The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

God's Awesome Grace, Pt 5

We ought to think of Jesus.  If we think of Jesus, we ought to think of pure, holy and undefiled grace.  No one can lose their salvation.  We might fall from grace by sin but we are restored by His grace alone.  The grace of Christ alone saves us.  The grace of Christ sustains His people.  The grace of Christ alone will present us faultless before His glory.  God will see us through no matter what.

We should not cease to believe that grace can save us. If someone falls from grace, they have trusted in something other than God's grace.   We ought to never add something to the grace of God.  If we add something to the grace of God, we have fallen from grace.

Falling from grace is falling into legalism.  Legalism is grace plus something else.  We ought to never add to the Gospel of Grace.  However, we ought to be obedient people to the Ten Commandments.  It will point us to the divine Savior when we fall into sin.  We ought to never practice sin.  We ought to practice repentance unto holiness.  We are not able to keep the letter of the law.  We fail.  We ought to keep the spirit of the law.
We ought not to hate or murder.  However, no sin is beyond the forgiveness of Christ.  If someone receives Jesus as Lord and Savior, they will be radically changed.  We have received Christ as Lord and Savior by faith alone because of God's sovereign Spirit and powerful Word.  When we know Jesus as Lord and Savior, we will forgive everyone of their sins against us.  Forgiveness is the key to living a life of freedom from pain and ill-will.  Some people forgive if the offender has not repented.  Its up to the forgiver to decide if they should forgive everyone or wait until they repent.  I suffered in my life and chose to forgive everyone before they repented because its the most gracious.  This is the spirit of the law. 

God's grace will change hearts. The Spirit of God indwells His people to live a life of godliness and holiness; however, let repentance never be used as an excuse to sin more; that is, Jesus died so we could live holier lives.  Everything is preordained so we would do good works (Ephesians 2:10).  It is spiritual salvation by faith alone unto good works.  We are not saved by good works or performance.  Jesus lived a sinless life so we would not have to earn spiritual redemption.  Legalism will never change our hearts but Jesus will.  However, God's awesome grace provides us with the empowerment to live godly and obey God.  We will not be perfect in this life but we will be people who seek and try to obey God in spirit and in truth.  I think a person has fallen from grace when they add something to God's mercy.  We ought to never add to God's mercy. 

God's grace is so awesome that it is about unconditional election.  That is, He saved us not on the basis of foreseen faith or merit or good works but He saved us by His awesome mercy through Jesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer.  God's grace is particular; that is, it is for His elect alone because they were predestined to eternal salvation through Christ our King.  Everyone who provides the evidence of faith and repentance are of the elect.  God saves us in regeneration; however, some think its water baptism but its simply the Spirit and the Word.  We are given a new heart and Christ's merit in regeneration or effectual calling.  God's grace is preserving; that is, we will always be kept by Christ unto the very end.