1. There is no karmic destiny before incarnation; however, God purposes those He wishes to be born at His timing.

  1. The early church honestly taught resurrection not reincarnation.

  1. Crystals should never be used to cause anything to come to pass.

  1. No one is divine by nature; that is, how could evolution do anything especially cause us to be divine?

Volume 18:

A Study of Christadelphians

  1. The Trinity is omnipresent; how could God be anything less?

  1. The Trinity is a true doctrine.

  1. The Trinity is not pagan but of the Bible.

  1. God the Father is the one true God, but also the Son and the Spirit.

  1. How could God not exist before His birth?

  1. If Jesus did not preexist, what was He doing with God?

  1. Jesus is not divine by grace but by nature.

  1. Jesus never had a sinful desire.

  1. The Father’s nature did not make Jesus divine but Jesus was divine in and of Himself.

  1. The Holy Spirit is a divine person; how could a spirit be anything else but living?

  1. Man has an immaterial soul.

  1. Man is conscious after he dies in heaven or hell.

  1. Satan is a personal being.

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of God’s elect people alone.

  1. How could spiritual salvation be works righteousness if our sins are tainted with sin?

  1. How could water baptism be necessary for salvation?

  1. How could there be annihilations if God created life?

  1. There is a real place as heaven.

  1. No one can be made a God.

Volume 19:

A Study of the Christian Identity Movement

  1. Being white is not a precondition to heaven.

  1. All human beings by nature are enemies of God but the Jew can come to faith by the Spirit of God and His Most Blessed Word.

  1. The natural descendants of the Patriarchs will not necessary gain eternal life because it comes down to who the Spirit brings to faith from every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

  1. The white race not the sole elect race but people from every color, language, and nation.

  1. Mixes races are not necessarily bad depending if love is true but the Bible says to stay in our own tribe by way of recommendation.

  1. Jewish people can believe if the Spirit brings them to faith; that is, the apostles were Jewish and gained spiritual salvation.

  1. The Israelites were Jewish people and the Jewish people were Israelites.

  1. The promise land meaning is not directly the United States of America but it is okay in a figurative sense to label it by way of extension.

  1. If you do not like what the Bible says, do not change the Bible but yourself.

Volume 20:

A Study of the Mind Science Cults

  1. The mind science cults are Christian Science, Religious Science and the Unity School of Christianity.

  1. Sin is not real in mind science cults; however, the Bible says that sin is real and will take you to hell if left unchanged.

  1. Sickness is also not real in mind science cults; however, the Bible says that sickness is real because of sin.

  1. Death and evil does not exist in mind science cults; however, the Bible says death and evil are real because of sin.

  1. God is not personal but impersonal.

  1. God is not “all within all” but He is separate from His creation.

  1. The material world is real and not an illusion.

  1. Jesus was merely a just man; however, the Bible says He is God.

  1. Jesus is seen as a divine idea; however, the Bible says He is a real divine person.

  1. Jesus is alleged to be the higher self in everything.

  1. Jesus is not considered the Christ; however, the Bible speaks of Jesus as the Inherent Christ of the Blessed One.

  1. It is taught that Jesus did not suffer and die; however, the Bible says Jesus died and suffered on the Cross.

  1. It is taught that Jesus did not resurrect Himself; however, the Bible speaks of Jesus’ own power raising Him from the dead.

  1. The own particular cults in mind science is considered by themselves as the best possible in knowledge and spirituality.

  1. The Trinity is real but not simply roles.

  1. Heaven and hell really exists as separate places and they do not reside in our minds.

  1. The Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is considered a real thing but not something else to do with the mind.

Volume 21:

A Study of the Church Universal and Triumphant

  1. How can the Bible be filled with errors if it is the Word of God?

  1. The past writings of the disciples of the Lord Jesus were not lost, destroyed or intentionally thrown away.

  1. The Bible does not teach esoteric teaching.

  1. The Lord Jesus did not go to India.

  1. The Gnostic Gospels do not provide accurate information about our Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. God is revealed in Three distinct persons; however, God is not monism.

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ was indeed God; however, He is better thought as a messenger and a prophet then a disciple but touching His humanity He did grown in wisdom.

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ is the inherent, and one and only Son of God by nature.

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ was greater then Buddha or any avatar.

  1. How could a divine king by nature not be born of a virgin?

  1. The Lord Jesus is the Divine Christ; how could Jesus be anything else?

  1. The ascension story is not inaccurate or incorrect; that is, it is divine truth.

  1. The Holy Spirit is not a flame of God and He does not remove karmic debt.

  1. None of us human beings have a divine spark; that is, Jesus was divine intrinsically.

  1. Sin is not going against laws of the universe; that is, it is what makes man evil.

  1. Man does not have a divine Spirit.

  1. Haven’t we seen reincarnation is not true in other cults?

  1. Human beings are not cleansed by the flame of the Spirit but by the life and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. No one can take on sin like what Jesus accomplished on the Cross.

