The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. It is Jesus' favorite title of Himself. I chosen this title because Jesus loved this title of Himself. We ought to never forget that Jesus is fully God and fully man: two natures in One Person. He is the God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. May we mediate on His life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension that we may be conformed to the image of the divine Son of Man! This blog web site will be a Christian defense of the Reformed doctrines of the Incarnate Son of Man. May all glory be to His name!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

God's Awesome Grace, Pt 4

It is a great thing to have God's grace throughout our lives.  No one's good works will get them into heaven.  No one is worthy of spiritual salvation because of the fall of Adam.  But God's grace was victorious over sin through the shed blood of Jesus Christ at the Cross on Calvary.  That is, Jesus offered the only way of spiritual salvation.  However,  before God came into our lives we were spiritual dead people. 

The Holy Spirit had to breath life into our lives or we could not stand for God.  We were dead in our transgressions and sins.  We lived in the corruption of the flesh under Satan who works in the disobedient.  We are dead men walking before grace came into our lives.  Grace is all-sufficient and all-availing.  We were enslaved to sin before we had grace in our lives.   God has the power to overcome sin in our lives through the life and death of Christ alone.  Before grace, no one ever had room for God.  We took part in the sinful nature and followed the passions and lusts of wickedness. 

By nature, we were objects of God's hot displeasure.  We ought to turn and repent to God through Jesus Christ.  Everything changes when we have Jesus in our lives.  It does not mean we do not sin.  It means we turn and repent to God against our sins. 

We are saved by grace alone and we have been raised up with Christ and seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.  We are no longer enslaved to sin, because we are seated in the heavenly realm.  We are freed from the power of sin because of our new position with God.  We were set free when we came to Christ.  Before we came to Christ we were captive to sin, but after we came to Christ we are no longer captive to sin. 

Grace gives us a right standing before God. Grace is the life and death of Christ alone.  It is a Person: Jesus Christ our Righteousness!  We are ambassadors to Christ.   He expressed His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.  He will give us far more grace when we see Him.  We ought to thank and praise God for His grace.  We ought to have right hearts before God and sincerely thank Him for His boundless grace.