  1. None of us are Christ by nature but it does not mean that the teaching of believers as little Christs’ is not genuine.

  1. All man-made religion is not a pathway to God; that is, only through the Lord Jesus Christ is the pathway to God the Father.

  1. Do not be won by a religious system but to our Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. No one can make divine decrees but the Trinity alone.

  1. The only inherent Advocate is the Inherent Son and Spirit.

Volume 22:

A Study of “A Course in Miracles”

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ does not directly speak with Schucman.

  1. Revelations are not subjective but objective truth.

  1. The Bible never errs; that is, how can it when it is from God the Holy Spirit?

  1. God does not support monism.

  1. God is not all; that is, pantheism is incorrect.

  1. Nothing is apart of God; that is, panentheism is also incorrect.

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ is not equal with anyone.

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only sacrifice for sins.

  1. The Son of God is not our own true identity.

  1. God the Word as God the Son became flesh; that is, God can understand us in a complete way because Someone in the Godhead took upon flesh.

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ was really a real person; how do you explain the non-Christian people who mention Him?

  1. The Holy Spirit of God was never created.

  1. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins.

  1. No one is spiritually innocent and guiltless.

  1. The ego is said to mistakenly say “sin exists.”  This is false; that is, sin does exist.

  1. God will not punish sin; that is, if there is no sin there is no punishment.

  1. Atonement is recognizing your perfection state and then restoration happens; however, atonement means to appease and forgiveness through our Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. God the Father sent His Eternal Son to die on the Cross.

  1. No one is a sinner; however, how do you explain murder, rape and kidnapping?

  1. The reason of Christ’s atonement was for forgiveness of sin.

  1. How could hell not exist when God sends people there?

  1. Time is not an illusion; that is, it is real: past, present and future.

  1. Space is not an illusion; that is, it is real.

  1. How could the physical world not exist if you are reading this right now?

Volume 23:

A Study of Eckankar

  1. The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad is not the true Scriptures.

  1. God reveals Himself through the divine Word of God.

  1. The Spirit inspired the Word; that is, how could it be filled with error?

  1. How can someone edit God’s Words?

  1. The Eckists do not impart true spiritual knowledge.

  1. Revelation cannot come through dreams in this present day; however, God can work in anyway apart from sin that He pleases.

  1. How can God be an impersonal “it” when He is described in personal terms in the Bible?

  1. Most people think God is not active; however, this is an error: God is always active.

  1. Human beings are not truth itself; that is, only the Inherent Three in One is Truth itself.

  1. Why should you deny a personal Trinity if He is revealed that way in His Word?

  1. If Jesus was equal with the rest of the world’s religious teachers, how could it be that these other religious teachers compare to God Incarnate?

  1. There is one true religion concerning doctrine: it is known as REFORMED THEOLOGY or THE REFORMED FAITH.

  1. The Inherent Savior of mankind is the Inherent Christ.

  1. Jesus was the Word who became flesh.

  1. The Word is not the Sound of God; however, the Word who is Jesus is God.

  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ was not a follower of Eckankar.

  1. If Jesus is Truth itself, how can He not give us understanding?

  1. How can the Spirit be light and sound if He actively inspired the Word of God in the Bible and He spoke directly to St. Phillip in the Book of Acts?

  1. If we are all sparks of God, how can a God be damned?

  1. The nature of man is totally depravity; that is, if you start wrong on the nature of man your whole system will fall apart.

  1. Doesn’t man have a soul and a body?

  1. Man is not five parts but he is spirit and body.

  1. If people have lived a number of times, how could it benefit anyone in light of the fact that not everyone can learn of their past lives?

  1. How could we have lived as an animal or a plant when man is made in the image of God?  Plants and animals are not made in God’s image.

  1. Suffering is not from failure in soul travel but because of sin.

  1. The three that the Bible gives is better: 1.) the lust of the flesh, 2.) the lust of the eyes, and 3.) the pride of life; however, five are deadly passion but the Bible groups them as three.

  1. All desire is not condemnable but only bad ones are wrong.

  1. Soul travel never helped anyone but mental illnesses may be accounted as a chemical imbalance or the wrong ways we think or trauma.

  1. God is not reached through soul travel but through our Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. No one should pursue higher states of consciousness.

  1. Sugmad does not break reincarnation because it does not exist.

  1. Spiritual development is attained by the Spirit of God not a Living Eck Master.

  1. It is true that forgiveness can be prayed in a dishonest way but those who truly call on the LORD will be spiritually saved.

  1. Sanctification (that is, the process of holiness) is better then soul travel.

  1. Only Christ can free us from sin not the Sound of God.

  1. Cycles of rebirth are untrue; haven’t you studied resurrection?

  1. Our ultimate goal should be glorification (that is, perfection).

  1. The astral plane is not heaven or vice-versa.

  1. Singing should not be speculations but the accurate words of God.

  1. Eckankar’s exercises do not bring spiritual prosperity but our Lord Jesus Christ alone by His life and death received by a faith born of God the Spirit and His Word.

  1. The soft spot of a child on its head has nothing to do with spirituality; that is, everything about a little one is development.

  1. Man is not in charge of his own existence; that is, God alone is the One who orders His steps.

Volume 25:

A Study of the Family or the Children of God

  1. Do not trust Mo Letters as your book of spiritual understanding.

  1. The Bible is not outdated opinions of men.

  1. The Bible is not a fallible collection of works.

  1. The Bible is not bigoted spiritual understanding.

  1. The Bible was not written by mistaken men.

  1. Berg’s Mo Letters are not the true teachings of the Bible.

  1. If you reject Berg, you do not reject God.  If you accept Berg, you reject God.

  1. Berg has no authority over the Bible.

  1. God is not the author of the Mo Letters by Berg.

  1. Revelations from God do not come to people when they are dunk as is claimed by Berg.

  1. Berg’s dreams are not from God.

  1. How is pantheism true if God is personal?

  1. The orthodox definition of the Holy Trinity is sound and should not be reject.

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ always existed because He has the power of being in Himself.

  1. The Holy Spirit is not the Mother Goddess; that is, the Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity.

  1. God the Father never engaged in sex with any of His followers; that is, God the Father is spirit and not a man.

  1. God the Son never engaged in sex orgies in heaven; that is, if the godly here on earth seek holiness how much more in heaven?

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ was not created before the world was, but He always existed.

  1. Somehow the Mormon evil of God the Father having sexual relations with the Virgin Mary is also taught by Berg at sometime in the beginning; however, it does not matter how much Satan wants it stated, it will not make it true.

  1. There was no sex between the Virgin Mary and the angel Gabriel; that is, it is at the core the vilest of teachings.

  1. Berg’s visions are from Satan ultimately.

  1. The Lord Jesus never fornicated with a female disciple.

  1. How could Jesus fornicate when the Bible teaches that fornication is a sin against one’s body?

  1. Jesus never caught a venereal disease; that is, why do you speak such blasphemes?

  1. If Berg believes Jesus rose bodily from the dead but denies the sinlessness of the Lord Jesus, he is condemned to hell.

  1. The Holy Spirit is not a sex object or wife of God the Father.

  1. Berg’s travel to heaven is false and of the devil; that is, the Spirit of God never had sex with anyone.

  1. Berg seems to believe that through faith alone in Jesus’ death people can have His righteousness (apart from works); however, the personality of the Holy Spirit is denied through blasphemy against Him.

  1. Law is not a prescription to lawlessness.

  1. Berg is not the final decider of sin; that is, God’s Word is the final decider of what sin is and what not sin is.

  1. There is no second chance after death.

  1. Not everyone will be saved; that is, why would God create hell if no one will go there?

  1. The New Jerusalem is a picture of heaven, but every believer will have access.

  1. Sexual orgies will not be in heaven.

  1. The warnings of Berg are absurd about second-class citizens in heaven.

  1. There is Gospel preached in hell.

  1. There is no purgatory.

  1. No one suffers shame in heaven; that is, shame is from sin and sin is not in heaven.

  1. It sounds like Berg has his followers as The Family as the ultimate melting pot of truth but he is self-deceived.

  1. No one in hell will redemptively learn their lesson.

  1. The only purging is the Cross of Christ.

  1. No one wonders as ghosts on earth.

  1. Satan and demons will never be forgiven.

  1. Evil angels and humans will not be annihilated but kept in hell forever.

  1. God in His providence has provided us with the New American Standard Bible and the English Standard Version but not only the King James Version.

  1. Black and Jewish people are not a curse to the world; that is, both are fully human.

  1. Astrology is not to be embraced.

  1. Sex is abused by Berg and their “sexual sharing.”  It is only meant for marriage.

  1. Profanity is not a pathway to inspiration and should be shunned by us in what we say by our mouths.

  1. Polygamy and adultery are sin, and are instruments of destruction.

  1. Berg’s doctrine is the essence of perversion.

  1. Children should not have sex between themselves.

  1. Teenagers should not have sex between themselves.

  1. At one time Berg adopted incest and child-adult sex.

  1. Orgies are evil and must be rejected.

  1. Berg’s group seeks to seduce strangers and they try to have sex with government officials to gain their support.

  1. Departed spirits do not posses us as Berg claimed.